

 信笔青簪 2014-06-19
  Preparing for death is a part of life. How would you like to prepare for death?

  19. A: Hello! How is everything going?

  B: Fine. And you?

  A: Fine too.Have you hear about the Malaysian flight MH370?

  B.Yeah,the flight crashed and no one survived.Iˊm so sorry to hear that.You know, people sure die.

  A.But all the misfortune shouldˊnt have happened to them.Speaking of this, how would you like to prepare for death when it is necessary?

  B.Well,my point that since we have done everything without regret,we are supposed to face death breavely.

  A.Without fear?Come on,people are always scared when face death.I know few people can do that.

  B.But you canˊt change anything,doesnˊt it?So the only thing you can do is to accept it.Someday everyone will die,the difference is the attitude toward death.

  A.Iˊve got it.So before that we should go all out for everything because time is limitied,and you canˊt change.

  B.All right.And you shouldnˊt waste time worrying about death as welll because it is meaningless.
A.Um…actually I donˊt agree with you on this point.You know,most people in the world would like to live longer,thus worrying about death is unavoidable.And in some way it is a good thing as well.
A.Yeah.Because we know time is limited,we can try our best to live our life more wonderful,doesnˊt it?
B.You are right. Thinking about death is necessary,but at preasent I have more importent thing to do.I have a test and it is going to ringing
A,Ok,bye and good luck.
20.Children are now more interested in watching TV or playing computer games. Is it a good trend or a bad one? Give reasons for your answer.

  A: Hello! How is everything going?

  B: Fine. And you?

  A: Fine too.It is a happy weekend,isnˊt it?But you are so hurry,where are you going?
B.I have to go home and take care of my little brother since my mother isnˊt at home.
A.Brother?I didnˊt know you have a brother.How old is he?
B.9 years old.And he likes watching TV and playing computergames very much.It worrys the hole family a lot.
A.Yeah,nowadays children do like the two things because of the development of technology.But it is common.Why you worry about this so much?
B.Because he is almost addicted,and it has bad influence on his study.So my mother hide away the computer and the television.
A.Yeah,it is ok if he just do it occasionally.
B.Oh,I hate the TV program and computergames .
A.However,in some way watching TV isnˊt a bad thing.
B.Isnˊt a bad thing?It makes my brother have no willing to study and wear thick glasses.
A.But you canˊt deny that he can learn a lot from the TV that you canˊt teach him if he watch the right programs.
B.Um…It seems all right.Some TV programs for children are pretty good.But as for the computer games…
A.Some computer games is good for the development of childrenˊbrean,but others are bad.Some even ruins a childˊs hole life.
B.Oh,I forgot that everything has two sides.
A.Yes,and the alduts should tell the good ones and the bad ones,so that it will not do harm to the children.
B .Iˊve got it,and I will tell my mother.Just let my brother watch the right program and play the right computer games.Oh ,it is getting late and I have to go.Thank you for your suggestion.
A.Good bye,have a nice day.

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