
Software Chapter Tips Node--Location 1

 LOFT生活 2014-10-21
【General Terms】
     When shooting, the general atmosphere of the lens before shooting, as well as light, sky, clouds, etc., there are strict requirements difficult to borrow shooting lens and vision, panoramic shots.
     Location shooting often have to act decisively and in a timely manner to meet the needs of a variety of shooting pictures.
【Modeling terminology】
     Location shooting more difficult, the general shooting three costumes per day (three times more than it is to catch up, shoot out on the impact of the effect).
【Patterning techniques type term a formula】
[Characteristics and style]
1 Simply put, any formula mapping method portrait photos taken, can be called a formula composition type photos.
     That picture on the photo to portrait-oriented, and in composition to a close-up portrait, half-length, seven themed avatar or body taken out of the picture, can be called a formula composition type photos.
     This is a wedding photo photography and art minor but welcomed by the market picture type.
2 in the photo, the background and the scene outside the theme handle can be used directly to gloss over the short depth of field can be.
     In portrait photography, these photos is the easiest to learn formulas portrait photography.
     Just use a long focal length lens (120 cameras around 250mm lens, or about 135 135mm camera lens), you can easily shoot this type of photo.
     Directly apply the formula patterning method when taking pictures, not too much attention to other photography techniques and lighting.
     The only note that should be added: the characters constantly changing shape, so as not to flow without changes in the composition of mediocrity.
3 Because of this effect by means of the shooting method is only a short depth of field long focal length lens functions and formulas mapping method, and therefore the value of photography is technically more usual, has always been unable to get a high evaluation of photography art. But generally only pay attention to the close-up portrait of the consumer, which is the most ideal, is the most popular type of photograph, so professional portrait photographer can not ignore it, you should be familiar with this type of photo shooting techniques to adaptation photographic needs.
[Reaction and Discussion]
This is very popular with everyone on the photography market favorite photo type, is wedding photography and art photos, photos with commercial representative.
     After all, every photographer travel photography company, would like to see that they have been made ??into a star-like close-up photographs, rather than the usual home life photo shoot. Therefore, in each photographic album, most consumers will choose this type of photo, market acceptance of Habitat all types of photos of the crown.
[Techniques Description]
1. With long focal length lens as the main shooting lens (about 120 cameras around 250mm lens, or about 135 135mm camera lens), whichever is shorter depth of field functions.
2. Portrait formula composition according to the principles of law, direct box to take close-up, half-length, seven places at once, or the composition of the body, which is about to be shot by a distance of about 5-8 steps, you can easily photograph.
3. When exposure is required depending on the characteristics of portrait photography, to open 1 to 2 f-stop compensation in order to make the face more beautiful texture. People's faces light, soft and beautiful, is the focus of the photo shoot this type.
4. In order to produce bright eyes, the best position in front of a portrait reflector or white boards to make the eyes reflected the sharp points of light.
5. When printing, plus print Soft Focus handled in accordance with the best post-processing techniques, after comprehensive soften skin, can achieve the effect of the whole picture pretty mellow.
6. People should be more transformation theme styling or props, otherwise the number of sheets for a long time to take pictures, the visual emphasis will be no change, composition, depth of field and shooting techniques similar shortcomings will be exposed.
【Techniques term 2 with King Art Type】
[Characteristics and style]
1 Simply put, all with a view to mapping method of art taken out of the picture, can be called with King Art type photos.
     Most of the pictures show both portrait and landscape content.
In other words, when taking pictures in portrait-oriented incomplete, but more focused on the performance of double portraits and scenes of both, and from the perspective of art to interpret pictures.
2 It does not necessarily composition, lighting and other formulas of techniques owes itself to the art of photography photographer literacy attainments conferred photo vitality. So, master portrait and landscape dual artistic expression, is the largest of this type of photo features and value.
     Due to the need for this type of photograph oversized actual scene, it is the only photo studio photography difficult type of performance only when location photography easy to complete.
Such photo shoot, if not a breakthrough in the composition, lighting and other photographic technology, it will be made ??into a general tourist photos or living pictures.
3 artistic success often only a fine line between whether or not, there are some who can appreciate photography capabilities to this key. However, if the patterning ability is very prominent, with lighting and other photographic techniques handled properly, it is able to reach the realm of high art of photography.
     So photographer shooting skill plays a decisive role in the shooting.
[Reaction and Discussion]
People have a certain appreciation of art are like beautiful mood these photos, but the average consumer is not easy to appreciate these photos.
Because most of these photo portrait proportion accounted for less than half of the screen, there is no general feeling of close-up photos of popular stars, most do not want to spend the money without their own photos on the big picture. Unless hit deep to understand photography grade who otherwise minimize this type of artistic photographs shot, so as to avoid from the average consumer's appreciation and serious frustration, thereby affecting the correct target pursuit of artistic expression.
[Techniques Description]
1. Good design theme portrait styling, choose the overall performance of a scene, do pre-designed themes and scenes operations.
2. Ability peacetime should be more aesthetic composition, and to develop the theme of the overall composition planned between portrait and the scene at the time of the shooting, can not fall into the cliche portrait composition formula, and made ??into a kind of close-up photos.
3. Parse and use the site lighting situations, using the method of operation of subtraction theme into the portrait to be taken, in the scene environment, outstanding performance lighting control, and not fall into the general commemorative photo of plain common problem.
4. Control depth of field length, manufacture and moving performance with a high level of depth of field, can not fall into the general life as a promiscuous mode.
5. Select the most appropriate time to press the camera shutter, grasp a sense of art students living portrait of the dynamic and scene of the shooting perfect portraits with a view works of art.
