

 许愿真 2014-05-26




1. be worried about 为……担心。如:

He was worried about his weight (his job). 他为自己的体重(工作)担心。

2. worry about 为……担心。如:

You needn’t worry about him. 你不必为他担心。

Worrying about your health can make you ill. 总是为身体发愁会使你生病。



1. be worth doing ……值得做。如:

The book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一读。

She’s not worth getting angry with. 犯不上跟她生气。

注:该结构中 worth 后的动名词与句子有动宾关系,但该动名词只能用主动形式表示被动意义。

2. it is worth doing sth 做某事是值得的。如:

Knowledge is worth working for. 知识是值得努力追求的。

Is it worth visiting the place? 这个地方值得一看吗?

比较:It’s worth seeing the film. / The film is worth seeing. 这部电影值得看。

3. worth (ones) while 值得某人去做,值得某人花时间。如:

The work is worth your while. 这工作值得你花时间去做。

Well, I can go, but will it be worth (my) while? 好吧,我可以去,不过值得(我去)吗?

I’d like you to do some work for me. I’ll make it worth your while. 我想你帮我做点,我不会让你白干的。

4. Its worth (ones) while to do sth (doing sth) 某事值得某人去做。如:

It’s worth while doing [to do] the work. 这项工作值得做。

It’s worth your while to visit [visiting] the museum. 这个博物馆值得你去看看。



1. be worthy doing sth 值得做某事,配得上做某事。如:

He is worthy of filling the post. 这个职位他当之无愧。

He is worthy of considering the question. 他是值得考虑这个问题的。


The machine is not worthy of being repaired. 这机器不值得修。

The book is worthy of being studied carefully. 这本书值得仔细研究。

2. be worthy to do sth 值得做某事,配得上做某事。如:

He is worthy to fill the post. 这个职位他当之无愧。

He is worthy to consider the question. 他是值得考虑这个问题的。


They are not worthy to be chosen. 他们不配当选。

Such work is not worthy to be done. 那样的工作不值得做。



1. write down 写个,记下。如:

Write down everything he says. 把他所说的全都记下来。

It’s written down in black and white. 这是白纸黑写下来的。

2. write out 写出,开出。如:

He has written out a first draft. 他已写出初稿。

He wrote out a check (receipt). 他开出一张支票(收条)。

3. write sb sth / write sth to sb 把某东西写给某人。如:

Please write me the result. / Please write the result tome. 请把结果写给我。

He wrote me a long letter. / He wrote a longlettertome. 他给我写了封长信。

4. write to sb 给某人写信。如:

He seldom writes to me. 他很少给我写信。

Write to me when you get there. 到达那儿就给我写信。

注:有时介词 to 可省略。如:

He writes (to) her every day. 他每天给她写信。

5. write to do sth 写信……。如:

He wrote to ask me to come. 他写信请我来。

I’m writing to tell you that I can’t come. 我写信告诉你我不能来了。

注:有时用 write doing sth。如:

She wrote asking him if he had ever loved her. 她写信问他,他曾是否爱过她。



1. be in the wrong 错了,不对。如:

You are in the wrong. 你错了。

I don’t think he is in the wrong. 我认为他没错。

2. do sb wrong 冤枉某人,冤屈某人。如:

You did me wrong. 你冤枉我了。

He did her a terrible wrong. 他真的是太冤屈她了。

3. go wrong

(1) 出错,弄错。如:

I can’t see where I went wrong. 我看不出我错在哪里。

(2) 出故障,出毛病。如:

The machine has gone wrong again. 机器又出毛病了。

4. be wrong to do [in doing] sth 做某事是不应该的。如:

You are wrong to do [in doing] it. 你这样做是不应该的。

You are wrong to cheat [in cheating] him. 你欺骗他是不应该的。

5. Its wrong for sb to do sth 某人做某事是错误的。如:

It’s wrong for you to say that. 你那样说是错误的。

It’s wrong for you to sell your car. 你把汽车卖掉是错误的。

6. It is wrong of sb to do sth 某人做某事是不应该的。如:

It is wrong of you to say so. 你这样说是不对的。

It was wrong of her to treat her children like that. 她像那样对她的孩子是不应该的。




1. all (the) year round 全年,整年,一年到头。如:

We used to work six days a week all (the) year round. 我们过去全年都是每周工作6天。

注:有时说成 all (the) year 或 (the) year round。

2. for years 多来,几年,数年。如:

I haven’t seen her for years. 我好几年未见到她了。

He lived in the country for years. 他在乡下住过几年。

3. the year 在……的那一年。如:

His father died the year he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年去逝。

He left Europe the year World War II broke out. 他是第二次世界大战爆发那一年离开欧洲的。

4. year after year 年年。如:

It’s always the same, year after year. 年年总是如此。

He sent money year after year to help the poor. 他年年送钱帮助穷人。

5. year by year 一年一年地。如:

Prices tend to rise year by year. 物价总是一年一年地往上涨。

Year by year their business grew. 他们的生意一年一年地发展了起来。



1. and yet / but yet 虽然如此,可是,然而。如:

The boy is fat and [but] yet he runs very fast. 这男孩很胖,却跑得很快。

2. as yet 到目前为止,迄今(通常用于否定句)。如:

As yet, there’s been no news. 到目前为此还没有消息。

He hasn’t called as yet. 到目前为此他还没打电话来。

3. not yet 还没有,尚未。如:

A:Has he come? 他来了吗?

B:Not yet. 还没有。



1. (both) yound and old 不管老少。如:

This is a book for young and old. 这本书老少皆宜。

Both young and old like ice cream. 不论老少都喜欢吃冰淇淋。

注:有时也说 old and young

Spectators, old and young, were delighted. 不管老少所有的参观者,都很高兴。

2. the young 年轻人。如:

The young are mostly ambitious. 年轻人多半有雄心。

The young should respect the old. 年轻人应该尊重老年人。




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