
Jailed murderer set to become Britain's youngest grandfather at just 27 after his 13-year-old daught

 darry 2014-04-01

Jailed murderer set to become Britain's youngest grandfather at just 27 after his 13-year-old daughter got pregnant by a boy her own age

  • Girl, 13, posted scans on Facebook when five months' pregnant
  • Her 27-year-old father, jailed for fatal knife attack, told her to have abortion
  • It's understood she's attending a special education unit for young mothers
  • One of the girl's friends has labelled the situation 'disgusting', reportedly
  • She lives with her 28-year-old mother on a council estate

By Ted Thornhill

PUBLISHED: 07:12 GMT, 1 April 2014 | UPDATED: 07:58 GMT, 1 April 2014

A jailed murderer is set to become Britain’s youngest grandfather at just 27 years of age, as his 13-year-old daughter is pregnant.

After she posted a picture of the scan on Facebook her father - jailed when she was just two for knifing to death a bystander who was trying to prevent a robbery - urged her to have an abortion, it was reported.

But her friends have posted messages of encouragement for the teenage mother-to-be, who got pregnant by a boy her own age.

Young mother: A 13-year-old girl has become pregnant, which will make her 27-year-old father, in jail for murder, Britain's youngest grandfather

Young mother: A 13-year-old girl has become pregnant, which will make her 27-year-old father, in jail for murder, Britain's youngest grandfather

After revealing that she was five months’ pregnant one friend wrote: ‘Hurry up and push that baby out. You and ******* are going to be the best mum and dad.’

Support for her wasn’t unanimous, though, with one friend labelling the situation ‘disgusting’.

She said: ‘The girls round here think this is what you do - and make out it’s a good thing she’s pregnant.

‘She thinks she’s a bit of a rebel. My mum would have killed me if I got pregnant at that age.’

The identities of the father and his daughter can’t be revealed for legal reasons, but The Sun learnt that she has been withdrawn from her mainstream school and placed in an education unit set up specifically for young pregnant women.

She lives on a council estate with her 28-year-old mother, who has a new partner and two sons, the paper reported.

The previous youngest grandfather was Shem Davies, 29, from Bridgend, south Wales, whose daughter, Tia, had a son called Jordan Williams at 14 in 2011.

Social media message: The 13-year-old girl posted pictures of her scans on Facebook when she was five months' pregnant, it was reported

Social media message: The 13-year-old girl posted pictures of her scans on Facebook when she was five months' pregnant, it was reported

He said at the time: ‘It’s quite mad. I’m about to be a grandad. I was 14 when my daughter was born, and now she’s having a baby.

‘She is very young, but she was determined to keep the child. We were not going to force her into doing anything else. We don’t want her to hate us.’

He added: ‘I quite like the idea of being the youngest grandad in Britain, but at the same time I’m fuming that she is pregnant. I know myself how tough it is being a teenage parent and now she has to go through the same thing.’

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