

 笑熬浆糊糊 2012-08-14

1.I help the weak. It's yet another way I'm exactly like Batman.我向来帮助弱者。又一次证明了我就是蝙蝠侠在世。

2.Leonard, I [w]platonically[/w] love you, man, but face it, you're a mess.莱纳德,在精神上我还是很喜欢你的,兄弟,但是请你面对现实,你就是一团糟。

3.Oh, dear lord. A man pops out for a moment to [w]evacuate[/w] his bowels and catch up on the adventures of the Caped Crusader, only to emerge to find his apartment has been transformed into a [w]cabaret[/w].哦,真要命。人家只是走开了一下,清了清肠子,顺便追一下斗篷战士的冒险之旅,再出来就发现人家的公寓赫然变成了卡巴莱酒馆了。

4.Oh, I see why you're confused. No, her news sounded important, but what you’re forgetting is it was an achievement in the field of biology. That’s all about yucky, [w]squishy[/w] things.我知道你为什么会困惑。她的消息听上去很重要,可你忘了那是生物学领域的成就。都是恶心黏黏的东西。

5.It’s after nine o’clock. At this hour the streets of Pasadena are teeming with drunken sailors and [w]alley[/w] cats.已经过九点了,这时候的帕萨迪纳街头到处是喝醉的水手和野猫。

6.Hard as this may be to believe, it’s possible I’m not boyfriend material.说出来可能也没人信,我可能不是当男朋友的料。

7.Ooohhh, my life-size cardboard Mr. Spock is here. I know he wouldn’t care for an outburst of human emotions, but, oh goody, oh goody, oh goody!我的真人大小的卡纸板史波克先生到了。我知道他不喜欢常人情感的瞬间流露,可是,好棒哦,好棒哦,好棒哦。

8.Live long and [w]suck[/w] it, Zachary Quinto.生生不息,早日去死,扎克瑞.昆图。

9.I have sheep, I need wood. Who has wood for my sheep?.... I just want wood. Why are you making it so hard?我现在有绵羊,缺硬木。谁能拿硬木换我的绵羊?...人家只是想要硬木而已。有必要搞的这么难啊?

10.Speaking of [w]cowboy[/w]s, do you know what country has, not one, but two cows on its flag? The tiny landlocked nation of [w]Andorra[/w]. Oooh, the next classic [w]episode[/w] of Sheldon Cooper Fun With Flags is writing itself!说道牛仔,知道哪个国家的国旗印着两只牛吗?内陆小国家,安道尔共和国。由谢尔顿.库珀出品的《旗帜的乐趣》精彩下一集题材如泉涌啊。

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