
“品”句拼词Unit 1 Module 4

 tonyflora 2014-03-05

“品”句拼词Unit 1 Module 4

1. After a hearted a______, a decision was finally taken.

2. The sea is not deep everywhere. Some parts of it are rather s______.

3. The boy born into a wealthy family always wears the most popular b_____ clothes.

4. Too often we underestimate the p_____ of a touch, a smile, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

5. Why not give up smoking? As you know, it does h_____ to you.

6. They make it a rule that all students wear school ______ (制服) when in school.

7. I’d like a ______ (挑战性的) and rewarding career. What advice would you give me?

8. My ______(面部的)wrinkles and lines have been reduced by 47 percent after using SK-II, and I look much younger.

9. I received e-mail from a reader ______ (评论) on one of my recent columns.

10. Chinese is becoming endangered due to the growing ______ (重要) attached by schools to English lessons.

Keys: 1. argument  2. shallow  3. brand  4. power  5. harm  6. uniforms  7. challenging  8. facial  9. commenting  10. importance


考点点拨 考例回顾

Unit 1 Module 4

1. Some people say that the order in which you are born into a family affects your identity. (P3)

[考点] 在“介词+关系代词(whom/which)”中,先行词指人时用whom,指物时用which。选用介词通常要考虑以下三点:(1)从句中动词、形容词与介词的习惯搭配来确定;(2)先行词与从句中动词的关系及所表达的含义;(3)先行词在从句中的作用及含义。

In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn for help.

The two things of which they felt very proud were Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair.

The colorless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen.

The English play, in which my students acted at the party, was a great success.

[考例1] We saw natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came to us, _____ we gave some bells and glasses. (2006 湖南)

 A. to which     B. to whom     C. with whom     D. with which

[点拨] 由于先行词us是指人的代词,因此先将AD两项排除。give sth. to sb.(把……给某人)是固定搭配,介词to表示方向;with表示“与……在一起”,不能与动词give连用。

[考例2] She was educated at Beijing University, ______ she went on to have her advanced study abroad. (2006 陕西)

 A. after that     B. from that     C. from which    D. after which

[点拨] 根据“she went on to have her advanced study abroad”所提供的语境及主从句的含义,可以判断她进一步深造发生在北京大学毕业之后,所以要用介词after。在这个非限制性定语从句中,which代替前面整个句子。

2. Then he picked up another piece of paper and commented, “Your writing is not strong enough; press harder.” (P12)

[考点] pick up是一个多义的短语,在本句中为“拾起”之意。除此之外,还有“接(人);接收;恢复;沾染;(非正式地)学到”等意思。如:

Pick me up at eleven outside the gate.

He has picked up some bad habits at that club.

We picked up the radio signals on our receiver.

[考例] She _____ Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely. (2006 福建卷)

A. picked out    B. made out      C. made up    D. picked up

[点拨] pick out (=to choose sth. carefully from) 挑选出;make out (=to ask if sb. managed well) 应付;make up (=to form sth.) 形成,构成;pick up (=to get… by chance) 学会,偶然学得。显然,该句的意思是“在日本时她学会了日语,现在她能运用自如了”。

3. And to have proper character, it must be balanced. (P12)

[考点] must表示推测用法时,仅用于肯定句。表示对现在或将来的推测时,用“must+动词原形”;表示对过去或已经发生的事情的推测时,用“must + have + 过去分词”。

[考例1] He _____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside. (2005 北京)

A. should   B. must   C. wouldn’t   D. can’t

[点拨] 该题的意思是:他一定是完成了工作,否则他不会在海边玩得那么愉快。根据这一语境,可知这是对过去发生的事情的肯定判断,故要用“must + have + 过去分词”。

[考例2] I have lost one of my gloves. I        it somewhere. (2005 北京春)

A. must drop            B. must have dropped

C. must be dropping      D. must have been dropped

[点拨] 根据题干的意义可知“丢掉手套已经发生”,于是可以将表示进行和被动意义的C项和D项排除。选项B表示“对已经发生的事情的推测”,正好符合题意。

山东省郓城一中  李卫东  邮编:274700

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