
家常菜(2)西红柿肉片汤tomato meat soup

 喜欢收藏001 2013-11-23

家常菜(2)西红柿肉片汤tomato <wbr>meat <wbr>soup


原料: 盐少许,酒少许,猪瘦肉半斤洗净切成薄片,西红柿(大的一个,小的两个)洗净切成薄片,豆粉,姜四片切成细丝(自己调节).

Materals: half teaspoon salt;1/4 teaspoon cook wine;no fat pork meat about one pound (clean it and cut it into small and thin pieces);big one tomato,(if small ones, need two,clean it and cut into thin pieces);3 teaspoon dye sweet potato powder;4 paper thin slices ginger。


作法: 1. 把切好的肉放一点盐,三勺豆粉(豆粉要多一点,大约三四克左右),少许酒拌匀待用..

      (put meat in a bowl ,put 1/4teaspooun salt, 3 teaspoon dye sweet potato powder,

       1/4cook wine into the bowl, mix together well)

      2. 汤锅放上适量水,根据自己想做多少汤来决定。(如果有骨头汤更好),烧开.放上切好的西红    


        Put some water in middle size of soup pot(how much water? according to how much 

        soup u want to make)。Boil  the water, then put prepared tomato and 4paper thin

        slices ginger in soup, turn the  the fire into middle,cook about 6 minutes。

      3. 带西红柿汤熬好后,放入少许盐.然后把准备好的肉片,一片一片地放入锅中,火保持中火.放完后,


       Put 1/4teaspoon salt into soup。 Put prepared meat into soup, piece by piece until u

      put all meat in soup。Turn fire into strong, cook about 2 or 3 minutes,all done。 Put

       the soup into a big china soup bowl, enjoy it。 



The soup is easy and fast to make。It tastes a little slipery  very tender and a little sweet and sour because of the delicious tomato taste absorbed by meat。Tomato can help ladies to reduce weight。 It is very healthy food。 If you like to put some oil in soup, you can put 1/4 corn oil in soup。 You can adjust the salt and oil according to your  own tasty。 I like food with less salt and less oil, that is why I didn‘t put any oil it the soup above。




You can switch tomato into chinese sour vegetable, or green leaves vegetables that you like. U will enjoy different taste food.

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