

 昵称11268080 2012-12-08

一. 关于Web
1. 自动打开IE
'open IE and navigate to 163_email===========================================
Browser1 = "IE"
StartURL = "http://mail.163.com/"
If Browser1 = "IE" Then
    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    IE.Visible = true
    IE.Navigate StartURL
End If
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://mail.163.com/"

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://newtours./" '启动IE
Browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"
Browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"
Browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").Image("name:=login").Click
'Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"正常","login succesully" ’调试语句
If  Browser("title:=Find a Flight: Mercury Tours:").Exist(10000) Then
    Browser("title:=Find a Flight: Mercury Tours:").Close
    'reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"失败","没有取到当前浏览器" '调试语句
End If
'focus on current page ===================================================
   Set Browser_flight = Browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours - Windows Internet Explorer")
   Set home_page = Browser_flight.page("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours")
'close current page ======================================================
   Browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours - Windows Internet Explorer").Close

2. 调试
    Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"pass","检查XXX通过"
    reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"失败","没有找到对象XXX"
    reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"异常","定位不到对象xxxx"

3.new action
' Dim qtApp, ActionContent, ActionName, ActionDescr, NewAction, SecondAction, script
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the application object
qtApp.Visible = True

ActionContent = "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""1"").Click" & vbCrLf & "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""+"").Click" & vbCrLf & "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""+"").Click" & vbCrLf & "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""="").Click"
ActionDescr = "A new sample action for the test."
ActionName = "Action" + CStr(qtApp.Test.Actions.Count + 1)

4.Web element 常用方法
a. CaptureBitmap Method
Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Find Flights").WebEdit("numPassengers").CaptureBitmap "edit_4.bmp"
b. Check Method
Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Find Flights").WebCheckBox("roundtrip").Check CheckPoint("Roundtrip Ticket")
c. CheckProperty Method
Browser("Nested Lists").Page("Page").WebEdit("Name").CheckProperty "value", "Mercury"
ChildObjects Method
Set oDesc = Description.Create()
    oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebList"
Set Lists = Browser("Mercury Interactive").Page("Mercury Interactive").ChildObjects(oDesc)
    NumberOfLists = Lists.Count()
For i = 0 To NumberOfLists - 1
    Lists(i).Select i + 1
e. Click Method
Browser("New Page").Page("New Page").WebElement("html tag:=Form").Click
f. Drag Method,Drop Method
Browser("Microsoft Outlook Web").Page("Microsoft Outlook Web_2").Frame("viewer").WebElement("MyEmail").Drag , micNoCoordinate, micNoCoordinate, micCtrl
Browser("Microsoft Outlook Web").Page("Microsoft Outlook Web_2").Frame("navbar").Link("Junk E-mail").Drop
g. FireEvent Method
Browser("New Page").Page("New Page").WebElement("html tag:=Form").FireEvent "onpropertychange"
GetROProperty Method
Val = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Find Flights").WebCheckBox("roundtrip").GetROProperty("Value")
i. GetTOProperties Method
Set LinkObject = Browser("Index").Page("index").Link("All kind of")
Set Props = LinkObject.GetTOProperties
    PropsCount = Props.Count
For i = 0 To PropsCount - 1
    PropName = Props(i).Name
    PropValue = Props(i).Value
    MsgBox PropName & " = " & PropValue
GetTOProperty Method
TableTag = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Method of Payment").WebTable("FirstName").GetTOProperty("HtmlTag")

ListSize = Browser("ListOfStudentNames").Page("ListOfStudentNames").WebList("ListOfStudentNames").GetTOProperty("items count")
Dim NamesArray()
'Dynamically allocate an array according to the list size
ReDim NamesArray(ListSize - 1)

For i = 1 To ListSize
     NamesArray(i - 1) = Browser("ListOfStudentNames").Page("ListOfStudentNames").WebList("ListOfStudentNames").GetItem(i)

'The following function uses the array of student names in order to send grades to the students.
SendGradesByStudentName (NameArray)
k. Output Method
Browser("Mercury Technologies").Page("Mercury Technologies").Link("Jobs").Output CheckPoint("Jobs")
l.RefreshObject Method
Set MyLink = Browser("HP United States - Computers,").Page("HP United States - Computers,").Link("Contact HP")
Browser("HP United States - Computers,").Sync
m.SetTOProperty Method
Browser("New Page").Page("New Page").WebElement("just text").SetTOProperty "Style", "'color:blue'"
Submit Method
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Image("Sign-In").Submit
o. ToString Method
ObjectString = Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("who-to-do-it-with").ToString
'Use the ToString to return value to enhance the reporter.
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "We are selecting the fourth item in the " & ObjectString, ""
Browser("Fill-Out Form Example").Page("Fill-Out Form Example").WebList("who-to-do-it-with").Select "#4"
WaitProperty Method
If Browser("index").Page("index").Link("All kind of").WaitProperty("attribute/readyState", "complete", 4000) Then
    Browser("index").Page("index").Link("All kind of").Click
End If

