
Home Term Parlour Chapter--Emergency Lamp

 LOFT生活 2013-05-29
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【 iyashi 】

Chinese name: emergency lights

English name: emergency light

Definition: by the emergency power supply for the premises necessary emergency lighting lamps and lanterns.

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【 classification Term 1 regular 】

Portable emergency light/fire emergency light/energy conservation/emergency lights supply emergency light/water/rechargeable emergency light/solar emergency lights, emergency lights

Multifunction emergency lamp DC/DC fan - 001 emergency light/HX - 628 - b rechargeable emergency light/HX - 618 - c type emergency light/HX - 628 - d type rechargeable emergency light

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【 classification  of term 2 according to the emergency power supply】

1. Built-in power source type

2. Centralized power type

3. The letter type power supply

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【The classificationaccording of term 3  to the use 】

1. The lights

2. The lighting

3. Lighting, marker light

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【 classification term 4 press works】

1. The last type

2. The last type

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【 classification terms 5 according to the Emergency way 】

1. The independent model

2. Centralized control model

3. The letter type control

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【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by The Network】

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