linux下开源sip server : opensips 的安装 ,配置 与使用
update 4/12/2012:
1 如果你的ubuntu版本是11.10,那么gcc可能是最新的版本,会有curses.h的错误,这个时候去svn下载最新的版本,在branch的版本,作者做了一个修补版本,这个版本修补了这个错误。
2 新的版本中opensipsctlrc中已经不和原来的配置文件一样了,关于db_mysql.so的配置必须要 make menuconfig 中启用,然后再make install
3 如果发现有module db_mysql does not export db_use_table function这个错误,那么确认/usr/local/opensips/modules里面有,如无的话,要在menuconfig中启用,并且重新install,如果还是有问题,那么检查opensips.cfg,是否load,如无则添加
4 如果发现 error 1045 ,这个是因为你的opensipsctlrc中的密码没有设置正确,请比对下文中的opensipsrw的密码,然后重启opensipsdbctl
1 安装Mysql,如果后面编译的时候提示没有mysql.h 可以参照这片文章 ,找不到curses.h,安装sudo
apt-get install libncurses5-dev
2 下载 opensips
3 解压后,进入opensips目录
make all ,如果出错,一般是缺少一些编译工具,直接apt-get install xxx(相应的工具),或者是 关于mysql的,参照1的文章 。
make install ,注意权限,这里我做了很多操作,各种chmod
1 opensips数据库
vi /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensipsctlrc 见最后附表
2 开启数据库
/usr/local/sbin/opensipsdbctl create
“ERROR: could not load the script in /usr/local/lib/opensips/opensipsctl/opensipsdbctl.mysql for database engine MYSQL
ERROR: database engine not loaded - tried 'MYSQL'”
cd /usr/local/lib/opensips/opensipsctl/
cp $(你的opensips目录)/scrips/opensipsdbctrl.mysql ./
mkdir mysql
cp $(你的opensips目录)/scrips/mysql/*.sql ./
3 察看设置是否正确
/usr/local/sbin/opensipsctl -c
1 开启opensips服务
/usr/local/sbin/opensipsctl start
关闭stop 重启restart
i. ERROR: PID file/var/run/
does not exist -- OpenSIPS start failed. 的问题
一般很多问题都会导致线程启动失败,在这里,vi /var/log/syslog,察看错误究竟出在哪里。
ii.可以手动创建mkdir /var/run/opensips/
2 添加sip用户
opensipsctl add username password 如:opensipsctl add 100 100
使用软电话登陆如3cx ,x-lite等,成功登陆
3 察看注册的sip用户
opensipsctl ul show
4 是否在线
opensipsctl online
当然,更多的命令还可以使用opensipsctl ,就会打印出所有的命令帮助
- ## database type: MYSQL, PGSQL, ORACLE, DB_BERKELEY, or DBTEXT, by default none is loaded
- # If you want to setup a database with opensipsdbctl, you must at least specify
- # this parameter.
- SIP_DOMAIN= YOUR_PC_IP //这个是你的sip proxy 地址
- ## database host
- DBHOST=localhost
- ## database name (for ORACLE this is TNS name)
- DBNAME=opensips
- # database path used by dbtext or db_berkeley
- DB_PATH="/usr/local/etc/opensips/dbtext"
- ## database read/write user
- DBRWUSER=opensips
- ## password for database read/write user
- DBRWPW="opensipsrw"
- ## database read only user
- DBROUSER=opensipsro
- ## password for database read only user
- DBROPW=opensipsro
- ## database super user (for ORACLE this is 'scheme-creator' user)
- # user name column
- USERCOL="username"
5 配置opensips的模块
vi /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg
- #
- # $Id: opensips.cfg 8591 2011-11-26 08:27:25Z bogdan_iancu $
- #
- # OpenSIPS basic configuration script
- # by Anca Vamanu <>
- #
- # Please refer to the Core CookBook at:
- # http://www./Resources/DocsCookbooks
- # for a explanation of possible statements, functions and parameters.
