

 mtjs 2012-08-24

互联网络作为知识、信息和沟通的媒介并随其应用范围的不断拓展已越来越体现出无可替代的价值,哪个国家的网络能使各种信息连接通畅,有效,自由的到达任一个国民生存的角落,哪个国家在可见的未来必定会成为新的第一世界国家,这是人类社会新的一轮淘汰,如同从人类的远古祖先开始一直经历的过程的继续,因此将其作为一个国家的核心竞争力的代表之一也不为过。互联网络正成为承载人类文明高速向前的时代之轮,不过即使是在互联网的故乡美国,现在仍旧有1900万人之众无法有效的获得高速稳定的宽带接入,美国联邦通讯委员会在8月21日发布的年度报告中指出,尚有6%的美国人口也即1900万美国人无法接入最低3M网速的宽带,这些地区包括一些乡村(覆盖了1/4的乡村人口)有1450万美国乡村人口无法获得宽带服务,再有就是一些保留地的部落人口(覆盖了1/3的部落 人口),美国通讯委员会认为宽带服务是人们工作、创新和美国全球竞争力的本质组成部分,应该作为优先考虑,让更多的美国人使用上宽带网络。

"The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced during its eighth annual broadband progress report on the state of broadband/Internet access in America, that 19 million Americans still do not have access to high-speed broadband above the 3Mbps threshold. However, the report also detailed the advances the progress that is being made, including 'LTE deployment by mobile networks.'"

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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced during its eighth annual broadband progress report on the state of broadband/Internet access in America, announced that 19 million Americans still do not have access to  high-speed broadband above the 3Mbps threshold. However, the report also detailed the advances the progress that  is being made, including “LTE deployment by mobile networks.”

The FCC’s report highlights the concerns that 6% of Americans – 19 million – still lack any access to high-speedbroadband. FCC further clarified the specific areas of concern:

  • In rural areas, almost one-fourth of the population (in rural areas) – which is 14.5 million Americans – lack access to fixed broadband.
  • In tribal areas, almost one-third of the population (in tribal areas) lack access to fixed broadband.

As the FCC has pointed in its report, broadband access is an essential component for jobs, innovation and global competitiveness; which is the primary reason for concern with the areas that need improvement to bring high-speed broadband access to more Americans.

With this annual report, it’s good to remember that the U.S. is far much better off than the U.K. when it comes to LTE deployment with respect to carrier networks. In fact, there is literally no 4G LTE coverage in the United Kingdom as of August 2012, however it is selectively undergoing planning to roll-out 4G LTE service in the U.K. in the foreseeable future.

In general, the FCC’s annual report concludes that, in respect to the millions of people in the U.S. that cannot get high-speed broadband access as well as those who have not subscribed to high-speed broadband in areas where they can receive it, the report concludes that broadband is not being deployed in a reasonable and timely fashion. It is likely that some Americans that can receive high-speed Internet access in many parts of America do not subscribe to it because they not be able to afford it.

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