

 舍言11 2012-07-19

 rack ones brains   
 rack up   
 rail at   
 rail in   
 rail off   
 rain cats and dogs   
 rain in   
 rain or shine   
 rain out   
 rainy day   
 raise ( ones ) eyebrows   
 raise the roof   
 rather than   
 rattle/reel off   
 rattle through   
 rave about   
 reach for   
 read between the lines   
 read into   
 read out of   
 read sb . s mind   
 read up   
 ready for   
 reckon on   
 reckon with   
 reconciled to   
 recover from   
 refer to   
 refer to … as   
 refine ( up ) on   
 reflect ( up ) on   
 refrain from   
 regain ones feet   
 regard … as   
 regardless of   
 relate to   
 elative to   
 relieve of   
 rely ( up ) on   
 remind of   
 resort to   
 respond to   
 responsible to/for   
 rest assured   
 rest ( up ) on   
 restrain … from   
 restrict to   
 rest up   
 rest with   
 result from   
 result in   
 return the compliment   
 rich in   
 right away   
 right now   
 ring down   
 ring in   
 ring out   
 ring up   
 rip off   
 rip out   
 rip up   
 rise in the world   
 rise to the occasion   
 rob … of   
 roll back   
 roll in   
 roll out   
 roll out the red carpet   
 roll up   
 root out   
 rope in/into   
 rough it   
 rough up   
 round about   
 round off   
 round ( up ) on   
 round out   
 round up   
 rub along   
 rub down   
 rub it in   
 rub off   
 rub out   
 rub up   
 rub up against   
 rule out   
 run across   
 run after   
 run against   
 run along   
 run around   
 run away/off   
 run away with   
 run back over   
 run circle around/runrings around   
 run down   
 run for   
 run in   
 run into   
 run into the ground   
 run off   
 run on   
 run out   
 run out of   
 run out on   
 run over   
 run through   
 run to   
 run to earth/ground   
 run true to form   
 run up   
 run up against   
 run up to   
 rush through

 sack in/ out   
 safe and sound   
 sail in   
 sail into   
 sail under false colors   
 salt away   
 satisfied with   
 save face   
 save ones breath   
 save ones neck/skin   
 save the day/situation   
 save up   
 say no ( to )   
 say nothing of   
 say sth . between ones teeth   
 scarcely … when   
 scare off/away   
 scare up   
 score off   
 score up   
 scornful of   
 search for   
 search out   
 seat oneself   
 second thoughts   
 second to   
 second to none   
 see about   
 see after   
 see eye to eye   
 see/think fit   
 see into   
 see off   
 see out   
 see over   
 see the light   
 see through   
 see to   
 see to it   
 seeing that   
 seek after   
 seek out   
 seize ( up ) on   
 seize up   
 sell out   
 sell up   
 send away   
 send away for   
 send down   
 send for   
 send forth   
 send in   
 send off   
 send on   
 send out   
 send up   
 send word   
 serve as   
 serve out   
 serve sb . right   
 serve ones time   
 serve up   
 set about   
 set against   
 set apart   
 set aside   
 set back   
 set down   
 set eyes on   
 set fire to   
 set foot in/on   
 set forth   
 set forward   
 set free   
 set in   
 set off   
 set ( up ) on   
 set on fire   
 set on foot   
 set ones heart ( up ) on   
 set ones mind to/on   
 set out   
 set sail   
 set to   
 set up   
 settle accounts with   
 settle down   
 settle for   
 settle in   
 settle on   
 settle up   
 settle with   
 sew up   
 shake down   
 shake off   
 shake up   
 shape up   
 share in   
 share out   
 shell out   
 ship off   
 shoot down   
 shoot out   
 shoot up   
 short and sweet   
 short of   
 shoulder to shoulder   
 shout down   
 show in/out   
 show off   
 show round   
 show up   
 shrug off   
 shuffle off   
 shut away   
 shut down   
 shut in   
 shut off   
 shut ones eyes / ears to   
 shut out   
 shut up   
 shy away / off   
 shy of   
 sick of   
 side by side   
 side with   
 sigh for   
 sign away   
 sign in   
 sign off   
 sign on   
 sign out   
 sign up   
 similar to   
 sing out   
 single out  

