
五彩俄罗斯——阿穆尔河畔共青城苏霍伊Superjet 100支线客机生产线参观记

 笑熬浆糊糊 2014-07-05


Производство самолетов Sukhoi Superjet 100 в Комсомольске-на-Амуре
Production Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft in Komsomolsk-on-Amur 

阿穆尔河畔共青城苏霍伊Superjet 100支线客机生产线参观记 - 俄罗斯照片集(910)- 英文版
翻译整理:Elton Zeng

编者按:这是我们的老朋友维克多·鲍利索夫的一个新帖子,介绍参观位于阿穆尔河畔共青城苏霍伊飞机制造公司的Superjet100型支线客机生产线的情况。苏霍伊超级喷气机-100(Sukhoi Superjet 100,简称SSJ100),是由俄罗斯苏霍伊航空集团设计制造的一款支线客机。该型飞机于2000年开始开发,第一架样机于2007年9月26日亮相。2008年完成首飞。2011年4月19日,第一架量产苏霍伊超级喷气机-100交付亚美尼亚航空公司。4月21日成功完成了从埃里温到圣彼得堡的首趟客运航班。2012年5月9日,一架该型飞机在雅加达进行飞行展示时于印尼爪哇岛萨拉火山坠毁,造成45人死亡。本博客曾做过详细介绍。


阿穆尔河畔共青城苏霍伊Superjet 100支线客机生产线参观记 - 俄罗斯照片集(910)- 英文版
Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) - is an effective and high-tech new generation commercial aircraft, designed with the latest technology in aerodynamics, propulsion and aircraft systems, providing a high level of operational efficiency. Designed and manufactured by JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" with the participation of Alenia Aermacchi. First plane was introduced in September 2007, the first flight took place in May 2008, and the first commercial flight - in the spring of 2011. 

SSJ100 - the first Russian aircraft designed entirely based on digital technology. As part of the project was carried out a comprehensive program of technical re-equipment plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Novosibirsk. In its manufacture the previously unused in the domestic aircraft technologies such as besstapelnaya assembly, automatic docking airframe, automatic riveting and others. 

All the models of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 equipped with two turbofan engines SaM146 production PowerJet (a joint venture between Snecma and NPO "Saturn"), which are specifically designed for this type of aircraft. In development attended by leading global companies: Thales - Avionics, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (Safran group) - chassis, Honeywell - Auxiliary Power Unit, Liebherr - air conditioning, Hamilton Sundstrand - electrical, Parker - hydraulic system, Goodrich - wheel brakes and brake control. 

Maximum cruising speed Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Mach 0.81 (~ 860 km / h) cruise altitude 12200 m (40000 feet). Length of the strip for the base version of the aircraft is 1731 m, the version with extended range - 2052 m Range for the base version - 3048 km, the version with extended range - 4578 km. Operation SSJ100 available in a wide range of climatic conditions at a temperature of from minus 54 to plus 45 degrees. 

In spring 2011, the company began supplying GSS series aircraft SSJ100 customers. As of April 2014 the Russian and foreign airlines was delivered 31 aircraft SSJ100. Total aircraft in service, completed more than 28,000 commercial flights a total duration of more than 42,000 flight hours. Sukhoi Superjet 100 is operated in the airline Aeroflot, Yakutia, Muscovy, Gazprom Avia, Central South (Russia), Sky Aviation (Indonesia), Lao Central (Laos) and Interjet (Mexico). 

So, we'll go to the main production site in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, where are assembled fuselage and final assembly of the aircraft in order to understand the nuances of detail assembly of Sukhoi Superjet 100. And at the same time look at the important event - the rollout of the first board for the airline UTair. 

Aircraft production (final assembly) performs Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (Knafo) with the direct participation of other factories in Russia, where the component parts are made Sukhoi Superjet 100. Finished parts are transmitted in Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft", where final assembly of the aircraft. 

In general, the production scheme is as follows: 

1. Branch of OJSC "Company" Sukhoi "" NAZ them. VP Chkalov "(Novosibirsk) produces parts and assembly compartments aggregate F1, F5, F6 and feathers. 

2. "VASO" (Voronezh) makes products from polymeric composite materials. 

3. Branch of OJSC "Company" Sukhoi "" KnAAZ them. YA Gagarin "(Komsomolsk-on-Amur) manufactures parts and assembles compartments F2, center-F3, F4 and installation. And also makes parts and provides an aggregate assembly OTC (the detachable part of the wing) with pylon and mechanization) 

4. Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (Knafo) assembles the fuselage and final assembly (docking with SUNGLASSES, installation and testing of systems) 

5. "Aviastar-SP" (Ulyanovsk) sets interior. 

