
31天学会简单生活 第20天:10分钟的威力

 蕙籣留香 2013-12-26
           31天学会简单生活,第二十天:10分钟的威力 译者: 陈俊强 原作者:Emily 发表时间:2010-10-20

My timer is one of the most important tools in my home for keeping things running smoothly and helping me be productive on days that I am lacking motivation. I am not very strict or regimented. I don’t set it for 10 minutes and do one thing then set it for another 10 minutes to do something else on the schedule. I don’t even have a schedule. What I do use it for is for 10 minute bursts of productivity.
Usually I set it for my kids and challenge them to see how many toys they can have picked up and in their bins in 10 minutes. 10 minutes to get their shoes on before we are leaving the house. Other times I need it for me to get me to put the laundry piles away and other small things that need to be done. It’s amazing how a ticking timer can really get me moving. It’s actually kind of fun.
When I see how much I can get done in just 10 minutes, I feel like I can do so much. The excuses for not getting it done fade away.
Not only can the 10 minutes timer be good for getting stuff done around my home, it can also be a sanity saver when I need to stop and slow down. 10 minutes drinking tea or flipping through a magazine. 10 minutes on the phone with a friend. 10 minutes reading books to one of my kids. So many small bursts of time that can add up to so much, making my days both productive and peaceful. Mostly.


Do you use a timer? What are your tips and tricks for making the most of your minutes?


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