

 天天邵阳 2014-05-16
2014-05-16 15:32 来源:生物帮  

  得克萨斯州A与M大学的科学家已经发现,“生物钟失调”是如何影响肥胖相关的代谢紊乱。这是由得克萨斯州A与M大学营养与食品科学系的副教授吴潮东(音译,Chaodong Wu)博士,和得克萨斯州A与M大学健康科学中心神经科学系教授大卫欧内斯特博士领导的一个研究组完成。相关文章发表于2014年4月25日的生物化学杂志上。

  “动物的睡眠和饮食模式,包括人类,都受到昼夜节律的调节,” 欧内斯特说。“以前的研究显示,昼夜节律或生物钟失调与一些代谢性疾病之间有关联。”



  “为了促进人类的健康,我们不仅需要吃健康食品,而且更重要的是保持健康的生活方式,包括避免晚睡和吃夜宵, ”他说。


  “我们的假设是营养过剩导致生物钟失调,诱导脂肪组织的促炎活性。这就加剧炎症和脂肪沉积,从而导致系统的胰岛素抵抗, ”吴说。




  “高脂肪饮食的动物显示代谢问题与肥胖相关,” 欧内斯特说。“该问题是,恶化的动物体内免疫细胞的生物钟会被破坏。”



Myeloid cell-specific Disruption of Period1 and Period2 Exacerbates Diet-induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance

Hang Xu, Honggui Li, Shih-Lung Woo, Sam-Moon Kim,Vikram R. Shende, Nichole Neuendorff, Xin Guo, Ting Guo,Ting Qi, Ya Pei, Yan Zhao, Xiang Hu, Jiajia Zhao, Lili Chen,Lulu Chen, Jun-Yuan Ji, Robert C. Alaniz, David J. Earnest andChaodong Wu

  The circadian clockworks gate macrophage inflammatory responses. Given the association between clock dysregulation and metabolic disorders, we conducted experiments to determine the extent to which overnutrition modulates macrophage clock function and whether macrophage circadian dysregulation is a key factor linking overnutrition to macrophage proinflammatory activation, adipose tissue inflammation and systemic insulin resistance. Our results demonstrate that: 1) macrophages from high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice are marked by dysregulation of the molecular clockworks in conjunction with increased proinflammatory activation; 2) global disruption of the clock genes Period1 (Per1) and Per2 recapitulates this amplified macrophage proinflammatory activation; 3) adoptive transfer of Per1/2-disrupted bone marrow cells into wild-type mice potentiates HFD-induced adipose and liver tissue inflammation and systemic insulin resistance; 4) Per1/2-disrupted macrophages similarly exacerbate inflammatory responses and decrease insulin sensitivity in co-cultured adipocytes in vitro. Furthermore, PPARγ levels are decreased in Per1/2-disrupted macrophages and PPARγ2 overexpression ameliorates Per1/2 disruption-associated macrophage proinflammatory activation, suggesting that this transcription factor may link the molecular clockworks to signaling pathways regulating macrophage polarization. Thus, macrophage circadian clock dysregulation is a key process in the physiological cascade by which diet-induced obesity triggers macrophage proinflammatory activation, adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance.


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