[Concept] Also known as neutral grayscale mirror, (neutral density filter) referred to as the ND mirror This "gray" filter only role is to be able to weaken the amount of light entering the camera, and does not weaken certain shade much weakened on the other shade less. =================== [Principle] ND mirror is equivalent to the reduced capacity of the various wavelengths of light, uniform, only weakened the light, and will not have any effect on the color of the original object, so you can A true representation of the contrast of the scene. =================== Classification The ND2 (equivalent contraction stop) ND4 (equivalent to shrink 2 stops) ND8 (equivalent to to shrink 3 stops) =================== [Uses] -------------- 1 [to prevent overexposure] If the light is too bright, it is difficult to choose a slower shutter speed shooting, then ND mirror to reduce the light entering the lens, you can use a slower shutter shot. If, for example, need to be taken in strong sunlight outdoor or under normal lighting conditions with longer exposure time, waterfall slow shutter speed to show the virtual water And other special effects, ND mirror. -------------- 2 [exposure combinations] If the light is too strong when shooting must narrow aperture, but can not get the necessary exposure combinations This leads, this time using the ND mirror will be able to solve this problem. It can only reduce the amount of lens through light, not have any impact on the tone. On the surface, this color filter tones from gray gradually transition to black, the larger the number, the ability to reduce the amount of light, the stronger. -------------- 3 [exposure balance] GND mirror when the light screen brightness contrast strongly, to obtain the balance of screen exposure. =================== [Classification of gradient mirror -------------- 1 [constructed] The lower half is divided into a transparent lens upwards gradually transition to the other colors, such as gradient gray gradient blue, gradient red. -------------- 2 [classified] Becoming a mirror of / gradient diffuse mirror Soft the gradient / hard gradient (points) from the gradient form "Soft" refers transition range, contrary that transition a lesser extent, the selection shall be based on the creation characteristics. -------------- 3 [use] Gradient mirror more often use in landscape photography, in order to reach some sort of anticipated tone in the assurance the photo bottom half of the normal tone deliberately so that half of the photo. -------------- 4. Classification of gray gradient mirror] Referred to GND mirror Half of it is opaque half of the light-blocking, blocking part of the light entering the lens. Mainly in the shallow depth of field photography, low-speed photography, light conditions, the camera allows the correct exposure, is also commonly used in the balanced tone. GND mirror is used to balance the screen up and down or left and right two parts contrast, commonly used to reduce the brightness of the sky, the sky and the ground to reduce contrast. To ensure that the lower half of the normal exposure, effective pressure the dark upper sky brightness, the works of light and dark soft transition, can effectively highlight the texture of the clouds. GND mirror different models different, gray, usually measure the contrast of the screen and then decided to use a gradual transition from dark gray to colorless, colorless part of the metering value exposure When necessary to make some amendments. -------------- 5 [classification of color gradient mirror] More a sunset mirror, it is the transition from deep orange to pale orange, used to enhance or manufacture of a sunset, the atmosphere of the evening shooting scene showed. ===================
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