

 w1ids 2014-10-09

Question Words

There are only six question words.

A critical skill in maintaining conversations is answering questions and asking related questions. It’s important to stay on topic during conversations, and ask relevant questions. If you are doing all of this it’s just a matter of time before you are a high level English speaker.

What : a thing, an object

What is that?

What do you like to eat?

What are you doing?

Who: a person

Who is your boyfriend?

Who is the boss here?

Who do I see if I want to buy this?

Where: a place

Where do you live?

Where is the key?

Where can Ifind a bathroom?

When : a time

When are you free?

When can I see you again?

When do you finish work?

Why: a reason, an explanation

Why is it so expensive?

Why didn’t I pass the class?

Why do I love you so much?

How: which way or manner to dosomething

How can I open this window?

How did you pass the driving test?

How do I answer this question?

You can write your own questions for all these words. What ever you do you should know that to improve at English you will need to talk. Find friends at the same level as you and learn together, and together you will be better English speakers.

Do you ask questions in English everyday?




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