

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-09-26

The US president, Barack Obama, says he hasn't had a smoke in years – thanks in no small part to his fear of the first lady, Michelle Obama.美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马坦言自己已经六年没吸烟了——这很大程度上是由于他对第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马的敬畏之情。

Obama, who was caught chatting off-guard with a UN official on Monday and unwittingly recorded by a CNN microphone, said he hoped the official had quit smoking.这则消息是本周一奥巴马与一位联合国官员闲聊时自曝的,当时奥巴马对这位官员说,希望他已经戒了烟。不过让总统措手不及的是,这则对话被CNN的微型麦可风悄悄记录了下来。

After the official appeared to ask Obama about his own cigarette use, Obama said he hadn't had a cigarette in probably six years.这位官员于是问奥巴马是否还吸烟,奥巴马回答称自己大概已经六年没有吸烟了。

He added, with a broad grin: "That's because I'm scared of my wife."奥巴马还咧着嘴笑着补充说:“我戒烟是因为我怕我老婆。”

The exchange was caught on camera and aired on CNN.这则对话被CNN拍摄下来并播了出来。

Obama has acknowledged over the years struggling with tobacco use. Michelle Obama said in 2011 that her husband had finally kicked the habit.奥巴马曾坦言自己数年来一直在和烟瘾作斗争。2011年第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马曾表示奥巴马终于摆脱了烟瘾。

Monday's exchange came on the sidelines of the UN general assembly in New York.联合国大会圆桌会议日前在纽约举行,周一的这段闲聊也成了联合国大会的花絮之一。

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