
1.巨大的萝卜 The Enormous Turnip

 兰黛公主 2013-01-24

1.巨大的萝卜 The Enormous Turnip - 坐看云起 - 谁谓一室小,宽如天地间。

Mr Johnson has got a big garden. There are flowers and fruit trees in the garden. There are vegetables under the trees. Mr Johnson has got a seed. It’s a small turnip seed. He puts the seed into the earth and goes to bed.


In the night the turnip grows and grows and grows. It grows very, very big. It’s ENORMOUS!


In the morning Mr Johnson is in the garden. He puts his hand on the enormous turnip. what a wonderful, enormous turnip!’ he says.


Mr Johnson pulls the turnip but nothing happens! He pulls and he pulls. But nothing happens! The turnip is too big! Mr Johnson calls his wife, Lizzie. ‘come here, Lizzie. Come and help me. This turnip is too big!.


Mr Johnson and his wife Lizzie pull and pull and pull. But nothing happens! The turnip is too big! Mr Johnson calls his son, Ben. ‘come here, Ben. Come and help us. This turnip is too big!. Mr Johnson , his wife Lizzie and his son Ben pull and pull and pull. But nothing happens! The turnip is too big! Mr Johnson calls his daughter, Katie. ‘come here, Katie. Come and help us. This turnip is too big!


Mr Johnson, his wife Lizzie, his son Ben and his daughter Katie pull and pull and pull. But nothing happens! The turnip is too big! Mr Johnson calls his dog, Pip. ‘come here, Pip. Come and help us. This turnip is too big!. Mr Johnson, his wife Lizzie, his son Ben, his daughter Katie and his dog Pip pull and pull and pull. But nothing happens! The turnip is too big! Mr johnson calls his cat, Lola. ‘come here, Lola. Come and help us. This turnip is too big!. Mr Johnson, his wife Lizzie, his son Ben, his daughter Katie, his dog Pip and his cat Lola pull and pull and pull. But nothing happens! The turnip is too big! A little white mouse is under the apple tree. The little mouse looks at Mr Johnson and his family. Mr Johnson calls the mouse. ‘come here, little white mouse. Come and help us. This turnip is too big!. Mr Johnson, his wife Lizzie, his son Ben, his daughter Katie, his dog Pip, his cat Lola and the little mouse pull and pull and pull and POP! The enormous turnip comes out of the earth!


Mr Johnson says, come and help me cook this wonderful, enormous turnip!. She goes into the house with Mr Johnson, her son Ben, her daughter Kttie, her dog Pip, her cat Lola and the little white mouse.


Mr Johnson, Ben, Katie, Pip, Lola and the little white mouse help Mrs Johnson cook the enormous turnip.


Mr Johnson, Mrs johnson, Ben, Katie, Pip, Lola and the little white mouse eat the eat the enormous turnip. ‘Mmm! This turnip is delicious!’ says everyone!


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