
Who made Batman's enemy?

 3gzylon 2012-07-25

Who made Batman's enemy? 

(People's Daily Online)

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James Holmes, the 24-year-old suspect that killed 12 people and injured 58 others in a movie theater shooting spree in the U.S. state of Colorado, makes his first court appearance Monday, July 23, 2012.

What is movie? Simply speaking, it is a dream. However, apart from glorious realty, the dream sometimes leads to bloodshed. 

In the premiere of the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” held on the early morning of July 20 (local time) in Denver, Colorado, a vicious massive shooting occurred and at least 12 people were killed. 

Although the shooting is regarded as an isolated or unexpected accident, it still has something to do with the movie “Batman” according to the investigation on the criminal. 

The criminal suspect James Holmes looks like a person of insanity, said Raymond Kelly, Commissioner of New York City Police Department (NYPD) on July 20. According to him, James Holmes dyed his hair red and called himself “The Joker”, the enemy of Batman. It is reported that “The Joker” is the major villain of the last Batman movie “The Dark Knight,” a cruel and inhuman character who brings disasters and panic to the city by setting many traps. 

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