

 草根天地 2012-09-30

About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our local park, I noticed a small group of boys picking on a smaller, skinnier boy. They were     him names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked dirt in his face.     I saw that, I walked over to the group.

I stepped     them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had done worthy of     they were doing to him. One of the boys replied, “He’s weird.” At that, I asked one of the boys if he thought his friend was weird, and the     was “No.” So, I asked another boy what the word “weird”    , and he said, “Different.” That was my cue(暗示). I told them that everyone is    , and that they all looked just as different to the other boy as he did to them. They all stood     for a moment, and then the most amazing thing happened. One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and then said sorry to him. He     to let him play with them.

I thanked the boy for being so   10  . As I looked around, I realized that there were dozens of other people at the park   11   no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt happy that the boy was strong enough to stand up against his friends to   12   someone in need, but I felt sad that   13   else had even taken a second look.

I hope that my action helped them   14   that they could have made a difference with a little   15  , and maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.

1. A. giving                   B. making                  C. calling                      D. telling

2. A. When                    B. Before                   C. If                             D. Though

3. A. against                  B. between                 C. beside                       D. with

4. A. how                      B. why                       C. whom                       D. what

5. A. guess                     B. sign                       C. problem                    D. answer

6. A. read                      B. proved                   C. meant                       D. wrote

7. A. different                B. free                       C. important                  D. strong

8. A. angrily                 B. silently                   C. carefully                   D. happily

9. A. refused                  B. expected                 C. offered                      D. prepared

0. A. proud                    B. clever                    C. honest                       D. patient

11. A. or                        B. so                          C. and                           D. but

12. A. help                    B. stop                       C. love                          D. remember

13. A. someone              B. anyone                   C. no one                      D. everyone

14. A. decide                 B. realize                    C. suggest                      D. agree

15. A. energy                 B. practice                  C. knowledge                D. effort


The Great Wall of China is one of Beijing’s biggest spotlights for tourists; despite(尽管)its fame and popularity in postcards across the world, it hardly fails to attract tourists at the first proper sight. Yet the government opens only certain sections of the wall as fit for viewing, and few get to visit the open sections.   

Fewer still are aware of the existence of at least one part of the Wall that remains in almost original condition, nearly 1,500 years after the construction of the legendary fortification(传说中的防御工事) began. But there’s a good reason for this – it’s underwater.

American journalist Steven Sch wankert has been diving   

since age 10. It was through his setting – up of a diving school

that Schwankert came to explore some of lesser – known areas

of China’s lakes – and discovered the underwater Wall under a reservoir.

“The most fascinating piece of diving I ever did in China must be the

Great Wall. I managed to find out about it via the Internet. It wasn’t difficult to get to Pan Jiakou in Hebei Province, near the East Qing Tomb about 4 hour’s drive from Beijing. Why do I want to dive the Great Wall? Why do people want to walk on the Great Wall? It’s the same answer.”

There are, however, advantages of visiting the Great Wall in a diving suit over being on foot. The water acts as a protector by preventing the kind of mass tourism that has brought trouble on other parts of the Wall. “Unlike the people who walk in the Wall, we as divers never need to actually touch it. I’ve dived twice there, the last time in July. I found that the water then was much deeper than it was before – 13 meters deep.” When he first dived, parts of the Wall were visible above the surface. Now even the guard tower is completely submerged. “It’s better that the Wall is deep under water, as there are lots of boats coming in and out around that area. Their wave action could potentially damage the brickwork. So, the deeper, the better.”

1.Steven Schwankert is most interested in           .

       A.collecting photos of the Wall                B.walking along on the Wall

       C.diving the underwater Wall                   D.visiting some famous lakes

2.What does the underlined word “submerged” in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?

       A.Damaged by water.                              B.Washed by water.

       C.Preserved by water.                              D.Covered by water.

3.What is the topic discussed in the last paragraph?

       A.Advantages of walking on the Great Wall.

       B.Advantages of visiting the underwater Wall.

       C.The reasons why the Wall is deep under water.

       D.The reasons why the underwater Wall is protected.

4.What can we infer from the text?

      A.The underwater Wall will sink deeper year by year.

       B.Diving the Wall is popular with divers all over the world.

       C.Diving is a good way to visit the Wall without causing much damage.

       D.More and more tourists will come to visit the underwater Wall in China.


“We expected our first child to be perfect.” Most parents have thought so.

