

 求and知 2014-02-18
一个比较高效的SPI方式SD卡的驱动 发布时间:2009-03-07 19:22:49


/*          SD Card driver using SSP for LPC2148      */
/*                   by 314forever                    */
/*                 spi_mmc.c  2009.1                  */

#ifndef __SPI_MMC_H__
#define __SPI_MMC_H__

#define SPI_SEL        16

#define SET_MMC_CS FIO0SET = (1 << SPI_SEL);
#define CLR_MMC_CS FIO0CLR = (1 << SPI_SEL);

#define MMC_CMD_SIZE   6        // the SPI data is 8 bit long, the MMC use 48 bits, 6 bytes
#define MMC_DATA_SIZE  512      // data of one sector in byte
#define MAX_TIMEOUT    0xFF     // retry times

#define GO_IDLE_STATE           0x00
#define SEND_CSD                0x09
#define SEND_CID                0x0A
#define READ_SINGLE_BLOCK       0x11
#define WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK      0x18
#define SEND_OP_COND            0x29
#define APP_CMD                 0x37
#define CRC_ON_OFF              0x3B

void spiSend(BYTE *buffer, DWORD length);
void spiReceive(BYTE *buffer, DWORD length);
BYTE spiReceiveByte(void);
BYTE mmcInit(void);
BOOL mmcReadSector(DWORD sector, BYTE *buffer, DWORD *SectorInCache);
BOOL mmcWriteSector(DWORD sector, BYTE *buffer);



/*          SD Card driver using SSP for LPC2148      */
/*                   by 314forever                    */
/*                 spi_mmc.c  2009.1                  */

#include <LPC214X.H>
#include "..\type.h"
#include "spi_mmc.h"

#define sspLowSpeed()   SSPCPSR = 0x80;
#define sspHighSpeed()  SSPCPSR = 0x08;

void sspSend(BYTE *buffer, DWORD length){
 BYTE dummy;
 while(SSPSR & 0x04)dummy = SSPDR;    // clean FIFO
 SSPDR = *buffer;                     // first byte to send
 buffer ++;
 length --;
  SSPDR = *buffer;                 // keep FIFO not empty nor not full
  buffer ++;
  length --; 
  while(!(SSPSR & 0x04));
  dummy = SSPDR;
 while(!(SSPSR & 0x04));
 dummy = SSPDR;

void sspReceive(BYTE *buffer, DWORD length){
 BYTE dummy;
 while(SSPSR & 0x04)dummy = SSPDR;    // clean FIFO
 SSPDR = 0xFF;
 length --;
  SSPDR = 0xFF;                    // keep FIFO not empty nor not full
  while(!(SSPSR & 0x04));
  *buffer = SSPDR;
  buffer ++;
  length --;
 while(!(SSPSR & 0x04));              // last byte to receive
 *buffer = SSPDR;

BYTE sspReceiveByte(void){
 SSPDR = 0xFF;
 while(SSPSR & 0x10);
 return SSPDR;

void sspSendByte(BYTE data){
 BYTE dummy;
 SSPDR = data;
 while(SSPSR & 0x10);
 dummy = SSPDR;

BYTE mmcSendCommand(BYTE command, DWORD argument){
 BYTE retry ;
 MMCCmd[0]= command | 0x40;
 MMCCmd[1]= argument >> 24;
 MMCCmd[2]= argument >> 16;
 MMCCmd[3]= argument >> 8;
 MMCCmd[4]= argument;
 if(!command)MMCCmd[5]= 0x95;
 else MMCCmd[5]= 0xFF;
 MMCCmd[6]= 0xFF;
 sspSend(MMCCmd, MMC_CMD_SIZE + 1);
 retry = MAX_TIMEOUT;
  R1 = sspReceiveByte();
  if(!(retry --))break;
 }while(R1 == 0xFF);


 return R1;

BYTE mmcInit(void){
 BYTE i;
 BYTE retry;
 WORD dummy;

 PINSEL1 |= 0x000000A8;      // enable SCK(P0.17), MISO(P0.18), MOSI(P0.19)
 FIO0DIR |= 1 << SPI_SEL;    // use P0.16 as SSEL of SSP port
 FIO0SET = 1 << SPI_SEL;
 SSPCR0 = 0x0007;            // 8bit, SPI format, CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0, and SCR is 0
 SSPCR1 = 0x02;              // master mode, SSP enabled, normal operational mode

 while(SSPSR & 0x04)dummy = SSPDR; // clear the RxFIFO

 retry = MAX_TIMEOUT;
  for(i = 0; i < 10; i ++)sspReceiveByte();
  R1 = mmcSendCommand(GO_IDLE_STATE, 0);  // CMD0
  if(!(retry --)){
   return 1;
 }while(R1 != 0x01);
 retry = MAX_TIMEOUT;
  if(!(retry --)){
   return 1;
  R1 = mmcSendCommand(APP_CMD, 0);  // CMD55
  if(R1 != 0x01)continue; 
  R1 = mmcSendCommand(SEND_OP_COND, 0);  // CMD41
 }while(R1 != 0x00);

 retry = MAX_TIMEOUT;
  R1 = mmcSendCommand(1, 0);  // send active command
  if(!(retry --)){
   return 1;
 mmcSendCommand(CRC_ON_OFF, 0);  // disable CRC
 mmcSendCommand(16, 512);  // set sector size to 512
 return 0; 

BOOL mmcReadSector(DWORD sector, BYTE *buffer, DWORD *SectorInCache){
 if(*SectorInCache == sector)return 0;
 else *SectorInCache = sector;

 R1 = mmcSendCommand(READ_SINGLE_BLOCK, sector << 9);  // read command
 if(R1 != 0x00){
  return 1;

 while(sspReceiveByte() != 0xFE){  // wait to start recieve data
  if(!(retry --)){
   return 1;

 sspReceive(buffer, 512);
 sspReceiveByte();  // dummy CRC
 sspReceiveByte();  // extra 8 CLK

 return 0;

BOOL mmcWriteSector(DWORD sector, BYTE *buffer){
 WORD retry = 0xFFFF;
 R1 = mmcSendCommand(WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK, sector << 9);  // write command
 if(R1 != 0x00){
  return 1;
 sspSendByte(0xFE);               // start transmit
 sspSend(buffer, MMC_DATA_SIZE);  // 512 bytes
 sspReceiveByte();                // dummy CRC
 R1 = sspReceiveByte();
 if((R1 & 0x1F) != 0x05){
  return 1;
 while(!sspReceiveByte()){        // wait until write finish
  if(!(retry --)){
   return 1;
 return 0;


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