
Master Baker Wu Pao-Chun 烘焙大师吴宝春 收件箱 x

 cntic 2014-02-20
Master Baker Wu Pao-Chun烘焙大师吴宝春

When talking about the pride of Taiwan, what comes to mind? Some might mention film director Ang Lee or baseball star Wang Chien-ming. Now, another name is coming up more and more, and this person has nothing to do with the glamor of Hollywood or professional sports. His name is Wu Pao-chun, and if you want to find him, you should look in the kitchen.
Wu is a baking legend, and he first rose to fame in 2010. It was then that he beat out 23 other competitors from 16 countries at the Bakery World Cup in Paris to earn the title of Master Baker. In the competition, each baker had to bake a loaf of bread that reflected their homeland. Wu's bread, which included local Taiwanese ingredients millet wine, rose petals, and dried lychees, took the top prize. Now, he is rolling in dough in more ways than one, for his Kaohsiung bakery racked up sales of over NT$200 million in 2012. Wu is determined to keep on learning and improving and is looking to earn his master's degree in the near future.


吴宝春是烘焙传奇,他在 2010 年时开始出名。那时他在巴黎的世界杯面包大赛击败来自十六个国家的其他二十三位选手而赢得了烘焙大师的头衔。比赛时,每一位面包师傅都必须烤出一条表现出他们家乡特色的面包。吴宝春赢得首奖的面包涵括了台湾本地的食材如小米酒、玫瑰花瓣和荔枝乾。如今他生财有道,因为 2012 年时他在高雄的烘焙坊已有新台币两亿多元的营业额。吴宝春决定要继续学习提升自己,并且想在近期取得硕士学位。

  1. reflect vt. 反映
    The photographer's pictures reflect his passion for traditional culture.
  2. rise to fame出名
    Wilson rose to fame after his new book became a bestseller.
  3. beat out...击败……
    Naomi beat out the other candidates and got the job.
  4. earn vt. 赢得,博得
    My brother's efforts earned him a promotion at the company.
  5. competition n. 竞赛;竞争
    Zoe is the youngest girl in the swimming competition.
  6. rack up...取得(数目或数量);比赛得分
    The famous director has racked up three awards so far.
  7. be determined to V下定决心做……
    Jenny was determined to quit her bad habit of staying up late.
  8. in the near future在不久的将来
    I will be taking a trip to Tokyo in the near future.
  1. glamor n. 魅力
  2. ingredient n. 原料
  3. millet n. 小米,粟
  4. petal n. 花瓣
  5. dough n. 钱;生面团(不可数)
  6. degree n. 学位;程度

be rolling in dough 代表的意思
本文中 "Now, he is rolling in dough..." 是一个双关语,一方面表示在『?面团』做面包,另一方面,dough 就是指钱的意思,所以 be rolling in dough 也可表示『赚大钱』。另外,还有同义词 be rolling in cash。

Mitch is rolling in dough , so he can afford his own jet.
= Mitch is rolling in cash, so he can afford his own jet.

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