5.Web Table
ColumnCount Method
NumColumns = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").ColumnCount(1)
  MsgBox "The number of columns in the row is " & NumColumns
b. ChildItem Method
Set WebEditObj = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Method of Payment").WebTable("FirstName").ChildItem(8, 2, "WebEdit", 0)
WebEditObj.Set "Example"
ChildItemCount Method
Dim NumEdit
NumEdit = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Method of Payment").WebTable("FirstName").ChildItemCount(1, 2, "WebEdit")
d. GetCellData Method
Set Text = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlight").GetCellData(1, 1)
  MsgBox "text contains" & Text
e. GetRowWithCellText Method
row = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").GetRowWithCellText("Price", 2, 2)
Set Link = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").ChildItem(row, 2, "Link", 0)
f. RowCount Method
NumRows = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").RowCount
' NumRows contains 5

6. Data Table Object

a. AddSheet Method

Variable=DataTable.AddSheet ("MySheet").AddParameter("Time", "8:00")

b. DeleteSheet Method

DataTable.DeleteSheet "MySheet"

c. Export / ExportSheet Method

DataTable.Export ("C:\flights.xls")
DataTable.ExportSheet "C:\name.xls" ,1    '(save the first sheet of the run-time Data Table to the name.xls file.)
d. GetCurrentRow Method

row = DataTable.GetCurrentRow

Reporter.ReportEvent 1, "Row Number", row
e.GetRowCount Method

rowcount = DataTable.GetSheet("MySheet").GetRowCount

Reporter.ReportEvent 2, "There are " &rowcount, "rows in the data sheet."

The example below performs the equivalent of renaming a column (parameter) in the DataTable by copying the data from one column to a new column with a new name, and then deleting the old column.

'add a new column
DataTable.GetSheet("dtGlobalSheet").AddParameter "NewColumn","Row1Value"

'copy the cells from the old column into the new column
For i=1 to cnt

'delete the old column
f. GetSheet Method

MyParam=DataTable.GetSheet ("MySheet").AddParameter("Time", "8:00")

You can also use this to add a parameter to the "MySheet" local sheet (note that no value is returned).

DataTable.GetSheet ("MySheet").AddParameter "Time", "8:00"
g. GetSheetCount Method

sheetcount = DataTable.GetSheetCount

Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Sheet number", "There are " & sheetcount & " sheets in the Data Table."
h. Import Method
DataTable.Import ("C:\flights.xls")
i. ImportSheet Method
DataTable.ImportSheet "C:\name.xls" ,1 ,"name"
j. SetCurrentRow Method

DataTable.SetCurrentRow (2)

The example below performs the equivalent of renaming a column (parameter) in the DataTable by copying the data from one column to a new column with a new name, and then deleting the old column.

'add a new column
DataTable.GetSheet("dtGlobalSheet").AddParameter "NewColumn","Row1Value"

'copy the cells from the old column into the new column
For i=1 to cnt

'delete the old column
k. SetNextRow Method
l. SetPrevRow Method
m. GlobalSheet Property

ParamValue=DataTable.GlobalSheet.AddParameter("Time", "5:45")

You can also use this method to add a parameter to the global sheet (note that no value is returned).

DataTable.GlobalSheet.AddParameter "Time", "5:45"
n. LocalSheet Property
MyParam=DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter("Time", "5:45")
o. RawValue Property
FormulaVal=DataTable.RawValue ("Date", "ActionA")
p.Value Property

DataTable.Value ("Destination", "ActionA")="New York"

The following example uses the Value property to set the value in the current row of the second parameter (column) in the third sheet.

DataTable.Value (2,3)="New York"

Note: You could omit the word Value in the statements above, because Value is the default property for the DataTable object.

The following example uses the default property to set the value in the current row of the Destination parameter (column) in the current (active) local sheet.

DataTable("Destination", dtlocalSheet)="New York"

The example below performs the equivalent of renaming a column (parameter) in the DataTable by copying the data from one column to a new column with a new name, and then deleting the old column.

'add a new column
DataTable.GetSheet("dtGlobalSheet").AddParameter "NewColumn","Row1Value"

'copy the cells from the old column into the new column
For i=1 to cnt

'delete the old column

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