

 听我说 2012-08-09


If you have a hard time getting to sleep at night, think about all the homeless people without beds. If you are stuck in traffic, think about all the people who can’t afford cars. If you have a bad day at the office, think about all those who are unemployed. If your hair is turning gray, be grateful it’s not turning loose!


I read about this man, he was very down and discouraged. He went to his minister (and) said, “Nothing is going right in my life. (I) have no reason to be happy, no reason to be thankful.”



The minister said, “Alright let's do a little exam.” He got out a legal pad and drew a line right down the center. He said, “I'm going to write down all of your assets on this side, all of the things right in your life. On the other side, I'm going to write down all your challenges, all these problems that are bothering you.”



The man laughed and said, “I'm not going to have anything to put on the assets side.” The minister said, “That's fine, let's just go through the exercise.” And the man kind of hung his head down. The minister said, “I'm so sorry to hear that your wife passed away.” He looked up abruptly, “What are you talking about? My wife didn't pass away - she's alive, she's healthy.” He said, “Oh!” He wrote down: Has a healthy wife, that's alive.

这个男人笑着说道:“我没有什么财产可以写到线的这边。”牧师说:“没事儿,我们就来测一测吧!” 男人低头不语。牧师说:“听说你妻子去世了,我很难过。”男人立刻抬头说道:“你说什么呢!我老婆没有死,她还活着,很健康呢!”牧师“哦!”了一声,写到:有一个健康的妻子,还活着。


He said, “Well I'm really sorry to hear that your house burnt down.” He said, “My house didn't burn down, I've got a nice house.” He said, “Oh!” (and) wrote it down: Has a nice house.



He then said, “I'm very sorry to hear that you got laid off, that you lost your job.” The man said, “Where are you getting all this nonsense? I didn't lose my job - I've got a good job!.” He said, “Oh!” (and) wrote it down: Has got a good job.



The man finally caught on - he said, “Give me that list.” He wrote down another dozen good things, (and) before he got finished he walked out of there with a whole new attitude.



What happened? His perspective was off. When he began to focus on the good, he got his enthusiasm back. And if you struggle with staying encouraged, and if you struggle with staying grateful...you too need to make a list of all the things that God has blessed you with. If you have your health, write it down: I'm healthy. If you can see, write it down: I can see. If you're good looking like me, write it down: I'm good looking.


It's your list - as long as you think so, that's all that matters.


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