

 笑熬浆糊糊 2012-11-19

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Thanksgiving Song感恩节之歌

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you谢谢,谢谢,谢谢

Let's all say thank-you让我们所有人一起说谢谢

We will all say thank-you我们所有人会一起说谢谢

On this special day在这个特别的日子里

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you谢谢,谢谢,谢谢

Let's all say thank-you让我们所有人一起说谢谢

Together we'll say thank-you我们会一起说谢谢

On Thanksgiving Day!在感恩节里面!

Many, many years ago很多很多年前

When [w=pilgrim]pilgrims[/w] first arrived朝圣者首次来到的时候

[w]Crops[/w] were small, this made it all农作物很矮小,这造成

A [w]challenge[/w] to survive一个活下去的挑战

In [w]honour[/w] of their hard work为了向他们的辛勤劳动致敬

They all gathered 'round and dined他们聚集在一起用餐

And gave their thanks at harvest time他们在丰收时节致谢

We celebrate this holiday我们庆祝这个假日

With friends and family和朋友、家人在一起

And thank [w]the Lord[/w] for all our gifts感谢上帝给我们的所有礼物

This joyful [w]jubilee[/w]这个愉快的周年庆

There's [w]turkey[/w], [w]stuffing[/w], [w]pumpkin[/w] pie有火鸡、填充物、南瓜派

Enough for everyone足够给所有人

Let's eat and drink and have some fun让我们吃饱喝足、尽情享受

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