
Scantily clad Brit undergraduate girls in boozy public pub crawl shocker

 darry 2012-10-11

Scantily clad Brit undergraduate girls in boozy public pub crawl shocker

London, Tue, 09 Oct 2012 

London, October 9 (ANI): Hundreds of first-year students dressed as 'Pimps and Hoes' took part in the first Carnage bar crawl of the year in Cardiff.

The event saw the university's undergraduate girls take to the streets dressed in little more than their underwear, covered by the official pub crawl T-shirt.

The students were captured on camera unashamedly stumbling around, and behaving drunk and disorderly, the Daily Mail reported.

Some couples were seen in passionate clinches, while some students could be seen slumped in a drunken stupor.

Carnage UK is staging events in 44 university town and cities over the next two months to welcome this year's intake of freshers.

But the organisers have been criticised in the past for encouraging binge drinking and anti-social behaviour.

"Companies who organise events like this must take their responsibilities seriously. Too often young people take part, drink far too much and end up in a vulnerable state on the street with society left to pick up the pieces," the Daily Mail quoted Andrew Misell, manager of Alcohol Concern Cymru, as saying.

Scantily clad female students wore little other than bras and mini skirts with suspenders as they adhered to the fancy dress code of a prostitute.

Male students wore ripped open T-shirts and shorts and were pictured passionately kissing girls nearly bearing all on street corners.

Some students didn't even manage to make it home before slumping on the pavement and falling asleep.

The pub crawl on Sunday night saw female students also donning basques, fishnet tights and high waisted shorts. (ANI)

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