
Iran: Looking for Mr. Right is harder than job-hunting?

 3gzylon 2012-08-24

Iran: Looking for Mr. Right is harder than job-hunting?

People's Daily Online)  11:19, August 24, 2012

Iran: Looking for Mr. Right is harder than job-hunting? (Photo/Xinhua)

Edited and Translated by Zhu Rui, People's Daily Online

Iran is perhaps the only nation which requires the foreign female to observe the local dress code. Simply speaking, the female must wear waist-long coat and scarf. The eight-year war between Iran and Iraq has led to the loss of 600 thousand young men in Iran, which severely breaks the gender balance. Although the unemployment rate is as high as 40 percent, Iranian beauties have to admit that looking for Mr. Right is much more difficult than job-hunting!

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