- #
- ####### Global Parameters #########
- debug=3
- log_stderror=no
- log_facility=LOG_LOCAL0
- fork=yes
- children=4
- /* uncomment the following lines to enable debugging */
- #debug=6
- #fork=no
- #log_stderror=yes
- /* uncomment the next line to disable TCP (default on) */
- disable_tcp=yes
- /* uncomment the next line to enable the auto temporary blacklisting of
- not available destinations (default disabled) */
- #disable_dns_blacklist=no
- /* uncomment the next line to enable IPv6 lookup after IPv4 dns
- lookup failures (default disabled) */
- #dns_try_ipv6=yes
- /* uncomment the next line to disable the auto discovery of local aliases
- based on revers DNS on IPs (default on) */
- #auto_aliases=no
- /* uncomment the following lines to enable TLS support (default off) */
- #disable_tls = no
- #listen = tls:your_IP:5061
- #tls_verify_server = 1
- #tls_verify_client = 1
- #tls_require_client_certificate = 0
- #tls_method = TLSv1
- #tls_certificate = "/usr/local/etc/opensips/tls/user/user-cert.pem"
- #tls_private_key = "/usr/local/etc/opensips/tls/user/user-privkey.pem"
- #tls_ca_list = "/usr/local/etc/opensips/tls/user/user-calist.pem"
- /* default db_url to be used by modules requiring DB connection;
- uncomment it if you use any module requiring DB connectivity */
- db_default_url="mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips"
- port=5060
- /* uncomment and configure the following line if you want opensips to
- bind on a specific interface/port/proto (default bind on all available) */
- #listen=udp:
- ####### Modules Section ########
- #set module path
- mpath="/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/"
- /* uncomment next line for MySQL DB support */
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- /* uncomment next lines for MySQL based authentication support
- NOTE: a DB (like db_mysql) module must be also loaded */
- loadmodule ""
- loadmodule ""
- /* uncomment next line for aliases support
- NOTE: a DB (like db_mysql) module must be also loaded */
- loadmodule ""
- /* uncomment next line for multi-domain support
- NOTE: a DB (like db_mysql) module must be also loaded
- NOTE: be sure and enable multi-domain support in all used modules
- (see "multi-module params" section ) */
- #loadmodule ""
- /* uncomment the next two lines for presence server support
- NOTE: a DB (like db_mysql) module must be also loaded */
- #loadmodule ""
- #loadmodule ""
- # ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
- # ----- mi_fifo params -----
- modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")
- # ----- rr params -----
- # do not append from tag to the RR (no need for this script)
- modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)
- # ----- registrar params -----
- /* uncomment the next line not to allow more than 10 contacts per AOR */
- #modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10)
- # ----- usrloc params -----
- #modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)
- /* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable DB persistency
- for location entries */
- modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
- modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
- "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
- # ----- uri params -----
- modparam("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)
- # ----- acc params -----
- /* what sepcial events should be accounted ? */
- modparam("acc", "early_media", 1)
- modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1)
- /* by default ww do not adjust the direct of the sequential requests.
- if you enable this parameter, be sure the enable "append_fromtag"
- in "rr" module */
- modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0)
- /* account triggers (flags) */
- modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3)
- modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1)
- modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 2)
- /* uncomment the following lines to enable DB accounting also */
- modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
- modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 2)
- # ----- auth_db params -----
- /* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable the DB based
- authentication */
- modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
- modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
- #modparam("auth_db", "db_url","mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
- #modparam("auth_db", "load_credentials", "")
- # ----- alias_db params -----
- /* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable the DB based
- aliases */
- #modparam("alias_db", "db_url",
- # "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
- # ----- domain params -----
- /* uncomment the following lines to enable multi-domain detection
- support */
- #modparam("domain", "db_url",
- # "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
- #modparam("domain", "db_mode", 1) # Use caching
- # ----- multi-module params -----
- /* uncomment the following line if you want to enable multi-domain support
- in the modules (dafault off) */
- #modparam("auth_db|usrloc|uri", "use_domain", 1)
- # ----- presence params -----
- /* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable presence */
- #modparam("presence|presence_xml", "db_url",
- # "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
- #modparam("presence_xml", "force_active", 1)
- #modparam("presence", "server_address", "sip:")
- ####### Routing Logic ########
- # main request routing logic
- route{
- if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
- sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
- exit;
- }
- if (has_totag()) {
- # sequential request withing a dialog should
- # take the path determined by record-routing
- if (loose_route()) {
- if (is_method("BYE")) {
- setflag(1); # do accounting ...
- setflag(3); # ... even if the transaction fails
- } else if (is_method("INVITE")) {
- # even if in most of the cases is useless, do RR for
- # re-INVITEs alos, as some buggy clients do change route set
- # during the dialog.
- record_route();
- }
- # route it out to whatever destination was set by loose_route()
- # in $du (destination URI).