I know that' s what I    with our oldest son, Joe.He would be perfect.Joe would sail through school from learning ABC' s to being awarded a Ph.D..

       Joe,    , had other ideas.

He was always a     kid.He wasn't the kind of boy who threw snowballs at passing cars on a freezing winter day or who dropped water balloons on the mailman during the heat of August.

But he wasn't perfect.Especially when it came to that nice little fantasy (dream) that I had about sailing through school.From the day Joe started kindergarten he struggled—with scissors and handwriting and math.Always math. He passed each grade with great     , never at the top of his class.

How I envied(嫉妒) friends who had children with the "math gene".A mom told me her daughter was doing high school algebra while in the sixth grade.Another mom said her son had just taken first place in the district' s annual Math Challenge.

After hearing these stories, I would look at Joe and    : Why didn't we raise a mathematical talent? How is he ever going to get into college if he does not get better at math? Needless to say, my motherly worry never really amounted too much.Does it ever? Moms tend to worry and worry, while whatever they' re worrying about usually     on its own.

During high school, Joe slowly   at math.He got through algebra I & II, and geometry, our state requirements for math.I felt greatly    with his little achievement.Then he told me that he' d take pre - calculus (微积分) in his last year of high school, which surprised me a lot.

       "Why?" I questioned.

" Because I need to keep my skills up," he explained." I   math, but I need to take it so I don' t forget how to do it."

"For college, " he added."I want to do really well in college, Mom.I know it will be  10_,but I think it' s important that I try to do my best."

My oldest son wasn't perfect.He wasn't a math talent, either.But he knew what was important: he was focusing on his  11   while I was worrying over his past.And that, to me, is even better than being   12  

1.A.worked                    B.expected               C.continued                 D.showed

2.A.however                   B.therefore              C.fortunately                D.obviously

3.A.careful                     B.proud                   C.good                        D.happy

4.A.effort                       B.attention               C.pleasure                    D.progress

5.A.consider                   B.imagine                C.wonder                     D.wish

6.A.pauses                      B.comes                  C.declines                    D.disappears

7.A.developed                 B.improved             C.increased                  D.achieved

8.A.hopeful                    B.grateful                C.amused                     D.pleased

9.A.fail                          B.hate                     C.prefer                       D.choose

10.A. beneficial.             B.boring                  C.necessary                  D.hard

11.A.career                     B.major                   C.future                       D.world

12.A.perfect                   B.intelligent             C.successful                 D.confident


Dr.Glenn Tisman, a cancer(癌症) specialist, knew his young neighbor, Ray Bateman, had an unusual mind.But he had no idea at the time that 12 - year – old Ray had the ability to become his partner in cancer research.

Ray' s parents remembered that at age four, Ray surprised them by fixing; a broken vacuum cleaner (吸尘器). When he was ten, he speedily constructed the family color television from a kit.Later, he succeeded in assembling (组装) a complex stereo system after two experts had failed to do the job.

When Ray was ten, he convinced his parents to buy him a computer.In a short time, Ray was able to do amazing things with the computer.Ray shared his enthusiasm for computers with Dr.Tisman, who used a computer for his research. The two discussed computers and medicine frequently.Amazingly, Ray understood the biology and chemistry related to Dr.Tisman’s medical research without any previous instruction.

Ray then worked with Dr.Tisman after school.He helped conduct research with the equipment and kept it in working order.The purpose of the research was to test the effectiveness of mixing an old cancer drug with certain vitamins.Ray analyzed patient test results by computer, while Dr.Tisman handled all patient contact.Together, they came up with solid research that helped advance cancer treatment.

In 1988, 14 - year - old Ray went with Dr.Tisman to a meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research (AFCR) , where Ray presented their initial research findings.Using terminology (术语) beyond the grasp of most kids his age, Ray told the scientists how the new drug mixture caused fewer and milder side effects for cancer patients.

A year later, Ray returned to the meeting to update the findings of his and Dr.Tisman' s research.By then, he had become well - known for his devotion to finding cures for sick patients.Stories about him appeared in hundred of newspapers around the world.He appeared on television newscasts and talk shows.

Ray continued to spend most free hours working with Dr.Tisman.The two began studying the effects of vitamins on babies inside the womb.However, Ray' s main interest remained cancer treatment, and he continues his research today.

1.According to the passage, Ray______.

       A.is a boy of many gifts

       B.is very helpful to his parents

       C.learned fast under Dr.Tisman' s instruction

       D.stopped working with Dr.Tisman after his success

2.What do we know about Dr.Tisman?

