
nothing like的四个基本用法

 wwww888 2012-07-07
nothing like 的四个基本用法





There is __________ a hot bath when you are worn out after a busy 


[A] nothing of                    [B] something of

[C] nothing like                  [D] something like 

【答案】 C


【题意】 经过忙忙碌碌一天已疲惫不堪,没有什么比能得上洗个一个热水澡







nothing like  这一词组通常有四个用法:


 1I am told that you have some trouble with your girl friend. 

     —— No, nothinglike that.

      我听说你与女朋友有了麻烦?  —— 不,没有那么回事。


2Nothing like this has ever been encountered before.



  3There is no friendship in them, no particular interest, nothing 

    like sentiment.



  4)There is nothing like this in ancient Chinese sculpture because of different

        social attitudes.


  5Nothing like enough was done to improve the working conditions.





  1She looks nothing like her elder sister.



  2The whole thing is nothing like what he related to us.



  3Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers 

     at my Junior High School.


  4Marriage is nothing like a wedding.


  5He found that his hometown was nothing like what it was when he 

     was a small  boy.



“没有什么能比得上……”、“ 没有比……更……的”, 多用于 there 

   is nothing like......句式中,表示否定比较概念。


  1)There is nothing like home.


  2There's nothing like wool for keeping you warm.


  3There's nothing like seeing things with one's own eyes.



  4In my opinion, in summer there is nothing like swimming as a 

     means of keeping fit.


  5There is nothing like a good cry to get all your griefs out of          your mind.



  6Well, I suppose there is nothing like an occasional setback to 

     make you realize how lucky you really are.


  7There's nothing like the fresh,sharp pain of a love breakup.   




  “远远不如”、“绝对不如”, 用于 nothing like as/so …… as 

     …… 句式中


  1The reading comprehension test is nothing like as difficult 

     as you described.、


  2Her cooking is nothing like as good as yours.


  3His analysis of the poem is nothing like as penetrating as 



  4The operation was persformed in half a hour. To my astonishment 

     it was nothing  like as painful as I had expected.




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