6. OAO "Spektr-Avia" (Ulyanovsk) performs painting aircraft. 

7. In Zhukovsky (Moscow) carried out ground and flight tests, surface lapping sun and transfer to the customer. 

A closer look at the production of aircraft in Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (Knafo). Let's start with the fuselage assembly plant (CSF). 

阿穆尔河畔共青城苏霍伊Superjet 100支线客机生产线参观记 - 俄罗斯照片集(910)- 英文版
2. Assembly shop of the fuselage consists of four production sites. The cycle time in each area of ??10 days. Work carried out in all areas around the clock in three shifts. 

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3. Produced here docking bays F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 on the bench automatic docking Br?tje and installing fasteners on joints compartments. 

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4. For example compartment F5 waiting for their turn to build. 

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5. Riveting is made by hand like so. In the production of the SSJ100 used over 600,000 rivets, nuts, bolts, pins and other small parts. 

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6. Thereafter partially assembled fuselage is moved to the second and third production site. Left in the frame - a famous traveler alexcheban. 

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7. This sets the frame floor, installation of passenger, service doors and tailgate. At the same stage set passenger compartment and the glass antenna fuselage. 

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8. Center wing aircraft. Performed installation, hydraulic and fuel systems. 

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9. Produced installing insulation layers of the passenger compartment. 

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10. The final, fourth portion of the fuselage assembly plant. Performed aircraft cable network. 

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11. And protective coating on the aircraft fuselage. On the right is already installed wind turbine in the event of an emergency, which is needed to provide electricity to aircraft systems. 

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12. Thereafter, the aircraft moved to final assembly plant (DSP). There are only 7 production sites, and the cycle at each site is also 10 days. To date, this allows to produce 40 aircraft per year, further reducing cycle is assumed to 7 days. 

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13. The first production lot. It dock vertical and horizontal tail, as well as cover F6 (pictured below left). At the same stage is continuity electroconnectors cabling aircraft. 

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14. Late last year, the factory was commissioned multimedia training system allowing work on the production skills test aircraft. Here plant employees learn quality checks of all aircraft systems. 

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15. The second manufacturing site. Performed docking detachable parts of the wing (SUNGLASSES) with the center. Mount the front and main undercarriage. Install an auxiliary power unit (APU) in the tail section and the nose cone is mounted. 

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16. The third production site. Mounted detachable parts wing mechanization (SUNGLASSES) and collected frame wing-fuselage fairing (OCP). 

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17. The aluminum fuselage covered with yellow-green primer and parts made ??of composite materials in white. 

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18. At all stages of the production work is underway with the cable network. All works have at least a three-tiered monitoring and testing. 

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19. The fourth production site. Performed crimping pressurized cabin fuselage, flushing and pressure testing of hydraulic systems of the aircraft. 

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20. At the same stage of the works on sealing of continuity and cable network and perform final assembly of the air conditioning system. 

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21. The fifth production facility. Made training aircraft for delivery under the current blocks are mounted equipment. 

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22. Shall be checked vpisyvaemosti functioning and main landing gear. Right in the photo titanium engine pylon. 

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23. Hydraulics. 

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24. Mounted composite panel floor of the passenger cabin. 

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25. Sixth manufacturing site. Boosters mounted power plants. 

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26. Held testing of aircraft systems under shock. 

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27. The seventh and final manufacturing site. Here perform final assembly of the interior baggage and cargo compartment, interior cockpit, general technical inspection carried out sun and prepare it for transmission of flight test station. 

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28. Responsible moment - the first roll-out of the first board for UTair. Total in 2014 for UTair aircraft will be released in version 6 LR (Long Range) to 103 passenger seats. 

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29. General view of the final assembly plant. 

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30. LR version differs increased to 4,500 km range and increased takeoff weight with power unit. This uses the same powerplant as in the normal version of the aircraft, but increased by 5% takeoff thrust. 

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31. Cockpit. Control is a side handle, a steering column from abandoned at an early stage of design as outdated technology and futile. All English-language inscriptions completely because it is already standard in aviation. 

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33. Now this board will have to make a flight to Ulyanovsk installation accessories and painting, and then in the Zhukovsky flight test station (VOCs). There will also be held for UTair aircraft transfer. Primarily the company plans to operate SSJ100 on domestic flights in Western Siberia and the European part of Russia. 

Many thanks to the staff of JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" for the opportunity to see the production of modern Russian aircraft for its

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