- route(1);
- } else {
- /* uncomment the following lines if you want to enable presence */
- ##if (is_method("SUBSCRIBE") && $rd == "your.server.ip.address") {
- ## # in-dialog subscribe requests
- ## route(2);
- ## exit;
- ##}
- if ( is_method("ACK") ) {
- if ( t_check_trans() ) {
- # non loose-route, but stateful ACK; must be an ACK after
- # a 487 or e.g. 404 from upstream server
- t_relay();
- exit;
- } else {
- # ACK without matching transaction ->
- # ignore and discard
- exit;
- }
- }
- sl_send_reply("404","Not here");
- }
- exit;
- }
- #initial requests
- # CANCEL processing
- if (is_method("CANCEL"))
- {
- if (t_check_trans())
- t_relay();
- exit;
- }
- t_check_trans();
- # authenticate if from local subscriber (uncomment to enable auth)
- # authenticate all initial non-REGISTER request that pretend to be
- # generated by local subscriber (domain from FROM URI is local)
- ##if (!(method=="REGISTER") && from_uri==myself) /*no multidomain version*/
- ##if (!(method=="REGISTER") && is_from_local()) /*multidomain version*/
- ##{
- ## if (!proxy_authorize("", "subscriber")) {
- ## proxy_challenge("", "0");
- ## exit;
- ## }
- ## if (!db_check_from()) {
- ## sl_send_reply("403","Forbidden auth ID");
- ## exit;
- ## }
- ##
- ## consume_credentials();
- ## # caller authenticated
- ##}
- # preloaded route checking
- if (loose_route()) {
- xlog("L_ERR",
- "Attempt to route with preloaded Route's [$fu/$tu/$ru/$ci]");
- if (!is_method("ACK"))
- sl_send_reply("403","Preload Route denied");
- exit;
- }
- # record routing
- if (!is_method("REGISTER|MESSAGE"))
- record_route();
- # account only INVITEs
- if (is_method("INVITE")) {
- setflag(1); # do accounting
- }
- if (!uri==myself)
- ## replace with following line if multi-domain support is used
- ##if (!is_uri_host_local())
- {
- append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n");
- # if you have some interdomain connections via TLS
- ##if($rd=="") {
- ## t_relay("");
- ## exit;
- ##} else if($rd=="") {
- ## t_relay("");
- ## exit;
- ##}
- route(1);
- }
- # requests for my domain
- ## uncomment this if you want to enable presence server
- ## and comment the next 'if' block
- ## NOTE: uncomment also the definition of route[2] from below
- ##if( is_method("PUBLISH|SUBSCRIBE"))
- ## route(2);
- if (is_method("PUBLISH"))
- {
- sl_send_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");
- exit;
- }
- if (is_method("REGISTER"))
- {
- # authenticate the REGISTER requests (uncomment to enable auth)
- #if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber"))
- #{
- # www_challenge("", "0");
- # exit;
- #}
- ##
- ##if (!db_check_to())
- ##{
- ## sl_send_reply("403","Forbidden auth ID");
- ## exit;
- ##}
- if (!save("location"))
- sl_reply_error();
- exit;
- }
- if ($rU==NULL) {
- # request with no Username in RURI
- sl_send_reply("484","Address Incomplete");
- exit;
- }
- # apply DB based aliases (uncomment to enable)
- ##alias_db_lookup("dbaliases");
- # do lookup with method filtering
- if (!lookup("location","m")) {
- switch ($retcode) {
- case -1:
- case -3:
- t_newtran();
- t_reply("404", "Not Found");
- exit;
- case -2:
- sl_send_reply("405", "Method Not Allowed");
- exit;
- }
- }
- # when routing via usrloc, log the missed calls also
- setflag(2);
- route(1);
- }
- route[1] {
- # for INVITEs enable some additional helper routes
- if (is_method("INVITE")) {
- t_on_branch("2");
- t_on_reply("2");
- t_on_failure("1");
- }
- if (!t_relay()) {
- sl_reply_error();
- };
- exit;
- }
- # Presence route
- /* uncomment the whole following route for enabling presence
- NOTE: do not forget to enable the call of this route from the main
- route */
- ##route[2]
- ##{
- ## if (!t_newtran())
- ## {
- ## sl_reply_error();
- ## exit;
- ## };
- ##
- ## if(is_method("PUBLISH"))
- ## {
- ## handle_publish();
- ## }
- ## else
- ## if( is_method("SUBSCRIBE"))
- ## {
- ## handle_subscribe();
- ## }
- ##
- ## exit;
- ##}
- branch_route[2] {
- xlog("new branch at $ru\n");
- }
- onreply_route[2] {
- xlog("incoming reply\n");
- }
- failure_route[1] {
- if (t_was_cancelled()) {
- exit;
- }
- # uncomment the following lines if you want to block client
- # redirect based on 3xx replies.
- ##if (t_check_status("3[0-9][0-9]")) {
- ##t_reply("404","Not found");
- ## exit;
- ##}
- # uncomment the following lines if you want to redirect the failed
- # calls to a different new destination
- ##if (t_check_status("486|408")) {
- ## sethostport("");
- ## # do not set the missed call flag again
- ## t_relay();
- ##}
- }