
Eco-Friendly House Made From Two Shipping Containers

 coolbookbanks 2014-02-15

How would you imagine that a house made of shipping containers would look like? Probably somewhat like an improvised space without any real structure and without a well-defined design. You couldn’t be more wrong. As we’ve shown you before, what you can do with shipping containers is unbelievable.

A perfect example in this case can be this house. It was built out of two recycled shipping containers and it’s a lovely single living space. This was the Savannah project which resulted in the construction of a contemporary green home with an interior that’s far from being uninviting or comfortable.

Built with two 3.7 square meter containers, the house is located in Savannah and it’s a single-story building with a green and simple design. The flexible residence is quite suitable for a single couple as it offers everything they need on a minimum budget.

The entrance to the house is through a sliding glass door placed between two blue steel containers. There’s even an elevated terrace made of local wood inviting you to step inside.

The interior is more open than you would expect. There are few partitions, detail possible thanks to the fact that large portions of the edges of the containers were cut off. As a result, inside you find an open and comfortable living space which includes the dining area and the kitchen with access to an outdoor terrace.{found on homeinabox}.

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