
Early Childhood Education: help with art in the early years, free art ideas, nursery age children

 春藤美术教育 2014-08-24
Hello Maryann,
            What a lovely name.  I am a Nursery Nurse in a Early Years Unit set within a primary school and for some time i have found it very difficult to develop some kind of programme of learning for my nursery age children (age 3-4)in the development of art.  Would appreciate some help as i am going out of my mind.

               Thanks for your time

                        Jennie T

Hello, Jennie.

Sorry I missed your note...I just found out it has been waiting for me!

Your question is SO big...I don't know where to start, except to say, think of this philosophy to base your art program upon: It's the Process, not the PRoduct. That is, it's the exploration and experimentation and discovery...not just how something looks when it's done.

I would suggest a book called "Early Childhood Art" by Herberholz.
Early Childhood Art

Barbara Herberholz
Lee C Hanson
Release Date:
01 September, 1994
McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages

It's one of the best...

But if you want quick ideas that are fun, exploratory and PROCESS, you might look at "Preschool Art" by Kohl (me). You can see sample free art ideas from this book at http://www. -- click on "free activities" and then look at "Preschool Art'. They have quite a few ideas listed for you for free.

I also wrote a book called "First ARt", which is for slightly younger kids, but would work well for your programme. The main thing is to have exploratory activities set up at a table or center, and the children work at their own pace and style...there is no expected outcome.

Try putting the words "PRocess Not PRoduct" into "google" or :"yahoo" for a search and see what you get.

I am happy to help you further after you look into the concept a bet... please write to me any time.
MaryAnn Kohl

(I have many free art ideas for young children on my website in the "fun activities" section.)

MaryAnn F. Kohl


I am an expert on art for children. I believe in the process of art more than the finished product. I have written ten+ books on art for children, and have tons of ideas to share!


Teaching degree in Elementary Education, own Bright Ring Publishing since 1985, published over ten books on the subject of art for children, present workshops around the USA and Europe on this topic.


Parenting Magazine, Early Childhood News, Scholastic "Let's Find Out"


2014 About.com. All rights reserved.

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Early Childhood Education/help with art in the early years

Expert: - 9/1/2004

Hello Maryann,
            What a lovely name.  I am a Nursery Nurse in a Early Years Unit set within a primary school and for some time i have found it very difficult to develop some kind of programme of learning for my nursery age children (age 3-4)in the development of art.  Would appreciate some help as i am going out of my mind.

               Thanks for your time

                        Jennie T

Hello, Jennie.

Sorry I missed your note...I just found out it has been waiting for me!

Your question is SO big...I don't know where to start, except to say, think of this philosophy to base your art program upon: It's the Process, not the PRoduct. That is, it's the exploration and experimentation and discovery...not just how something looks when it's done.

I would suggest a book called "Early Childhood Art" by Herberholz.
Early Childhood Art

Barbara Herberholz
Lee C Hanson
Release Date:
01 September, 1994
McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages

It's one of the best...

But if you want quick ideas that are fun, exploratory and PROCESS, you might look at "Preschool Art" by Kohl (me). You can see sample free art ideas from this book at http://www. -- click on "free activities" and then look at "Preschool Art'. They have quite a few ideas listed for you for free.

I also wrote a book called "First ARt", which is for slightly younger kids, but would work well for your programme. The main thing is to have exploratory activities set up at a table or center, and the children work at their own pace and style...there is no expected outcome.

Try putting the words "PRocess Not PRoduct" into "google" or :"yahoo" for a search and see what you get.

I am happy to help you further after you look into the concept a bet... please write to me any time.
MaryAnn Kohl

(I have many free art ideas for young children on my website in the "fun activities" section.)

MaryAnn F. Kohl


I am an expert on art for children. I believe in the process of art more than the finished product. I have written ten+ books on art for children, and have tons of ideas to share!


Teaching degree in Elementary Education, own Bright Ring Publishing since 1985, published over ten books on the subject of art for children, present workshops around the USA and Europe on this topic.


Parenting Magazine, Early Childhood News, Scholastic "Let's Find Out"


2014 About.com. All rights reserved.

You are here:

Early Childhood Education/help with art in the early years

Expert: - 9/1/2004

Hello Maryann,
            What a lovely name.  I am a Nursery Nurse in a Early Years Unit set within a primary school and for some time i have found it very difficult to develop some kind of programme of learning for my nursery age children (age 3-4)in the development of art.  Would appreciate some help as i am going out of my mind.

               Thanks for your time

                        Jennie T

Hello, Jennie.

Sorry I missed your note...I just found out it has been waiting for me!

Your question is SO big...I don't know where to start, except to say, think of this philosophy to base your art program upon: It's the Process, not the PRoduct. That is, it's the exploration and experimentation and discovery...not just how something looks when it's done.

I would suggest a book called "Early Childhood Art" by Herberholz.
Early Childhood Art

Barbara Herberholz
Lee C Hanson
Release Date:
01 September, 1994
McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages

It's one of the best...

But if you want quick ideas that are fun, exploratory and PROCESS, you might look at "Preschool Art" by Kohl (me). You can see sample free art ideas from this book at http://www. -- click on "free activities" and then look at "Preschool Art'. They have quite a few ideas listed for you for free.

I also wrote a book called "First ARt", which is for slightly younger kids, but would work well for your programme. The main thing is to have exploratory activities set up at a table or center, and the children work at their own pace and style...there is no expected outcome.

Try putting the words "PRocess Not PRoduct" into "google" or :"yahoo" for a search and see what you get.

I am happy to help you further after you look into the concept a bet... please write to me any time.
MaryAnn Kohl

(I have many free art ideas for young children on my website in the "fun activities" section.) 

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