
Situation Awareness DataLink (SADL) (United States), Data and text

 老羊藏书阁 2012-07-31

Situation Awareness DataLink (SADL) (United States), Data and text

Airborne data link equipment

The Situation Awareness DataLink (SADL) Digital Forward Air Controller (FAC) and the SADL Transparent Multi-Platform Gateway (TMPG) were both utilised successfully during the Joint Combat ID Evaluation Team exercises in April 2002 to support positive remote control of fighters from a ground-based operations centre sixty miles from the aircraft mission. A down-sized prototype SADL radio was also deployed as part of man-portable Digital FAC.The Joint Interoperability Test Command at Fort Huachuca successfully conducted a joint interoperability certification test for exchange of TADIL-J messages with Link 16 and SADL via TMPG and the Joint Range Extension (JRE) equipment in a Beyond-Line-Of Sight (BLOS) test environment in November 2002. SADL-equipped F-16s successfully exchanged Link 16 message traffic with remote command-and-control platforms through the ground-based gateway.In 1998 the US Air National Guard had the role for CAS to the US Army's ground forces and purchased 783 SADL radios to outfit its F-16 Block 30 and A-10 aircraft. The entire US F-16 Block 30 fleet of some 500 aircraft of Guard, Reserve and Active units were equipped with SADL between late 1999 and late 2001.During the second half of 2002 the US Air Force made a decision to equip its A-l0s with SADL functionality in the FY06-07 timeframe, implemented as part of the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Cluster 1 hardware. The data link for the A-10 is included as part of the Precision Engagement Program platform upgrade. In April 2007 the A-10 Prime Team, led by Lockheed Martin, said it had successfully

The complete article appears in the following publication:
Publication TitleJane's Military Communications
Publication dateJun 26, 2012
SectionData and text
Publication synopsisJane's Military Communications provides all the details you need on the latest advances in communications systems and equipment designed for, and fielded by, armed forces around the world. This authoritative resource contains detailed descriptions of each system's development programme, its operating parameters, how it works in battlefield conditions, its capacity to integrate with other systems, plus, frequencies, transmission rates, dimensions, power supply and environmental performance, giving you the most comprehensive military communications information resource available.
The depth and breadth of information covers
  • Tactical and ground-based communications
  • Terrestrial microwave and tropospheric scatter
  • Naval, air force and satellite communications systems and equipment
  • Line and transmission systems
  • Data, text, audio and facsimile
  • Surveillance and signal analysis
  • Encryption and security
  • Direction-finding and jamming
  • Laser, optical and video
Different sections provide in-depth detail covering
  • Air Force Communications
  • An Numbered Communications Equipment
  • Analysis
  • Audio
  • Contractors
  • Data And Text
  • Designation Of Radio Emissions
  • Direction-Finding
  • Encryption And Security
  • Facsimile
  • Frequency Bands And Designations
  • Glossary
  • Ground-Based Communications
  • Jamming And Miscellaneous
  • Laser, Optical And Video
  • Line And Transmission Systems
  • Naval Systems And Equipment
  • Satellite Systems And Equipment
  • Surveillance And Signal Analysis
  • Systems
  • Tactical Communications
  • Terrestrial Microwave And Tropospheric Scatter

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