跑步金句(171~200) (转自新浪博客好友angela的文章:http://blog.sina.com.cn/loveinsports,包括博主对于跑步金句自己的感谢和感悟,非常棒,希望大家能从中得到关于跑步的某些启示,再次再次感谢angela的辛苦付出和整理,获益匪浅!!) Running is a form of relaxation. That's one of the curiosities of life - that such a high-energy activity could be so relaxing. 说这话的是美国哥伦比亚大学的校长,很多人觉得跑步是一件累人的事情,但真正跑起来你才知道,跑步不但不累,还能让你很享受,很放松,试试就知道了! I've got more confidence. My figure is better. I'm more athletic and fit... I'm proud of myself. Running has completely changed my life. 恭喜众多第一次完成马拉松的女性选手,为你们感动,为你们的付出感到无比骄傲! Something that really helped me to get rid of the anxiety, take a breath, and feel calm was running. 这是一个演员说出的话,其实每份工作都有压力,是人就会有焦虑,跑步是最值得信赖,最安全的排解压力、缓和焦虑的方式。因为总比抽烟、吸毒和酗酒的方式要来的健康些! I've always enjoyed the freedom and positive energy I get when I run. I'd like to stay healthy enough so that I'll be one of those old ladies who is still out there running. Jennifer Dall, high school resource specialist 近日来多种因素引起的疲劳导致我这个女铁人很是憔悴,看了这句话让我徒生能量,坚持跑步的习惯不能放弃,不但在年老的时候能跑在路上,也能开开心心,面带笑容的跑在路上。记得在美国的时候,在老人院做义工,有两个90多岁的婆婆,穿的特别干净,头发也经过仔细的打理,抹着口红,衣服和丝巾都是用心搭配过的,那种渴望年轻的心态和优雅的姿态至今还深深的刻在自己的脑海里。 两个婆婆的经历让我意识到女人的美丽虽然是由心而生,但是也不能太忽略外表了(自己在这一点上就比较偷懒)。我在的一个好朋友今年50岁了,儿子都大学毕业也已经结婚了,因为信主,自己保养的又好,看上去特别年轻,最近她24岁的网球教练不相信她有50岁了,开始对她展开猛烈的追求,看来保养、信仰和规律的生活能让女人年轻美丽,美丽的女人才有人爱,难道不是吗? I search for hills to run, no matter where I'm traveling. Maybe it's just the way I'm wired: I like confrontation, and hills are nothing, if not confrontation. Just the hill and me. Just the challenge and me. Just my fears and me. Bring it on. I'm just very lucky and blessed and do what I love. I'm also a positive person, which helps. Nothing gets me down. I have to live up to my name. 说这话的人是一位长者,84岁完成全程马拉松,跑步是他的所爱。最近看到很多跑友频繁参赛,很担心他们身体是否吃得消,跑步是件好事情,但是掺杂太多的未知因素在里面,又不顾自己身体的承受能力,就得不偿失了。能跑到84岁,该是多幸福的一件事! To run outside surrounded by a beautiful natural setting where the air is crisp and cool, the sun is shining, and all I can do is admire my surroundings and listen to my body in motion. 周日下午去奥森跑步,同行的朋友跑步后就得赶飞机出差,能在户外和朋友一起跑步,欣赏美景就成了他工作之余最大的享受。也许你会觉得这种人很疯狂,但是我很欣赏这类疯狂的人,因为热爱跑步,会把跑步放在忙碌的生活中并享受其中。 很多事情不难,只要用心,你都会有时间去做,去完成,收获只有你一个人才能体会到的小幸福! On every run, I discover the strength that I did not know I had. Some days it is my salvation! 奔跑在每个人意义不同,有些人用奔跑治愈离婚的伤痛,有些人因为奔跑找到了自己的另一半喜结良缘,有些人因为奔跑而更加强大。。。总之奔跑会让你发现另一个你不曾相识的自己,值得一试! My long-term goal is to be around to run long-term. I don't know if running changed my life or if I changed my life for running, but who cares really? My feet keep moving, my arms keep pumping, and my mantra keeps rolling, 'Be patient. You got this.' 跑起来的时候,耐心和对自己的鼓励很重要。很多人很难坚持下来,可能就是因为没有足够的耐心看到长期坚持跑步的效果——那种让你把跑步放在每天生活中最重要的一部分的源动力。源动力可能是你要减肥,你要精力旺盛,你要自我成就感。。。。 