
EnglishVod.net>第一部分 动词的基本时态...

 361资料收藏夹 2014-05-02
When I was sixteen, my grandmother gave me an heirloom ring that her grandmother had gave her. It was a polished garnet set in hammered silver with two rubies on either side of it. I could of sold it for a small fortune last week. An antique dealer come through town and heard about my ring. He asks to see it. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he examined it. If I wasn't such a sentimental person, I might have parted with it. But a treasure like that wasn't something you should sell.
When I was sixteen, my grandmother gave me an heirloom ring that her grandmother had given her. It is a polished garnet set in hammered silver with two rubies on either side of it. I could have sold it for a small fortune last week. An antique dealer came through town and heard about my ring. He asked to see it. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he examined it. If I weren't such a sentimental person, I might have parted with it. But a treasure like that isn't something you should sell. 

 Principal Parts of Verbs 

Verbs have three principal parts: 
  · Presentthe form of the verb that would complete the sentence, ''Today, I ______." 
  · Pastthe form of the verb that would complete the sentence, "Yesterday, I ______." 
  · Past participlethe form of the verb that would complete the sentence, "Often, I have ______." 

For most verbs, it's easy to form the three pincipal parts if you know the present form. Take the verb look, for example. Today, I look. Yesterday, I looked. Often, I have looked. For regular verbs, the past and past participle forms both add -ed to the present form. But English is full of irregular verbs that form the past and past participle in some other way. The table below shows the principal parts of several often misused verbs.

                                        THREE PRINCIPAL PARTS OF VERBS

Present  Past  Past Participle
do  did done
go went  gone
see  saw  seen 
drink  drank drunk 
break   broke broken 
 bring   brought  brought
choose  chose  chosen
know  knew  known 
wear  wore  worn 
write  wrote  written 

Note: Past participles must be preceded by the words have, has, or had.

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