
Hardware chapter Enter section Film project--Negative

 LOFT生活 2012-08-17

English name: negative


       Contrary to the degree of lightness or darkness of the image tone or color and scenery or color photo of the complementary color.

The original rationale


       Image after exposure and developing processing, contrary to the light and dark and the subject of color, compared with the complementary color of the subject, it needs to restore is just as printed on the photo.

       Simple terms, we shot the film washed out, see images of anti-color images, enlargements, or zoom into a photo becomes the image of the shooting scene of the same color.

[Sub class]


       Black and white negatives / color negative

Color negative / black and white negatives]

Black and white negatives

    The hair is white and the negatives of the film Master and, in fact, the white clothes in the film is black

[Color negative]

    Color film and color of the scene is exactly complementary, such as: the actual red clothes in the film is green.

Reversal film / negative]


    Than negative reversal film in the brightness and clarity, good color is also very good.

[Transport with


    Negative black and white or color are the most commonly used in photographic film.

    We usually take pictures with an ordinary camera to flush out the negatives is negative.

    Negatives and printing photos photos is relatively cheap, fast, suitable for shooting in general commemorative photo.



【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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