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 sofes 2012-07-08
The latest version of Guichan is 0.8.2. The GIT contains a development branch which will eventually become version 0.9.0. Note that Guichan major versions are not backward compatible. If you need another version then 0.8 of Guichan you cannot use the latest release. If you use 0.8.1, it's perfectly fine to upgrade to 0.8.2.
Guichan 0.8.2 released!
This is a minor release focused on bug fixes and it can be found in the Downloads section. This release is binary compatible with the 0.8 branch.
Guichan on Gitorious
The Guichan source is now found on http:///guichan where we use Git as our version control system. It has never been easier to contribute code to Guichan, just clone our repository and start coding!
Sorry for the forum downtime!
Due to a big change in Sourceforge's setup our forum, as well as the login function for this wiki, has been down for a couple of days. We apologize for the downtime. Hopefully everything will run smoothly from now on.

Many thanks go to ACDS2 for helping getting our forum back online!

Guichan 0.8.1 released!
This is a minor release and fixes a soname problem and addresses a couple of GCC 3.4.2 issues. Add ons are now also called contribs and can be found in the main API.

The latest Guichan release can be found in the Downloads section.

Guichan 0.8.0 released!
The new version of Guichan contains two new widgets for creating tabs, the TabbedArea widget and the Tab widget. The support for HGE has been improved along with the API documentation. Also, new listeners have been added such as the WidgetListener used for listening for changes from widgets (such as visibility) and the SelectionListener for listening for selections. As always a number of bugs have been fixed.

Perhaps a little bit more interesting is that the demos needed no changes to work out of the box with the 0.8.0 release. Finally the API is actually stabilising.

The latest Guichan release can be found in the Downloads section.

Slackware 12.0 package for Guichan 0.7.1 available
Platyna made a Slackware 12.0 package for Guichan 0.7.1 that is available for download in the Downloads section.

Thanks Platyna!

Guichan 0.7.1 released!
The last release lacked to source for the add ons, the HGE support and the OpenLayer support. In the 0.7.1 release the source has been included.

The latest Guichan release can be found in the Downloads section.

Guichan 0.7.0 released!
The new version of Guichan contains support for the library OpenLayer and experimental support for the library HGE. As users have had many problems related to binary incompatibility with DLLs we are not going to provide pre-compiled binaries anymore. From now on users are encourage to compile Guichan themselves either by making DLLs and library files or by simply including the source of Guichan in to the project using Guichan.

As usual there is a complete Change log and the latest Guichan release can be downloaded in the Downloads section.

Website wiki powered
We changed our website today to be wiki powered by WikiMedia. Anyone who registers will be able to edit most parts of this website. We hope this will encourage our community to take part in the process of writing documentation for Guichan.
Guichan now uses subversion and a new mailing list has been added
As of today Guichan uses subversion as it's version control. With the migration to subversion a new mailing list has been added, the guichan-svn r list. Add yourself as a subscriber if you want to receive notifications about SVN commits.
Guichan 0.6.1 released!
This is a very minor release which fixes inclusion of OpenGL headers on Macintosh and removes a couple of unnecessary container functions from Widget.

A complete change log can found here and as usual the demos have been updated to work with the latest Guichan version and all downloads are found in the downloads section.

Guichan 0.6.0 released!
This release comes with a major update, events are now present in Guichan. With the events Guichan has changed the way input is handled. You can read all about events and how input is distributed in the event document.

As of Guichan 0.6.0, among all MSVC versions only MSVC version 8 is supported. Guichan should still compile with older versions but binaries are not supplied any longer. For all of you with an older MSVC version who are thinking about updating I can suggest downloading the free Visual Studio Express.

To make it easier to migrate from the previous version, 0.5.0, a migration document has been compiled.

A complete change log can found here and as usual the demos have been updated to work with the latest Guichan version and all downloads are found in the downloads section.

New site design
To inspire the dev-team (and others as well) to make documentation for Guichan we have made a total new site design. We hope you enjoy it. If you have any suggestions for improvements please feel free to make a post in our forum.
XMLGuichan repository
Quard, the author of XMLGuichan, informs that he has recently moved his project to Google code. It can now be found here.
Guichan 0.5.0 for VC8 has been added to the releases
As some of you have noticed, Microsoft don't have compatibility between different versions of VC. Thanks to quard Guichan can now be downloaded for VC 8. With the newly added release, the old windows releases have changed name in order to keep consistency with the naming of files.
Version 0.5.0 released!
It's been a while since the last release, and much has changed (maybe this release even should be named 0.6.0...). Among all the changes there are two major improvements. The way Guichan handles images has been changed, it should now be easier to extend Guichan with new backends handling graphics. The container interface has been changed, it should now be easier to make new container widgets. As usual, many small improvements from the community have been added as well as many bug fixes.