 sink / soak in   
 sit about / around   
 sit back  

 sit by   
 sit down   
 sit for   
 sit in   
 sit in on   
 sit on   
 sit out   
 sit through   
 sit tight   
 sit up   
 sit with   
 size up   
 skate on thin ice   
 skeleton in the closet   
 sketch out   
 skim through   
 skip off / out   
 skip over   
 slap down   
 slap in the face   
 sleep off   
 sleep on   
 slide over   
 slip away   
 slip by   
 slip into   
 slip of the pen   
 slip of the tongue / lip   
 slip off   
 slip on   
 slip through ones fingers   
 slip up   
 slow burn   
 slow down   
 slow up   
 slow in ones wits   
 small talk   
 smash up   
 smell of   
 smell out   
 smile at   
 smile on   
 smile through ones tears   
 smoke out   
 smooth away   
 smooth down   
 smooth out   
 smooth over   
 snap at   
 snap ones fingers at   
 snap out of   
 snap up   
 snatch at   
 sneer at   
 sneeze / sniff at   
 sniff out   
 snow under   
 snuff out   
 so as to   
 so far   
 so / as far as   
 so far , so good   
 so long as   
 so much as   
 so much … as   
 so much for   
 so that   
 so … that   
 so to speak / say   
 soak in   
 soak up   
 soften up   
 soldier on   
 some day   
 somehow or other   
 something like   
 something of an event   
 sooner or later   
 sort of   
 sort out   
 sound off   
 sound out   
 space out   
 spark off   
 speak about   
 speak for   
 speak ill of   
 speak of   
 speak ones mind   
 speak to   
 speak up / out   
 speak well of   
 specialize in   
 speed up   
 spell out   
 spill out   
 spill over   
 spin out   
 spirit away / off   
 spit out   
 splash down   
 split second   
 sponge on   
 spread out   
 spring from   
 spring on   
 spring to ones feet   
 spring up   
 spruce up   
 spur on   
 spy into   
 spy on   
 square up   
 square up to   
 square with   
 stab sb . in the back   
 stake out   
 stamp out   
 stand a chance   
 stand against   
 stand aside   
 stand back   
 stand by   
 stand down   
 stand for   
 stand in   
 stand in line   
 stand in with   
 stand off   
 stand on ones own feet   
 stand on ones rights   
 stand ones ground   
 stand out   
 stand over   
 stand to   
 stand to reason   
 stand up   
 stand up for   
 stand up to   
 stare at   
 stare in the face   
 start back   
 start for   
 start from   
 start in   
 start off / out   
 start up   
 start with   
 starve for   
 starve out   
 stay behind   
 stay in   
 stay off   
 stay on   
 stay out   
 stay put   
 stay up   
 stay with   
 steal away   
 steal into   
 steal off   
 steal over   
 steal sb . s thunder   
 steal the show / spotlight   
 steal up on   
 steam up   
 steer clear of   
 stem from   
 step aside   
 step back   
 step by step   
 step down   
 step in   
 step out   
 step up   
 stick at   
 stick by   
 stick down   
 stick in sb . s throat   
 stick out   
 stick to   
 stick together   
 stick up   
 stick up for   
 stir up   
 stock up   
 stop at   
 stop away   

 stop by   
 stop from   
 stop in   
 stop off   
 stop out   
 stop over   
 stop up   
 store up   
 straight away / off   
 straighten out   
 straighten up   
 strain after   
 strange to say   
 stray from   
 stretch out   
 strike at   
 strike back   
 strike down   
 strike dumb   
 strike in   
 strike off   
 strike on/upon   
 strike out   
 strike up   
 string along   
 string out   
 string up   
 strip down   
 strip of   
 strip off   
 strive for   
 stroke down   
 stuck up   
 stuff up   
 stumble along   
 stumble over   
 subject sb . /sth . to   
 submit to   
 subordinate to   
 subscribe to   
 subsist on   
 substitiute for   
 succeed in   
 succeed to   
 such as   
 suck in   
 suck up   
 suffer from   
 sum up   
 summon up   
 superior to   
 supply with   
 supposed to   
 sure of   
 swallow up   
 swear at   
 swear by   
 swear in   
 swear off   
 swear to   
 sweat out   
 swing round   
 switch on/off   
 switch to   
 sympathize with


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