

 戴维图书馆 2014-08-27

Instance Naming Rules for Pin Names in the Block Editor


The following are the two naming schemes for designs created in a Block Design File (.bdf). Designs created in the Quartus II software version 7.1 or earlier use the MAX+PLUS II naming scheme, and designs created using the Quartus II software version 7.2 or later use an updated naming scheme.


click to expandInstance Naming Rules:

Quartus II software version 7.1 and earlier naming scheme:

  • When a bus is split, it is converted into a group of pins, and each pin has a unique name. The name of each pin is the base name of the bus, with the index of the pin appended after the base name.

If a bus a[0..3] is split, 4 pins are created: a0, a1, a2, and a3


Note: Use a0 to refer to the first bit of the bus.


Quartus II software version 7.2 and later naming scheme:

  • When a bus is split, it is converted into a group of pins, and each pin has a unique name. The name of each pin is the base name of the bus, followed by a pair of square brackets, with the index of the pin between the brackets.

If a bus a[0..3] is split, 4 pins are created: a[0], a[1], a[2], and a[3]


Note: Use a[0] to refer to the first bit of the bus.

click to expandSwitching between naming schemes:

The naming scheme for each instance is determined by the value of the BLOCK_DESIGN_NAMING assignment. Values are AUTO, MAXPLUSII, and QUARTUSII. If omitted, the default value is AUTO. In most instances, the Quartus II software uses the naming scheme that corresponds to the source file naming scheme. For designs created using the Quartus II software version 7.1 or earlier, the Quartus II software uses the value MAXPLUSII, and for designs created using the Quartus II software version 7.2 or later, the Quartus II software uses the value QUARTUSII.


Note: For a design that contains source files created using the Quartus II software version 7.1 or earlier in addition to files created using the Quartus II software version 7.2 or later, a naming conflict or missing name error occurs. In this case, a warning message is issued and you must specify which naming scheme each instance must use.

click to expandSetting global and instance-based assignments:

Naming scheme assignments are not only design-wide assignments. They can also be made to a particular instance or entity.

  • To assign a naming scheme to a particular instance or entity, type the following command at the command-line:

set_instance_assignment -name BLOCK_DESIGN_NAMING -to <inst> value

  • To set global assignments in the Quartus II Settings File (.qsf), use the following Tcl command:

set_global_assignment -name BLOCK_DESIGN_NAMING QUARTUSII

  • To set instance-based assignments in the Assignment Editor, use the Block Design Naming logic option. This option can also be set by clicking More Settings on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page in the Settings dialog box.

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