       A.He succeeded in finding cures for cancer.

       B.He made a new discovery in cancer treatment.

       C.He convinced Ray to become a partner of him.

       D.He taught Ray knowledge related to his research.

3.What made Ray first known to the medical world?

       A.His presentation at AFCR.                       B.His great skills in computer.

       C.His devotion to cancer research.               D.His appearance on television newscasts.

4.Dr.Tisman's research is aimed at ______.

       A.providing different cancer treatments

       B.proving the effects of vitamins on babies

       C.finding the side effects of a cancer drug

       D.testing the effectiveness of a new drug mixture


   There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. In fact, she __1__ nobody except her boyfriend, for he was always__2__to help her. She used to tell her boyfriend, “If I could see the__3__, I would marry you.”

   One day, someone donated a pair of __4__to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend, for the__5__time. He asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you__6__me?” The girl looked at her boyfriend and was very greatly surprised to see that he was__7__. She had never expected that. She would not like to be with a blind husband for the rest of her life, so she__8__to marry him.

   Her boyfriend left in tears and a few days later wrote a__9__to her, saying, “My dear, take good care of your eyes. __10__they are yours, they were mine.”

   This is how human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what__11__was like before. And we often ask for more than we need. Life is a gift. Today, before you complain about the__12__of your food, think of someone who has nothing to__13__. Before you complain about life, think of someone who went to heaven to early. Before you complain about your old__14__, think of the people who are living in the streets. And when you are tired and complain about your job, think of those who have no jobs. So__15__what you have and don’t forget your past.

1. A. forgot

B. loved

C. disliked

D. thanked

2. A. ready

B. unhappy

C. angry

D. sad

3. A. sight

B. world

C. earth

D. people

4. A. shoes

B. glasses

C. trousers

D. eyes

5. A. first

B. second

C. next

D. last

6. A. follow

B. love

C. marry

D. see

7. A. ugly

B. sick

C. short

D. blind

8. A. decided

B. agreed

C. refused

D. wanted

9. A. diary

B. note

C. song

D. story

10. A. Before

B. After

C. once


11. A. Mind

B. work

C. school


12. A. Taste

B. size

C. jcolor

D. shape

13. A. Do

B. wear

C. eat

D. make

14. A. Food

B. house

C. clothes

D. bus

15. A. forget

B. spend

C. enjoy

D. pay


Apparently, we are safe neither at home nor in the business office. We use water in both places, but the research shows that chemicals added to our local water supply to kill harmful bacteria can have unwanted side effects. These chemicals can cause potential harm through drinking and in seemingly harmless activities as cleaning one’s house. They are released (set free) from water by daily actions like water running out of tap, spraying from garden pipes, or splashing in dishwashers and washing machines. As the water is moving, these chemicals are released into the air and then breathed in. Once inside our bodies, they start to affect our health.

Does this mean we should stop bathing? No, say the scientists, but we should put all pollution into perspective. Activities at home such as the burning of coal, cooking oil, or even candles release carbon monoxide and particulates such as cigarette ashes which have been proven as harmful to health as working or living near heavy traffic. New rugs, bedding, and even clothing give off that “new smell,” which is a sure sign of chemicals. In the office, newly applied paint, newly purchased telephones and other telecommunications equipment, and computers release polluting chemicals, too. As offices and homes often have inadequate ventilation (通风), these chemicals can build up to become health problems. Their poisonous effects are only now being slowly recognized.

These facts suggest that, at a minimum, proper airing of newly purchased goods with an obvious chemical smell is a wise warning. Home and office windows should be opened during good weather. Even one’s car needs to be ventilated as well while in the garage.

We need further research to understand better other potential health dangers, too. For example, the effects of overcrowding of schools (carbon dioxide build-up), the factory work environment (an endless list of potentially dangerous substances), and even home heating and cooling (the air conditioner may be our enemies, not our friends) have only recently started to come to light. Until we understand the effects of our new technological environment better, we can only hope that “there is no place like home.”


1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. The air we breathe in is harmful.

B. The water in everyday use is unsafe.

C. Chemicals are added to the drinking water.

D. Chemicals are released in the running water.


2. In Paragraph 2, the underlined sentence means that ______.

A. bathing should be done with caution

B. homes and offices should be aired often

C. any pollution should be taken into consideration

D. we should prevent any pollution from doing harm to us


3. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To call on us to guard our water.

