

 xcaq 2012-07-20










    我赶紧登陆美国Puritan's Pride 普瑞丁网站,认真地看了网站的原始资料(原来因为网站是英文的,偷懒就没有细看),发现原网站在左旋肉碱的资料中根本就不是什么减肥药!我将网站资料原本下载如下:

    (资料来源于美国Puritan's Pride 普瑞丁网站)

    L-Carnitine is an essential nutrient that’s important for heart health.**


    The heart relies on L-Carnitine for the production of energy from fat.**


    L-Carnitine supports energy production and metabolism.**


    L-Carnitine helps the body used stored energy to support endurance during recovery from high-intensity exercise.**


    Even though carnitine isn't technically an amino acid, its chemical structure is close enough to amino acids that's it's usually categorized as one. (In the strictest sense, it's more like a B vitamin.) Carnitine is, however, derived from an amino acid.

    即使肉碱是不是技术上的一种氨基酸,它的化学结构是足够接近的氨基酸,这是它通常是作为一个分类。 (在严格的意义上说,它更像是一种B族维生素)。所以,肉碱来自氨基酸。

    Carnitine occurs in the two standard forms D and L. These two styles are isomers of each other, meaning they contain the same molecules but that the molecules are arranged differently. They also have different properties. Only L-carnitine is active in the human body (or found in food) so that's the one we're focusing on in this program.


    The word carnitine is really a generic term for a number of compounds which includes L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine, and proprionyl-L-carnitine. The name was taken from the Latin word carnus (meaning flesh), because L-carnitine was isolated from meat.


    Up to 95 percent of the carnitine in the body will be found in skeletal and cardiac muscle because those muscle systems depend heavily on fatty acids as dietary fuel.


    Acetyl-L-carnitine is a molecule that occurs naturally in the brain, liver, and kidney.


    Acetyl-L-carnitine helps transport fatty acids to cells involved in brain energy metabolism.


    Acetyl-L-carnitine helps promote cognitive function.


    Acetyl-L-carnitine supports nervous system health.


    The combination of alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine helps promote metabolic functioning to fight against free radicals and oxidative stress.



    The primary role of L-carnitine (or acetyl-L-carnitine) is straightforward and focused its job is to produce energy from fat. It accomplishes this by transporting long-chain fatty acids in cells of the body, where the cell's mitochondria burn the fat (in a process called oxidation) to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate). It is the ATP which then becomes a source of energy.



    After the work is done, carnitine even cleans up after itself. It transports waste compounds produced during oxidation out of the cell so waste doesn't build up.


    A decline in mitochondrial function may be a factor in the aging process and carnitine levels may be involved in this. The concentration of carnitine in muscle tissue may decline with age, and as it does so, it reduces the integrity of the mitochondrial membrane.



    Carnitine is primarily found in animal products especially in meat, where the rule is, The redder, the better. The typical U.S. diet contains about 100 mg of carnitine per day, but vegetarians are likely to get much less so may want to consider supplementation. The best dietary sources are:



    Meat、 Ice cream

    Fish、 Cheese

    Poultry、 Whole wheat bread

    Milk、 Asparagus

    The structure function claims made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These dietary supplement products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.







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