To learn about the new image interface we strongly suggest users of Guichan to look at the updated examples in the source package.

As of this release DevPaks and binaries for MSVC 6 are not supported. The reasons for these decisions are the following: DevPaks simply don't work as the DevPaks available in the community aren't very well updated, if we were to supply DevPaks we would have to not state any dependencies which makes DevPak almost equal to a MinGW package; MSVC 6 is very old and outdated, and supporting MSVC 6 as well as MSVC 7 and above means a lot of extra work as the binaries produced by them aren't compatible with each other. If you need MSVC 6 binaries you'll have to compile them yourself from now on.

Mailing lists for Guichan users and Guichan developers
To speed up the development process and the time it take takes to get a response when having problems with Guichan we now have two mailing lists. They are the guichan-devs list and the guichan-users list.
Guichan in PLD-Linux 2.0
Guichan can now be found in the GNU/Linux dist PLD-Linux 2.0 making the Guichan installation on PLD-Linux easier then ever. Here is a link to the PLD-Linux's homepage.
Slackware package is now available
Thanks to Platyna (and the Mana World guys) a Slackware package for Guichan 0.4.0 is now available.
Forum repaired
We have migrated the forum database over to a newer version of MySQL, as well as updated and reconfigured the forum. This should hopefully make the forum run much smoother.
Guichan package in Sourcemage Gnu/Linux
A Guichan package is now available in Sourcemage GNU/Linux. This is the second GNU/Linux dist (that I know of) with Guichan.
Version 0.4.0 released!
Modal focus is the biggest new feature in this latests release of Guichan. Lots of bugs have been fixed and the ImageFont class can now use images with several rows of glyphs.
Guichan in Gentoo portage
As of today, Guichan can be found in Gentoo's portage making the Guichan installation on Gentoo easier then ever. Also, there is a rumour that Guichan might be added into Debian. Here is a link to the Guichan ebuild description at http://packages..
Version 0.3.0 released!
And yet another new version of Guichan! This release contains the things we didn't have time to include in the 0.2.0 release. Also a new widget, the window widget, joins the Guichan widget family. See the ChangeLog for further details on changes. To celebrate the joining of window, the sdlwidgets screenshot is updated with, you guessed it, a window!
Hello SourceForge!
As you might have noticed, Guichan is now hosted by SourceForge. Hopefully, this will improve accessibility and availability. We are now waiting for the SourceForge staff to migrate our old CVS repository to SourceForge, and then everything will get back to normal.
Debian package is now available
Bertram has made a debian package for guichan 0.2.0.
New font added to the ImageFont collection
holomorph has submitted a new font called papyrus_32 to the ImageFont collection. Thank you holomorph!
Version 0.2.0 released!
Here comes a new version of Guichan! This could be seen as a "half release" of sorts, there were some things we would have liked to put in this release, but didn't. We felt it was more important to get a new version out before Christmas, as a lot of bugs had been fixed. See the ChangeLog for further details.

Big thanks goes to Thorbj?rn Lindeijer and the rest of the "The Mana World"-team for helping in finding bugs, and suggesting API improvements (that you probably will see implemented in 0.3.0)

Gui-chan wishes everyone happy holidays. She also announces that Olof and Per will take a few weeks break from programming while they visit their folks at home to eat themselves fat on free food before the next semester starts.

A #guichan IRC channel on EFnet
As more and more people occasionally join our ordinary darkbits irc channel, we have decided to start a channel dedicated to Guichan. If you like to talk about Guichan, join #guichan at EFnet.
Daily CVS snapshot download available for testing
As of today, our server makes a daily CVS snapshot at midnight (local time GMT+1) of the Guichan repository. It can be broken any time, but it might be fun to peek at new features of Guichan like our new border support. The snapshot can be found in the downloads section.
Forum problems fixed and a new font
A problem with MySQL broke the forum, it is now fixed, or at least we hope so. Also, Terin has submitted a nice font for our ImageFont collection.
SDL Hello World tutorial
An SDL Hello World tutorial about the sdlhelloworld.cpp example has been added to the documentation.
Guichan 0.1.0 released and a new Demo!
To download the new Guichan go to downloads where you'll also find the new demo showing an FPS like menu system with Guichan on top of OpenGL.
Added an ImageFont tutorial in the docs
I have just added an ImageFont tutorial, hopefully it will clear some questions regarding the ImageFont image format.

We plan to release a new version of Guichan really soon with some major updates. I wouldn't be surprised if it's up for download by this time tomorrow.

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