

 浮云感悟港湾 2014-10-16


Series of Messages: Structure of the Universe. Birth of the new Consciousness


Парт 1. Тхэ Греат ин тхэ сталь, тхэ сталь ин тхэ греат.

Part 1. The Great in the small, the small in the great.






This material was translated from Russian language. 该视频从俄语翻译。
Team of translators: lybovee, Richard, Veter
It can be freely distributed under condition of preserving the text's integrity.








你们中许多人的大部分活动,我们将展示的参加者,其中许多人会触动你很深刻的,将唤醒你的宇宙的DNA很旧记录。年轻的灵魂谁加入了独特的经验,在我们的银河系和地球上的后来也知道了历史,血统,才经过非常严格的选拔在圣灵的学校去了。他们已经研究了所有的历史细节和人无限自豪的是能够接触这个惊人(迷人的)和特殊的地方在宇宙中的独特方式向共同的目标贡献 - 完美的爱。
The time has come and we begin a new Series of messages: THE STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSE. BIRTH OF THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS. ( in 5 parts)

This is not a popular science film and that is why we will not provide any explanations for the mind, except for giving the Keys for deeper immersion before publishing the next part. The Truth is always inside your Hearts, it has many facets and dimensions. It does not fit any, even the most brilliant, earthly concepts. We unveil to you that what you know in your Heart and always knew! The Truth has always been and continues to be in your Heart, dear ones; it is secured and protected by the Divine Flame.

The aim of these Series of messages is to arouse ancient memory of your souls; to open after all the veils that we had set ourselves during our descent, the astonishing shining bottomless depth of the Heart Consciousness filled with infinite Tenderness and Love in all including every form and every thought we have. We are returning into the Heart Consciousness through the Christ Consciousness, dear ones; the veils have fallen, as all the tasks have been fulfilled and we are at the final stage of realisation.

To some extent, every human living now on Earth must enter this state of Consciousness, the Consciousness of Love and Oneness, and this will determine the further Path of his or her soul, for the Great Cycle is coming to its end. Our beautiful Earth with great and unconditional Love has already taken into herself all that is necessary to provide the breakaway from illusions of the mind and false concepts about life on Earth. The degree of entering into the Christ Consciousness is determined only by you alone, as you have been granted with the Freedom of Choice by the Father/Mother: with your candid Wish, purity of Intentions and Faith!

Many of you were participants of most of the events, which we will be showing, and many of them will touch you very deeply, will awaken very old records in your cosmic DNA. Young souls who joined the unique experience in our galaxy and on Earth later also know the History, as before the descent they had gone through a very strict selection in the Schools of Spirit. They have studied all the History in details and were infinitely proud to be able to touch this astonishing (captivating) and special place in the Universe contributing in their unique way to the common purpose -- PERFECTION OF MANIFESTED LOVE.


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