I love the feeling you get after a workout. You know that you've done something great for yourself, with a little effort. There's no cost, but the payoff—feeling good about the way I look—is huge. Colby 做管理咨询的田同生老师曾经说过,跑步让他对自己的身材非常自信,他随时都可以和年青人比身材。田老师52岁才开始登山,55岁开始跑步,1年内去世界各地跑了12个全程马拉松。 的确跑步是一件没有太多成本的事情,只要你肯付出时间,1双鞋就能让你拥有无比开心的状态,因为周围的人对你身材和坚持的赞美声会让你更快乐、更开心、更积极向上的生活。 I actually think being a more balanced person makes a healthier, happier, and thus faster person. The question I try and ask myself when I consider whether or not to train more is what is my body craving and what is my body ready to absorb? Sometimes pushing harder is not the answer. It takes self control, confidence, and intuition to know when to train and when to rest, but when in question error on the side of being over rested. It is great therapy. Running has led me through some of my most challenging life experiences — most recently, the loss of my mother. When everything else seemed like it was falling apart, my running was there to keep me sane and make me take care of myself. Sometimes I play the grateful game - notice the beautiful scenery and thank the universe that I am healthy enough to get up and run today without issue. Not everyone has that luxury. 一个好朋友的父母瘫痪多年,每次聊起自己的父母,她都会很感恩的说,感谢上帝,我还能走,还能跑,还能照顾行动不便的父母。所以,我们能跑,真的是很奢侈的一份拥有,应当珍惜! Like writing, running is so much about mind over matter. There are times when you have to override the discomfort and keep pushing. That capacity to endure and then prevail is just amazing. 这句话源自一个爱跑步的作家,也是纽约客的特约撰稿人。外边狂风大作,你是出去跑跑,还是坐在温暖的屋内听听自己喜欢的音乐,上上网,聊聊天呢?写作不容易,要有沉下心的安静;跑步也不容易,得内心足够强大才能穿好鞋子,享受和狂风亲密的感觉。 We ran seven miles one chilly, sunny morning this week and it felt so good to run, like having coffee with a friend you haven't seen in a while. I missed running while I rested and restored, but our time apart was good too. 在北方,冬天跑步的确不容易,尤其是风大的时候。但只要你跑起来,带给你身心的快乐,如同一杯冬日下温暖咖啡的味道,回味无穷,意犹未尽,不信你可以试试。 When I go to the Boston Marathon now, I have wet shoulders—women fall into my arms crying. They're weeping for joy because running has changed their lives. They feel they can do anything. Switzer是第一个跑波士顿马拉松的女性选手,也一直致力于推广女性跑步,在跑步圈里影响不小。目前国内女性能跑半程和全程马拉松的人不多,想尝试的人应该比例也很小,局势的改变需要社会各界力量的努力,宣传推广和有影响力女性的身体力行很重要。10年后,我们中国的各项跑步赛事中会出现很多女性跑者吗? Running is tough. It's tough physically. It's tough mentally. But once you've broken through the "perceived pain" barrier, you'll find yourself in a new state of mind, body and soul. Your overall well-being will improve tremendously. You just have to experience it. The 10K race is a metaphor for living a good life. No matter what you do in life, don't just be a spectator, be a player. Anyone can watch from the sidelines, but few participate in the race. Choose to become the hero that you want to be. 