
Enter section Digital project--MicroSD Card

 LOFT生活 2012-08-27


    Micro SD Card, formerly known as the Trans-flash Card, the end of the year 2004 officially changed its name to Micro SD Card

    A very small flash memory card



    Founded by SanDisk SanDisk invention
    SDA announced the microSD format in 2005, the U.S. mobile communications-cum-wireless networks Annual Meeting on March 14, 2005 (CTIA Wireless 2005),

    July 13, 2005, approved the the microSD final specifications.



Dimensions: 15mm x 11mm x 1mm (equivalent to the size of fingernail cover)

Slots: SD adapter connected to a SD card slot

Capacity: 64G 32G 16G 8G 6G 4G 2G 1G 512M 256M 128M



    The deck, Micro SD memory card is inserted, according to specifications separable from bomb deck, PUSH deck, short deck, long deck, patch deck flip-style deck.



    Connected inconvenient

    Mainstream desktop, notebook, there is no direct slots, SD-card reader to read and write data.



【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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