笔试题有两道,下面分别介绍。实现过程使用了Java语言。 The first one: We have an array representing customer’s shopping records. 3, etc.. bought item X. space. 基本思路:顾客和商品之间的关系可以用二分图来表示,考虑数据结构中图的存储有邻接矩阵、邻接表等存储方式。该题需要涉及到每个点的入度和出度计算,应该使用邻接矩阵来存储。可以构建一个二维矩阵,存储顾客和商品之间的关系,顾客作为矩阵的行坐标,商品作为矩阵的纵坐标。顾客购买过商品,则矩阵中相应的元素置为1,其余元素置为0。 实现过程中有个工程性问题,就是输入中的顾客和商品名称都是字符串,如何将其映射为矩阵的行列数值索引,解决了这个问题,基本上就是简单的计数了。名称和索引的对应关系使用了HashTable来存放。具体实现如下: 1 String line1 = null; 2 String line2 = null; 3 //用于存放名称和索引映射关系 4 Hashtable<String, Integer> custmap = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); 5 Hashtable<String, Integer> itemmap = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); 6 7 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 8 try { 9 line1 = br.readLine(); 10 line2 = br.readLine(); 11 } catch (IOException e) { 12 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 13 e.printStackTrace(); 14 } 15 16 if(!line2.contains(line1)){ 17 System.out.println("None"); 18 return; 19 } 20 21 String[] tmp = line2.split(" "); 22 //构建名称和索引的映射关系,并统计顾客和商品数量 23 int m = 0; 24 int n = 0; 25 for(int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++){ 26 if(i % 2 == 0){ 27 if(!custmap.containsKey(tmp[i])){ 28 custmap.put(tmp[i], m++); 29 } 30 }else { 31 if(!itemmap.containsKey(tmp[i])){ 32 itemmap.put(tmp[i], n++); 33 } 34 } 35 } 36 //创建矩阵,用于存放顾客和商品关系 37 int[][] matrix = new int[m][n]; 38 //在矩阵中构建顾客和商品关系 39 for(int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i = i+2){ 40 int x = custmap.get(tmp[i]); 41 int y = itemmap.get(tmp[i + 1]); 42 matrix[x][y] = 1; 43 } 44 //辅助数组,cust用于标记购买过某一商品的所有顾客,item用于存放cust中标记的所有顾客购买其他商品的数量 45 int cust[] = new int[m]; 46 int item[] = new int[n]; 47 //获得特定商品在矩阵中的列索引 48 int t = itemmap.get(line1); 49 //标记购买过指定商品的所有顾客 50 for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ 51 if(matrix[i][t] == 1){ 52 cust[i] = 1; 53 } 54 } 55 //统计购买过特定商品的所有顾客购买其他商品的数量,存放在item数组中 56 for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){ 57 if(j != t){ 58 for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ 59 if(cust[i] != 0 && matrix[i][j] == 1){ 60 item[j]++; 61 } 62 } 63 } 64 } 65 //找到购买数量最多的其他商品,并从映射关系中找到其对应的名称 66 int maxIndex = 0; 67 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ 68 if(item[i] > item[maxIndex]){ 69 maxIndex = i; 70 } 71 } 72 if(item[maxIndex] == 0){ 73 System.out.println("None"); 74 return; 75 } else { 76 for(String key : itemmap.keySet()){ 77 if(itemmap.get(key) == maxIndex){ 78 System.out.println(key); 79 break; 80 } 81 } 82 }
The second one: As you know, two operations of Stack are push and pop. Now give you two integer arrays, one is the original array before push and pop operations, the other one is the result array after a series of push and pop operations to the first array. Please give the push and pop operation sequence. For example: If the original array is a[] = {1,2,3}, and the result array is b[] = {1,3,2}. Then, the operation sequence is “push1|pop1|push2|push3|pop3|pop2”(operations are split by '|’ and no space). Rules: 1.The push and pop operations deal with the original int array from left to right.. Sample1: 1 2 3 4 Sample2: Input: 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 基本思路:程序中使用一个栈,模拟整个操作过程。结果数组下标的移动肯定要慢于初始数组下标,并且当栈顶元素等于结果数组下标所指定的元素时进行出栈操作,并向前移动结果数组下标。具体实现如下所示:
1 public String generateSequence(int[] o, int[] r){//o为初始数组,r为结果数组 2 String s = ""; 3 int i = 0; 4 int j = 0; 5 int len = o.length; 6 Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>(); 7 8 while(i < len && j < len){ 9 if(stack.empty()){ 10 stack.push(o[i]); 11 s += "push" + o[i] + "|"; 12 i++; 13 } else { 14 if(stack.peek() != r[j]){ 15 stack.push(o[i]); 16 s += "push" + o[i] + "|"; 17 i++; 18 } else { 19 s += "pop" + stack.pop() + "|"; 20 j++; 21 } 22 } 23 } 24 while( j < len ){ 25 if(stack.peek() == r[j]){ 26 s += "pop" + stack.pop() + "|"; 27 j++; 28 } else { 29 s = "None|"; 30 break; 31 } 32 } 33 return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); 34 }