
夏日高温连续 中暑防治小贴士

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-08-03


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Sunstroke, mainly the result of body being exposed to a high temperature for too long a time, can be described as a condition in which the body's ability to regulate heat fails.中暑主要是指由于长时间暴露在高温环境下,致使机体无法调节体温热量而引起身体不适的情况。

Symptoms of sunstroke: Headache, muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness, hot dry skin, flushed skin, high body temperature, lack of sweating, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, seizures, loss of consciousness.中暑症状:头痛、肌肉痉挛、疲劳乏力、头晕目眩、皮肤干热发红、体温升高、汗液减少、脉搏呼吸加快、抽搐、丧失意识。

Treatment For Sunstroke: 中暑处理方法:

Get yourself out of the sun as soon as possible. Get inside an air-conditioned building or at least go under some shade.尽快远离太阳直射区域。进入有空调的建筑里,或至少转移到阴凉处。

Next, remove as much of your clothing as is possible, especially your shoes, socks and hats. This is because such clothes make the heat remain trapped inside.接下来除去大部分衣服。尤其要脱掉鞋袜、摘下帽子。因为这类衣服会阻止散热。

Drink lots and lots of water and other fluids, except alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Don't gulp it all down, in one go. Rather, sip as much as you can take in.摄入大量水或其它液体,但不要喝含有酒精或咖啡因的饮料。不要一口气喝完,而是每次一小口,能喝多少喝多少。

After resting for a few minutes, take a cool shower. If it is not possible to have a bath, at least apply water to your forehead, neck, face and arms.休息几分钟之后,要去冲个凉水澡。如果没有条件,至少要冲洗前额、脖颈、面部和胳膊。

Then lie down on a flat surface and place a cool, damp cloth over your forehead. Elevate your feet, above your head, allowing blood to circulate and get rid of headache and dizziness.然后平躺在阴凉处,在前额上放置凉毛巾。抬起双腿超过头的高度,促进血液循环,消除头痛头晕症状。

In sunstroke, the body does not only lose fluids, but salts as well. Replenish the same by drinking a sports drink especially formulated with electrolytes or eating something salty.中暑后身体不仅缺水,而且缺盐。因此要喝专门运动饮料以补充流失的电解质,也可以吃一些稍咸的东西。

You should start feeling better by this time. However, if this is not the case, it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention. 此时你应该能感觉到有所恢复。如果没有好转,建议立刻去医院就诊。

Some More Remedies: 更多应对方法:

Place ice packs at the neck, armpits, and groin. You can also rub the limbs with ice cubes.在脖颈、腋下、腹股沟处放置冰袋。还可以用冰块刮擦四肢。

Massage the arms and legs gently. This will allow some cool blood to return to the brain as well as the core of the body.轻轻按摩胳膊和腿部。这样做有利于温度较低的血液流回大脑和身体核心部位。

If the temperature is not coming down, you can wrap up the body with a wet sheet or towel.如果体温不降,可用湿布单或湿毛巾包裹身体。

You can also apply a cold mud pack to the stomach and eyes. This will help keep the body cool.也可将冰镇泥敷膏放置在腹部和眼部,以保持身体凉爽。

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