
Scalability Testing

 hildaway 2012-07-27

Scalability Testing

We often hear the terms Load Testing or Performance Testing, but no one talks much about Scalability Testing. Before I go further, let me define these terms so you know what I am talking about :

  • Load Testing refers to the kind of testing usually done by QA organizations to ensure that the application can handle a certain load level. Criteria are set to ensure that releases of a product meet certain conditions like the number of users they can support while delivering a certain response time.
  • Performance Testing on the other hand, refers to testing done to analyze and improve the performance of an application. The focus here is on optimization of resource consumption by analyzing data collected during testing. Performance Testing to a certain extent should be done by developers but more elaborate, large scale testing may be conducted by a separate performance team. In some organizations, the performance team is a part of the QA function.
  • Scalability Testing refers to performance testing that is focused on understanding how an application scales as it is deployed on larger systems and/or more systems or as more load is applied to it. The goal is to understand at what point the application stops scaling and identify the reasons for this. As such scalability testing can be viewed as a kind of performance testing.

In this article, we will consider how scalability testing should be done to ensure that the results are meaningful.

Workload Definition

The first requirement for any performance testing is a well-designed workload. See my Workload Design paper for details on how to properly design a workload. Many developers and QA engineers typically craft a workload quickly by focusing on a couple of different operations (e.g. if testing a web application, a recording tool is used to create one or two scenarios). I will point out the pitfalls of this method in another post. So take care while creating your workload. Extra time invested in this step will more than pay off in the long run. Remember, your test results are only as good as the tests you create!

Designing Scalability Tests

Scalability tests should be planned and executed in a systematic manner to ensure that all relevant information is collected. The parameter by which load is increased obviously depends on the type of app – for web apps, this would typically be the number of simultaneous users making requests of the site. Think about what other parameters might change for your application. If the application accesses a database, will the size of the db change in some relation to the number of users accessing it? If it uses a caching tier, might it be reasonable to expect that the size of this cache will expand ? Consider the data accessed by your workload – how is this likely to change? Both the data generator and load generator drivers need to be implemented in a way that supports workload and data scaling.

Collecting Performance Data

When running the tests, ensure you can collect sufficient performance metrics so as to be able to understand what exactly is happening on the application infrastructure. One set of metrics is from the system infrastructure – cpu, memory, swap, network and disk i/o data. Another is from the software infrastructure – web,application, caching (memcached) and database servers all provide access to performance data. Don’t forget to collect data on the load driver systems as well. I have seen many a situation in which the driver ran out of memory or swap and it took awhile to figure this out because no one was looking at the driver stats ! All performance metrics should be collected for the same duration as the test run.

Running Scalability Tests

With planning done, it is time to run the performance tests. You want to start at a comfortable scale factor – say 100 users and increment by the same factor every time (e.g. 100 users at a time). Some tools let you run a single test while varying the load – although this may be acceptable for load testing, I would discourage such short-cuts for scalability testing. The goal is not just to get to the maximum load but to understand how the system behaves at every step. Without the detailed performance data, it is difficult to do scalability analysis. Do scaling runs to a point a little beyond when the system stops scaling (i.e throughput stays flat or worse starts to fall) or you run out of system resources.

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