
I Saw a Dinosaur 恐龙来了!! 侏罗纪公园大冒险

 cntic 2014-06-12
I Saw a Dinosaur恐龙来了!! —— 侏罗纪公园大冒险

When Clive Palmer, a queer Australian billionaire, grew tired of his expensive luxury cars and mansions, he decided to build something big. So, the larger-than-life businessman created his own Jurassic Park.
Palmersaurus Dinosaur Park is the main attraction of the Palmer Coolum Resort, a luxurious getaway located in the Australian tropics. The park is home to 160 of the most life-like dinosaur replicas ever created. These prehistoric-looking creatures, which stand up to 10 meters in height and can be almost 22 meters in length, come to life with the aid of the latest computer and robot technology. Not only can these amazing animatronic dinosaurs move and blink, they can make deafening roars, hatch eggs, and gracefully glide, fly, and swoop through the sky. The engineers at the dinosaur park have also installed an elaborate lighting system, which creates an eerie prehistoric atmosphere after the sun sets.
So for your next vacation, why not take a trip back in time and visit the terrifying Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex at the Palmersaurus Dinosaur Park?



  1. queer a. 古怪的
    Nelson's queer behavior makes him unpopular with his colleagues.
  2. be home to...是……的所在地 发源地
    That village is home to some of the finest pottery in Taiwan.
    * pottery n. 陶器(集合名词,不可数)
  3. up to...多达……(之後接数字)
    Apples from that orchard can weigh up to one kilogram.
  4. come to life栩栩如生;活了起来
    The writer made the world she created come to life for her readers.
  5. with the aid of...藉……之助
    We found the campsite with the aid of a map.
  6. install vt.安装,设置
    To safeguard our computer system, the engineer installed anti-virus software.
  7. elaborate a. 精心设计的
    The celebrity showed up at the awards ceremony with an elaborate hairdo.
  8. back in time时光倒转,回到过去
    The music transported us back in time.

  1. mansion n. 豪宅
  2. replica n. 复制品

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