

 许愿真 2014-05-26




1. cost sth 花钱(时间,精力等)。如:

The picture cost a lot (of money). 这画花了不少钱。

Making experiments like this cost much time and labour. 做这样的实验要花很多时间和劳力。

2. cost sb sth

(1) 花费某人钱(时间,精力等)。如:

The coat cost me 100 yuan. 这件大衣花了我100元。

The invention cost him much time. 此发明花了他不少时间。

(2) 使某人付出代价(劳力、麻烦、精力、生命等)。如:

Careless driving will cost you your life. 粗心开车会使你丧命。

Just ring him up. It’ll cost you nothing. 给他打个电话,这不费什么事。

3. It costs (sb) money to do sth 做某事花(某人)多少钱。如:

It cost me $1000 a year to run a car. 使用一辆车每年要花我1000美元。

How much did it cost to build the bridge? 建这座桥花了多少钱?

注:该句型句首的 it 为形式主语,其后的不定式为真正主语。注意英语一般不说 sb cost money to do sth。如:

误:He cost 100 yuan to buy the coat.

4. at a cost of sth 花多少钱而(做某事)。如:

He bought the piano at a cost of 500 dollars. 他花300 美元买下了这架钢琴。

He had a room at a cost of 60 yuan every month. 以每月花60块元租了个房间。

5. at all costs [at any cost] 不惜任何代价,无论如何。如:

We must get there on time at all costs. 无论如何我们要准时赶到那儿。

6. at cost 按成本。如:

All the goods were sold at cost. 所有商品均按成本销售。

7. at the cost of sth 为牺牲某物为代价(而换来)。如:

He finished the work at the cost of his health. 他把工作完成了,但身体却垮了。

He saved his daughter from the fire, but only at the cost of his own life. 他从大火中救出他女儿,但却牺牲了自己的生命。



1. in course of ...过程中,在...时,在进行中。

The goods ordered are now in course of shipment. 定的货正在运输途中。

The new railway is in course of construction. 新铁路正在兴建当中。

2. in the course of ……期间,在……的过程中。

He fell asleep in the course of duty. 他在值勤时睡着了。

He hopes to visit China in the course of this summer. 他希望在今年夏天访问中国。

注:该短语中的介词 in 有时也可换为 during。如:

During the course of the flight, we shall be serving meals and drinks. 在飞行期间,我们将提供饮食。

3. of course 当然。如:

Of course he’ll come to the meeting. 他当然会来开会。

The information, of course, might be false. 这消息当然可能是假的。

AMay I use your telephone? 我可以借用你的电话吗?

BYes, of course. 当然可以。



1. cover sb (sth) with sth 用某物盖住某人(某物)。如:

Cover the table with a cloth. 在桌上盖上桌布。

She covered her face with her hands. 她用手掩面。

2. be covered by (with) sth 被某物所覆盖。如:

The field is covered with snow. 田野上一片积雪。

The top of the mountain was covered by a cloud. 山顶被云遮盖了。

注:用介词 by with 的大致区别为:用 by 表示的往往是一种完全覆盖,而用 with 表示的往往是一种不完全覆盖;另外,用by强调动作,用 with 强调状态。如:

The house was completely covered by snow. 房子全被雪埋了。

The house was covered with snow. 房子上覆盖了一层雪。



1. It is cruel of sb to do sth 做某事是残忍的。如:

It’s cruel of her to kill the cat. 他把猫杀了,太残忍了。

It’s cruel of you to bully your friends like that. 你那样欺负你的朋友,真是太残忍了。


She was cruel to kill the cat.

You are cruel to bully your friends like that.

2. be cruel to sb对某人残忍。如:

He was cruel to his parents. 他虐待父母。

Don’t be cruel to animals. 不要残忍地对待动物。



1. cry for (over, about, with)。因某原因而哭。如:

He cried for joy. 他高兴得哭了。

He cried with pain. 他疼得哭了。

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 牛奶打泼,哭也没用(事已如此,后悔也没用)

2. cry out 大声叫喊。如:

The girl cried out for help. 这女孩大声求救。

The boy cried out with pain when he burned his fingers. 这男孩的手指烧伤时痛得大叫。



1. cure sb (sth) 治好某人(某病等)。如:

This medicine will cure your cough. 这药可治好你的咳嗽。

A few days rest will cure you. 休息几天你的病就好了。

You cured me completely. 我的病被你完全治好了。

2. cure sb of sth 治好某人的病(恶习等)。如:

No medicine can cure a man of discontent. 没有药物能消除一个人的不满。

Parents try to cure their children of bad habits. 父母设法纠正孩子们的不良习惯。



1. be curious about sth 对某事好奇或想知道某事。如:

Children are curious about everything. 儿童对什么都感到好奇。

Don’t be too curious about things you’re not supposed to know. 对于不要你知道的事情不要过多去打听。

2. be curious to do sth 想做某事。如:

I’m curious to know what he said. 我很想知道他说了什么。

A student should always be curious to learn. 一个学生应该总是有求知欲的。



1. cut sb sth 为某人切某物。如:

Cut me some pineapple. 给我切几片菠萝吧。

He cut me a slice of bread. 他为我切了一块面包。


Cut some pineapple for me.