最近看的一本书《麻雀变凤凰》中提到:每个男性内心都渴望打仗让自己成为英雄,每个男人一生都渴望冒险证明自己是有本事的人,每个男人还都渴望替女人贡献他们的力量;换句话说,冒险和渴望成为英雄是为了心爱的女人。突发奇想,跑步就是这样一项运动,一项因为有女性的鼓励而使男人成为英雄的运动,它提供战场让渴望打仗和冒险的男人有施展的舞台,为他们心爱的女人而战。生命是美好的,有了跑步的生命会更美,更美!有道理吗? I love to go running. It's a way for me to stay centered, to lose the stress of the world around me, and to just be present. I recommend it to everyone, especially if you're looking for a way to find peace and focus in your life. stay centered: 是不太好翻译的词语,英文的解释是Flow with whatever is happening and let your mind be free. 总之,跑步能带给人更平和的心态,因为有足够的力量来面对压力。 My thoughts before a big race are usually pretty simple. I tell myself: "Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you'll win. Channel your energy. Focus." 每次大赛前,我的思绪总是非常简单,我对自己说:“冲出起跑器,跑在赛道上,保持放松。如果你跑出自己,你就能赢。调动身体的能量,专注起来。” 卡尔·刘易斯是美国著名的短跑运动员,今年他的愿望就是在50岁的时候完成一场全程马拉松,挑战长距离。 专注于比赛,无论是短跑还是长跑,真的很重要;生活中,干任何事情,专注都重要。难道不是吗? There are no standards and no possible victories except the joy you are living while dancing your run. You are not running for some future reward-the real reward is now! 手舞足蹈,我特别喜欢这个词,跑到兴奋的时候,我们的心是快乐而充实的,手舞足蹈,用来形容兴奋的心情,真是不过分。 The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. 衡量一个男人的最终尺度,不是看他在舒适顺利时候的态度,而是看他在受到非难和争议时的态度。 Martin Luther King, Jr. 这是马丁·路德·金的一句名言,难怪无论国内外马拉松赛场上男性总是比女性多。。。 It's about you. It's personal. You're not racing against anyone else. You only get one first time, so just enjoy the experience. 做任何事情都有第一次,从刚刚参加比赛时想超过一个又一个选手到现在能做到淡定地面对被超和超别人也是一个过程。回想起第一次比赛时,因为是菜鸟级选手,作战能力很差,并未懂得如何享受其中,要是早看到这句话就好了。 Marathons are fun. You have all those people out there acting like you're a big deal, it's kind of awesome to soak that in for your one day. I just go out there and feel like, 'This is hard, but this is great.' I just feel so incredibly alive. And I feel healthy and inspired when I run a race, even if it's not my best day. 每次马拉松经历的疼痛会让你肉体感觉不到日子的美好,但是,那一天完赛后,你会很兴奋,你会不断告诉自己参赛是件很幸福的事情,至少周围很多跑友都有这样的感受!你有吗? If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sarifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done. 文斯·隆巴底是美国历史上最著名的橄榄球教练,美国橄榄球大联盟的奖杯就是以他的名字而命名的。他还有一句名言:"Winning isn't everything,一般翻译成“成功不是一切“。但是我更愿意理解为“胜利不是一切!”, 理由很简单带领一支球队,你如果把比赛当成全部就本末倒置了,跑步难道不是吗? 离200句还有两句了,201句还远吗?哈哈哈! If we write our dreams and goals down, we dramatically increase our odds of realization. If we share them with others, they become potent and alive. 兔年的最后一天,龙年的钟声很快即将敲响,你有新的一年的梦想和目标吗?你愿意和别人分享一下吗?想成功就得说出来,不然会因为自己的懒散和没有目标,岁月就蹉跎过去了。。。 小声问一句,你的目标中会有一项是和跑步有关吗? Life is amazing now. I'm in the best shape of my life. My wife runs with me. My boys see us run and they want to join us. We have so much energy as a family.
能带动家庭的其他成员一起参与跑步运动是非常幸福的一件事情,也是需要智慧的过程,总之不容易;希望众多的跑友能够得到家人的支持,跑得轻松惬意! 祝福大家龙年开心!家庭有欢笑! |