B. To show us that no place is like home.

C. To make us aware of the pollution around us.

D. To argue that neither homes nor offices are safe.




       As sixth graders, kids were separating into groups, but I wasn't sure where I belonged.

       Our teacher gave us a task called "secret friends" for the coming week.We were supposed to do nice things for our friends ___1__ letting them know who was doing it.We could leave    notes or cards either on their desks or in their backpacks.Before doing the task, with our eyes closed, from a basket, we    a name of a classmate who we were to secretly befriend over the next five days

       Soon, the task was turned into a competition of giving gifts instead of notes.Everyone was getting cool presents except me.My friend followed the teacher's    without a fault.I received nothing but handmade cards with nice words about me.

       On the last morning, I finally got a package.When I opened it, the girls around all laughed.It was perfumed powder, an "old lady" gift.My face went red.

       I tried to forget about the embarrassing gift, but when the same girls mentioned it again during the break in the bathroom, I joined in, "How stupid! My grandmother wouldn't     want it." The girls laughed at my remarks and filed out of the bathroom.Washing my hands, I let the water run through my fingers __6   I thought about my words.It wasn't    like me to say things like that.

       "I'm your secret friend." It was Rochelle." I' m sorry about the gift," she __438___ to me, tears streaming down her face.

       From a poor family, she was a    at school for those with rich parents.Yet she just took all the teasing (欺负) and the horrible treatment silently.

       I was sick to my stomach as my hurtful words ran through my mind.She had heard everything.How could I have been so cruel?

       Later I learned she had felt bad all week about not being able to leave me any cool present and her mum had given up her only luxury(奢侈品).

       And I had   10   everything for her.

       I told her that I had only said those things to try to   11   .

       "We aren't that different from each other, are we?" She smiled   12  .Her simple words, spoken from her heart, found their way straight into mine.

1.A.without                B.behind            C.through          D.with

2.A.convincing            B.reminding          C.helping             D.encouraging

3.  A.drew                B.dropped           C.chose                     D.picked

4.A.guidance            B.patterns          C.directions          D.admission

5.A.just                   B.ever              C.even              D.only   

6.A.if                    B.as                C.since            D.because

7.A. exactly                B.perfectly         C.normally            D.necessarily

8.A.said                     B.shouted                 C.pointed             D.whispered

9.A.goal                    B.target             C.centre           D.puzzle

10.A.spoiled              B.broken            C.changed              D.disturbed

11.A.turn off            B.show off         C.get in                                     D.fit in

12.A.proudly                 B.understandingly   C .persuasively           D.honestly


When English as a foreign language is taught to children at the primary and early secondary levels of education, it is taught with a general educational aim in mind —that is, it is regarded as a "good thing" for them to learn a foreign language as a part of a broad education.There is usually, however, no immediate and specific requirement for such children to make use of the language in any communicative situation.The purpose of learning the language is actually delayed till the tertiary (第三的) level of education, normally at university, where, it is agreed, a knowledge of English would be helpful in their academic studies.Immediate aims of learning English meet the requirements of examination.Unavoidably, what is taught to primary and secondary level children is not a communicative knowledge of English language use, but a knowledge of how the rules of English operate.The language system is taught by means of systematic audio-lingual (听说) drill and exercise techniques based on habit formation theory of learning and structural description of English.This may be an effective manner of teaching English usage, but it is certain that this language learning is far from communicative purposes.

       What the thousands of children succeed in learning in this way is to help them pass exams.Whether such exams accurately reflect the uses to which English will be put at the tertiary level is another matter.Adults, on the other hand, unless they are learning a foreign language for “pleasure” at evening classes, as a “cultural” and social experience, are generally fully aware of the use to which they want to put it.That use is frequently associated with an academic or professional requirement; without a knowledge of the foreign language, their development in their chosen field of work could be restricted (限制) or at least unfavorably affected.

1.According to the author, the current examination system _____.

       A.prepares students for their job development   B.delays the purpose of general education

       C.affects students’ English skills                      D.meets students' academic demands

2.We can learn from the passage that _____ .

       A.adults in general realize the use of foreign languages

       B.audio-lingual methods are communicative approaches

       C.children learn English in order to communicate with others

       D.teaching the rules enables kids to use the language properly

3.What is the main topic of the passage?

       A.English learning and examinations.

       B.The importance of English learning.

       C.Purposes of English language learning.

       D.English learning as a part of education .















ADACC   BCDBA  DB                                        


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