He cut a slice of bread for me.

2. cut sth into sth 把某物切成某物。如:

First cut the meat into small pieces. 先把肉切成小块。

He cut the apple into halves. 他把它切成了两半。

注:若指分为两半,可说成 cut sth into halves cut sth in half

3. cut down

(1) 砍倒。如:

They cut down the big tree. 他们把这棵大树砍倒了。

(2) 削减,压缩,缩减。如:

Expenses ought to be cut down in every way. 应该在一切方面减少开支。

You’d better cut the article down to about 2,000 words. 你最好能把这篇文章压到两千字左右。

4. cut in

(1) 插入,插话。如:

Don’t cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。

He kept cutting in on our conversation. 我们谈话时他老是插话。

注:cut in on sth 有时可说成 cut into sth, 如上面第二句也可说成:

He kept cutting into our conversation.

(2) 插队,超车。如:

He cut in at the head of the line. 他在队伍的前面插队。

The car overtook me and then cut in on me. 那辆小车超了我的车,然后插在我前面。

5. cut off 切断,隔断,断绝。如:

We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation. 我们在电话里谈话谈了一半就被切断了。

The flood cut the villagers off from the rest of the world. 洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。

6. cut out 剪成,戒掉。如:

I must cut out smoking. 我必须戒烟。

The rain and wind have cut out a deep valley. 风雨侵蚀出了一条深谷。






1. do [cause] damage to sb (sth) 对某人或某物造成损害。如:

The accident did not do much damage to either of the cars. 两辆汽车在事故中均未受到很大损害。

The storm caused [did] serious damage to the crops. 暴风雨对农作物造成了严重的危害。

2. whats the damage? 多少钱?

AI need a new coat. 我需要买件新外衣了。

BOh, yes? What’s the damage? 是吗? 要多少钱?



1. Theres danger in (doing) sth 做某事有危险。如:

There is danger in climbing a high mountain. 爬高山有危险。

There’s danger in telling her what you know. 把你知道的告诉她,那会有危险。

注:通常不说 (the) danger to do sth

2. (the) danger of (doing) sth ()某事的危险。如:

Is there any danger of fire? 有发生火灾的危险吗?

The child did not realize the danger of playing on the road. 这小孩没有意识到在马路上玩的危险。

注:通常不说 (the) danger to do sth

3. in danger of (doing) sth 有发生某情况的危险。如:

The bridge is in danger of collapse. 桥有倒塌的危险。

You’re in danger of catching cold. 你有着凉的危险。

We’re in danger of being hit by a stone. 我们有被石头砸的危险。

4. out of danger 脱离危险。如:

The patient is now out of danger. 病人已脱离危险。



1. be dangerous to do 做某事是危险的。如:

Fire is dangerous to play with. 玩火是危险的。

The river is dangerous to swim in. 在这河里游泳很危险。

2. Its dangerous (for sb) to do sth 做某事(对某人)很危险。如:

It is dangerous to swim in the river. 在这条河里游泳很危险。

It’s dangerous for women to walk alone at night. 晚上女人独自行走是危险的。



1. darent have done sth。过去未敢做某事。如:

Mother dare not tell father she had given away his old jacket. 母亲不敢告诉父亲她把他的旧上衣送人了。

I didn’t like their new house though I daren’t have said so. 我不喜欢他们的新房子,虽然我没敢这样说过。

2. dare sb to do sth 激怒某人做某事,挑战某人做某事。如:

He dared me to jump. 他用激将法要我跳。

I dare you to tell your mother. 我谅你也不敢告诉你母亲。

注:有时只说 I dare you, 意为:我谅你也不敢。如:

Throw it at him! I dare you! 用它砸他呀! 我谅你也不敢。

3. I dare say 我想,大概,很可能。如:

I dare say things will improve. 我想情况会好起来的。

I dare say (that) it’ll rain tomorrow. 明天可能下雨。

注:I dare say 也可写成 I daresay



1. in the dark 在黑暗中。如:

Cats can see in the dark. 猫在黑暗中能够看见。

All the lights went out and we were left in the dark. 灯全部熄了,我们面前一片漆黑。

注:这样用的 in the dark 也可换成 in the darkness

2. (be) in the dark (about) ……一无所知或被蒙在鼓里。如:

I’m in the dark about their marriage. 我对他们的婚事一无所知。

We are still in the dark about the cause of the fire. 我们还不清楚起火的原因。

3. at (after, before) dark 在天黑时(后,前)。如:

They turn the light on at dark. 他们在黄昏时开灯。

He got home after (before) dark. 他天黑后()到家。



1. date back to / date from 从回溯至……,从……开始。如:

This church dates back to the 13th century. 这个教堂是13世纪建的(即可以回溯到13世纪)

The custom dates from ancient times. 这个习俗是从古代开始的。

注:date back to date from 两者大致同义,前者侧重从现在往过去回溯,而后者则侧重从过去往现在推移,其实两者均可解释为 have existed from, 所以两者通常都与一般现在时连用。

2. (be, go) out of date 过时的,不再用的,失效的。如:

My passport is out of date. 我的护照已经过期了。

These words have gone out of date. 这些词已经不再用了。

3. to date 到目前为止。如:

We haven’t got any further information to date. 到目前为止我们尚未获得进一步的消息。

To date there has been no improvement in his condition. 到目前为止,他的条件还没有改善。

4. up to date 新式的,适合目前的,载有最新资料的。如:

The book is up to date. 这本书载有最新资料。1

He’s very up to date in his method of teaching language. 他的语言教学法是非常新颖的。



1. at (before) dawn 在黎明时()。如:

You must start at (before) dawn. 你必须在天亮时()动身。

The postman has to get up at (before) dawn every day. 邮递员每天必须天亮时()起床。

2. from dawn till dark [dusk] 从早到晚。如:

We work from dawn to dark. 我们起早摸黑地工作。

注:该短语属书面用语,口语或非正式文体中用 from morningto night



1. day after day 日复一日,多日,连续地。如:

Day after day went by, and still no message arrived. 一天天过去了,一直还没有消息。

Day after day he waited in vain for her to telephone him.


2. day by day 一天一天地,逐日。如:

Things are getting worse day by day. 情况一天天变糟。

He is getting better day by day. 他一天天地好起来。

Day by day he learnt more about his job. 他日益了解自己的工作了。

注:day by day day after day 都可表示一天天,但前者通常指一个连续不断的动作(a continuous action) 往往有随着时间的推移(as time goes by)而连续不断之意。 后者表示动作在反复发生,往往暗示时间之久(for many many days)。另外从句法功能上看,day by day 在句中通常用作状语;而 day after day 除用作状语外,还可用作主语或宾语。

3. day and night 日夜不停地。如:

He worked day and night. 他日夜不停地工作。

注:该短语也可说成 night and day

The machines kept running day and night [night and day]. 机器日夜不停地运转。



1. be deaf in [of] 耳聋。如:

He is deaf in [of] one ear. 他一只耳朵聋了。

2. be deaf to sth 对某事听不进。如:

He was deaf to all advice. 他听不进任何劝告。

注:有时也说 turn a deaf ear to sth。如:

He turned a deaf ear to our warnings and got lost. 他对我们的警告充耳不闻,结果迷失了方向。

3. the deaf 耳聋的人。如:

The school is set up for the deaf. 这所学校是为耳聋的人办的。



1. a good [great] deal (of)

(1) 许多,大量。如:

He spent a good deal of money on it. 他对此花了不少钱。

At the end of the year there was a great deal to do. 年底有很多事要做。

We’ve heard a great deal about the writer. 关于这位作者的情况我们听说了很多。

(2) 经常,非常,……得多。如:

They see each other a great deal. 他们经常见面。

The woman was a good deal surprised. 这个女人非常吃惊。

He knew a great deal more than I did. 他所了解的比我了解的多得多。

2. deal in ……买卖,出售,经营。如:

The shop deals in clothes. 这家商店经营服装。

We deal in hardware but not software. 我们经营硬件但不经营软件。

3. deal out 分配,分给,分发。如:

The money was dealt out fairly. 钱分配得公平合理。

I dealt out two apples to each child. / I dealt out eachof the children two apples. 我给每个小孩发了两个苹果。

4. deal with

(1) 处理,对付,对待。如:

How shall we deal with this matter? 这事我们怎么处理?

I don’t know how to deal with him. 我不知怎样与他相处。

(2) 论述。如:

The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章论述动词。

This book deals with educational problems. 这本书论述教育问题。

(3) 做买卖,有商业关系。如:

We often deal with that shop. 我们经常在那家商店买东西。

(4) ……打交道。如:

He is difficult to deal with. 他很难打交道。

We don’t deal with terrorists. 我们不与恐怖分子打交道。



1. be in (out of) debt (不欠)债。如:

Now he is in (out of) debt. 他现在欠(不欠)债。

He was still $5000 in debt. 他仍欠5000美元。

Out of debt, out of danger. 无债一身轻。

2. be in ones debt / in the debt to sb 欠某人的情, 对某人感谢不尽。如:

You have been so kind to us that we shall always feel weare deeply in your debt. 你待我们太好了, 我们将永远感激不尽。

I am in debt to him for all his assistance to me. 对于他的种种帮助,我感谢不尽。


3. get [run] into debt 负债。如:

So he got into debt to the boss. 因此他欠了老板的债。

How did he run into debt? 他是怎样欠债的?

4. get out of debt 还清欠债。如:

It is much easier to get into debt than to get out of it. 借债容易还债难。


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