
Tech Toys 360  科技新创意

 cntic 2013-03-12
Tech Toys 360科技新创意

Are you the type of person that has to have the latest technology as soon as it comes out? Do you always need to get your hands on the most unique, one-of-a-kind gadgets and gear? Is it of the utmost necessity for you to possess the coolest vehicle in the world? If all these describe you perfectly, then National Geographic Channel's Tech Toys 360 was made with people like you in mind.
Viewers such as you can sit back and relax as Tech Toys 360 travels the world to find the coolest gear, gadgets, and vehicles and bring them to you. You get to experience the most innovative technology of the 21st century and meet the makers who brought them to life. These include the Pagani Huayra, an airplane-inspired supercar that goes from zero to 60 miles per hour in just 3.3 seconds. A car that drives underwater, a camera that spins 360 degrees to take panoramic photos, and a fancy smartphone that comes with its own personal assistant are also must-haves. For more wonders of the modern world, don't miss tuning in to Tech Toys 360 on NGC this month.

像您这样的观众只要轻松坐著欣赏,让《科技新创意》到世界各地寻找最酷的装置、小玩意儿以及交通工具,然後把它们呈献在您眼前就行了。您得以体验二十一世纪最新颖的科技,还可以跟创造出这些物件的制造者见面。这当中包括了Pagani Huayra这款以飞机为制作灵感的超级跑车,它可以在三点三秒内从零加速到时速六十英里。举凡一辆可以在水中驾驶的汽车、一台会旋转三百六十度来拍摄全景照片的相机,还有一支自带个人助理的豪华智慧型手机,都是科技迷一定要拥有的物品。想要知道更多现代世界的奇珍逸品,千万别错过本月份国家地理频道的《科技新创意》。

  1. get + 所有格 +hands on...(某人)获得 取得……
    Vicky got her hands on a pair of tickets to the sold-out concert.
  2. one-of-a-kinda. 独一无二的
    Each of the one-of-a-kind dolls is sewn by hand.
  3. utmosta. 极度的;最(仅用於名词前,其前须置定冠词 the)
    The boss said that the firm's reputation is of the utmost importance.
  4. possessvt. 拥有,持有
    Neither of us possesses a credit card because we prefer to pay in cash.
  5. with...in mind(做某事时)考虑 记住……
    The woman makes every decision with her children's future in mind.
  6. sit back轻松地坐在椅子(尤指沙发)上
    After dinner, Rachel enjoys sitting back on the sofa and watching TV.
  7. innovative a. 新颖的,创新的
    The baker is known for creating big cakes with innovative designs.
  8. bring...to life创造出……;使……诞生
    In the movie, a scientist brought a monster to life with the use of electricity.
  9. spinvi. 旋转(三态为∶spin, spun [ spVn ], spun。)
    The talented dancer could spin on one leg for more than a minute.

  1. gadgetn. 设计精巧的装置
  2. gear n. 装置,装备
  3. panoramica. 全景的
  4. must-haven. 必备品

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