

 yfpy1234 2014-01-07
来自:要学习网  阅读原文

Usually when we talk about stress eating, we're warning you against using food to squash unpleasant feelings.The foods we usually choose to stress eat lead to higher levels of feel-good brain chemical serotonin and, at least temporarily, make us think we're beating the blues. These seven healthy picks have natural stress-reducing powers of their own.




[L]Green tea contains an amino acid called theanine, which has been linked to reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. And a 2006 study found that black tea drinkers were both quicker to de-stress and less stressed in general than people given atea substitute.[/L]

[L]Dark Chocolate[/L]


[L]There's some benefit to craving something chocolatey when times get tough. A 2009 study found that regular chocolate eaters had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisolin their blood. And dark chocolate contains antioxidants called flavonoids,known for their relaxing properties.[/L]

[L]Fatty Fish[/L]


[L]Salmon, tuna and other fish rich in omega 3s have been shown to ease a stressed mind. A team of researchers from Ohio State University examined a small group of medical students and their physical responses to anxiety and stress during the school year. Among those given omega 3 supplements, anxiety dropped by 20 percent,compared to the students given a placebo who remained anxious.[/L]

[L]Oatmeal  [/L]


[L]Carbs naturally boost your mood by kick-starting serotonin production in the brain. Grains with more fiber take longer to digest, though, thereby releasing serotonin at a more slow-and-steady pace. That warm bowl of oatmeal for breakfast can help you stay serene all day.[/L]

[L]Leafy Greens[/L]


[L]Magnesium, a mineral crucial to your body running smoothly, helps muscles relax and also calms the nerves. It's found naturally in green veggies, particularly leafy ones, like Swiss chard and spinach.[/L]

[L]Citrus Fruits[/L]


[L]A 2002 German study found that a hefty dose of vitamin C helped people bounce back more easily from a stressful situation. Both blood pressure and cortisol levels decreased faster in people given a vitamin C supplement than the study participants given a placebo. So reach for an orange -- or one of these other foods high in vitamin C.[/L]



[L]While it may not exactly put you to sleep, calcium has been linked to fewer mood swings, at least when it comes to PMS. This finding could translate to stressful oranxiety-inducing situations too. A glass of milk is a good place to start -- but there are also some more surprising places to get a dose of calcium, like soybeans and kale.[/L]

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