

 cntic 2013-06-13

简介∶◎ be spoiled for choice 是什麽意思? ◎「睁一苹眼闭一苹眼」英语怎麽说?

Berlin: No Future without a Past

On an icy Berlin morning on March 27, construction workers quietly went about their work near the city center. The sun had yet to poke its head out, and, to a sleepy passerby, the fuzzy forms milling around in the half-light might have indicated nothing untoward. But to the keen observer, the team of policemen standing guard would have been cause for a double take. In fact, what was taking place was the dismantling of a section of an iconic landmark: the Berlin Wall.

When the wall came down in November 1989, there were scenes of jubilation. The barrier had divided East and West Berlin for nearly 30 years, during which time at least 136 people had perished attempting to cross the border. Its removal marked the beginning of the end for the communist German Democratic Republic (GDR). However, while optimism was rife, it was inevitably tinged with a degree of trepidation as Berliners speculated on the hurdles ahead for a reunified Germany.

Nearly 25 years on, Berlin boasts a powerful service sector that accounts for about 80 percent of business in the city. Creative industries contribute roughly 20 percent of Berlin's GDP. The city also enjoys a reputation as a world-class host to conventions and conferences. Indeed, the annual Meeting Place Berlin is an industry workshop with a specific focus on acquiring more events for the city.


在三月廿七日一个寒冷的柏林早晨,建筑工人在市中心 附近安静地做著他们的工作。太阳还没探出头来,而对一个 睡眼惺忪的路人来说,那些在清晨曙光中忙碌的模糊身影并 无不寻常之处。不过,若是眼尖一点的人,可能会因为那群 站在一旁监看的警察而忍不住多看一眼。实际上,那群工人 正在拆除一座传奇地标 —— 柏林围墙 —— 的一部分。

柏林围墙於一九八九年十一月倒塌时曾伴随著欢欣雀跃 的景象。这道墙分隔东、西柏林将近 30 年之久,那段期间 内至少有 136 人因试图闯越边境而丧命。柏林围墙的拆除 标著奉行共产主义的德意志民主共和国走向灭亡的起点。 尽管当时弥漫著一股乐观的情绪,柏林人一旦想到德国再次 统一後可能遭遇的困难,心里还是不免感到些微的不安。

将近 25 年之後,柏林拥有占该市商业活动 80% 左右 的强大服务产业。创意产业为柏林贡献了约 20% 的国内生 产毛额。这座城市也以各项大会与研讨会的世界级主办地点 著称。实际上,每年举行一次的「柏林集会地点」目的就是 在为该市争取更多活动的产业研讨会。

2013/06/10 (一) As you can see from this graph, we have yet to meet this quarter's goals.
2013/06/11 (二) This can be done, however, as this diagram shows.
2013/06/12 (三) We can take a larger slice of the pie this time.
2013/06/13 (四) I estimate something on this order.
2013/06/14 (五) If we stay true to projections, we're going to be looking good.

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