
【双语阅读】The Red Chamber,Reimagined

 述古斋 2012-09-29
2012年 09月 18日 07:10

It is one of the great classics of Chinese literature, a sprawling saga full of love triangles and falls from grace, but at 2,500 pages and more than 400 characters, Cao Xueqin's 'Dream of the Red Chamber' has never caught on with English-language readers.

Pauline Chen attempted to change that with her pared-down retelling, 'The Red Chamber,' a novel she wrote after she too struggled with the original.

'I'd heard of it as a kid, and I tried to start it but got only as far as Chapter Two,' said Ms. Chen.

While she was studying at Princeton University, she braced herself for a second try and read it cover-to-cover. This time, she was struck by 'Red Chamber's' social observations and that the 18th-century book treated servants as characters with genuine emotions, 'rather than using them as only comic relief,' she said. 'Its viewpoint was ahead of its time.'

'Red Chamber's' plot revolves around the trials and tribulations of the wealthy Jia family during the Qing dynasty. The original tome is daunting not only because of its length, but because of the intricate cast of characters. Readers often turn to family trees to keep the names straight, and English-language audiences can find the similar Chinese names (one household includes numerous Jias, including three men, all prominent characters, named Jia She, Jia Zheng and Jia Lian) particularly challenging.

In contrast, Ms. Chen's version 'makes little attempt to remain faithful to the original plot but is a reimagining of the inner lives and motivations of the three major female characters,' she said. It is a mere 400 pages.

She sought to simplify parts of the story that Chinese readers had grown up hearing, but that wouldn't resonate with Westerners. Other times she sacrificed historical accuracy: In one scene, two female characters chat inside a sedan chair. That wouldn't have happened, Ms. Chen said, but was necessary to move the plot forward.

Her editor at Knopf, Jordan Pavlin, said she's heard reviewers compare the new book to contemporary works like 'Gone With the Wind' and the British drama series 'Downton Abbey.' 'This isn't a distant, foreign, literary artifact,' she said. Ms. Chen delves into her characters' 'inner lives and motivations,' Ms. Pavlin added, 'which continue to resonate, even centuries after the book was written.'

Ms. Chen, who calls her version 'more of a dialogue with the original' than a rewrite, has heard, to her delight, from readers who have been inspired by her book to try reading the classic that inspired it.

While her book is being translated into French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Thai, a Chinese edition is not in the works. 'I hope there will eventually be a Chinese version,' she said, 'but I'm unsure if it would go over as well.'

The original, she said, 'is already well-known and loved.'

Brittany Hite

2012年 09月 18日 07:10

为中国伟大的文学经典作品之一,曹雪芹的《红楼梦》(Dream of the Red Chamber)讲述了数段三角恋情和家族没落的故事。但这本长达2,500页、有着400多个角色的长篇巨着却从未在英语读者中流行过。

陈宝琳(Pauline Chen,音)试图通过她对原书的缩减和复述来改变这一局面,她在原着的基础上写出了小说《红楼》(The Red Chamber)。对于她来说阅读原着也是很费力的。


当 她在普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)学习的时候,她开始第二次尝试去读这本书,并从头一直读到了尾。这一次,她被《红楼梦》对社会的观察震惊了。这本18世纪的小说将 里面的仆人角色刻画得有血有肉、各具性情,“而非仅仅将他们用作轻松滑稽的调料。这本书的视角超前于它的时代。”

《红楼梦》的情节围绕清 朝富甲一方的贾氏家族的困苦磨难展开。原着令人生畏不仅因为它的长度,还因为里面错综复杂的人物关系。读者常常不得不借助于家谱来弄清楚里面的名字。在英 语读者看来,这些大同小异的中文名字(一个大家庭中有无数人姓贾,其中包括三个主要角色:贾赦、贾政和贾琏)颇令人头疼。



Michael Lionstar
本 书的编辑、克诺普夫出版社(Knopf)的帕夫林(Jordan Pavlin)说,她听到有评论家将《红楼》和《乱世佳人》(Gone With the Wind)等现代小说以及英国电视剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)放在一起比较。她说,“《红楼》并不是一本遥不可及的外国文学作品。”她补充道,陈宝琳深入描写了书中角色的“内心生活和行为动机,即便离原 着问世已经几百年过去了,这些依旧可以在人们心中引起共鸣。”




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