【Techniques term 3 with King Art Type】
[Characteristics and style]
Black and white photos of chromatic type, based on black and white film to shoot in a single punch, after developing the film came out, in addition to a general wash of pure black and white photographs, it'll also work with print chromatic color prints in color paper overlay that only a single tone colored photos.
     This process can be handled by the general color prints.
     And these photos single tone, but also in the same color when printing through color job, but changed to any other single color photograph, such as one red, one orange, one yellow, or any single single blue hue. This type is commonly known as the black and white photo chromatic type photos.
     Monochrome photographs give people a sense of kind of a more unique feel, is wedding photography and art photos indispensable photo type.
[Reaction and Discussion]
Learn photography people know, black and white photographs have their pretty look good, but also into any other single color screen. So this type of photo is also very popular.
     Just on wedding photography perspective, if the number of shots too, will lack a sense of festivity, so there should be an appropriate proportion of the number of sheets to give customers choice.
     Not too much, not completely.
[Techniques Description]
1. This type of photo shoot, the most important is the choice of the film, as long as black and white negatives, you can print out these photos of the tune.
2. During the shooting, we should pay attention to the color of the background and props to gray line better, because too black and too white background, props or costume will print out pictures generated all black or all white reaction, which is shooting black and white photographs should be common sense. Only when the appropriate gray line, via a single tone color prints out the overlay, will have rich level performance.
3. When shooting black and white photographs, proper control of exposure, you can get a beautiful tone. Not be used as a general portrait of color negative film shooting method, often with two or more speeds exposure compensation. Only the correct exposure, in order to avoid the loss of saturated tone.
4. Currently there is another film production, color prints directly, without having to manually via black and white syrup developing process, the effect is the same shot, it is more convenient negatives.
5. After the shooting, rinse out the film, you can wash out the pure black and white prints of black and white photographs by washing phase program. Or by printing chromatic color printing process, the wash-out single color photos.
【Techniques term 4 Cross Process type】
[Characteristics and style analysis]
Cross Process type of photograph, is to positives to take pictures, and in developing the film, not the regular E-6 developing syrup to punching, replaced by general negative C-41 used in medicine to developing punching, thus making the original normal the positives, negatives into a negative form, not the normal use of such color film base color, and becomes extremely bright color performance.
     The most important feature is its very bright colors will produce on the screen, and the black and white contrast is great, the exposure latitude is also very narrow. All professional wedding photography and art photo shooting techniques, the most difficult to control exposure shooting type.
[Reaction and Discussion]
Such photos taken on the exposure control is difficult, but if you shoot successful, the screen will look unique and eye-catching.
     So whether it is a reaction, or evaluation of professional photographers who are generally quite high.
     But at the moment this type can make a good photo of the photographer is not much, after all, it is not generally used by professional portrait photography 160 degrees negatives, there is great exposure latitude, contrast is very low, it is easy to shoot soft tone portraits. And generally the photographer in order to avoid exposure and light than the complex and prevent failure, the composition also stays in close-up portrait type photo composition formula easier to shoot.
     So, nowadays have this type of photo composition class to close mostly difficult to transcend the composition of high-level work.
In fact, these photos in the shooting, if switch to portrait art type composition with a view to shoot, to grasp the scene, color and light saturation lighting and color schemes than other technologies, it works, can transcend portrait composition formula level type photos, reached the pinnacle of the art of portrait photography realm.
[Techniques Description]
1. Key techniques of shooting two, one for the appropriate choice of film (actually positive).
In light when ample lighting environments, or hope to achieve strong contrast and texture portrait perfect results, use in low sensitivity of positives to shoot, for example, 64 degrees and 100 degrees positive, can get quite saturated with bright colors tones.
     Such sensitivity is positive very narrow exposure latitude, light a little careless ratio control, the exposure will fail, showing dark brown underexposed or overexposed dead white.
To avoid exposure to fail, or hope to get pictures of soft tone contrasts, you can use the positive 200 degrees or 400 degrees to shoot, the current slide to 200 degrees to shoot up due to its wide exposure latitude, is a better contrast than the soft shot and film types.
     It should also be noted that some of these positive after punching exception handling, and will favor a very yellow tone, or bias magenta, bright green and other colors, of course, this is also about taking pictures with the color temperature.
     All in all, the photographer should be adjusted according to their own preferences, in order to obtain the desired color.
2. The other is to control light ratio. When this type of photo shoot, who must calculate the ratio of the screen throughout the entire optical perfection, that bright part and dark contrast of preferably not more than third gear, otherwise it will form a very dark or very high contrast white phenomenon, so that the screen lost midtone colors.
     Especially when shooting a white dress in wedding photography, if the control light properly, it will only die white, but there is no middle tone level.
     Best overall negative exposure to open a file in order to get the most saturated colors in printing photos. Most taboo is underexposed, it will be difficult to see the formation of a dark picture brown tones.
3. When post-processing, to minimize the use of print soft focus, or vulnerable to the formation of black hair in the face portrait black penetrate into the white part of the site, and to become a very strange phenomenon.
     This is usually when the soft-focus prints after processing natural phenomenon, but in the positive negative impulse type picture, this phenomenon is more prominently revealed.
【Techniques coarse texture type terminology 5】
[Characteristics and style]
Coarse texture of the type of picture that the particle image on the screen to give the picture a rough feeling, like when magnified over the net printing process to produce special effects, unlike other pursuits saturation, detailed texture of photo type.
     Because this type of photo imaging coarse particles, the density is not enough, so much the extent of the black and white contrast, photos of the dark black does not seem too strong, the Department will not look too bright pale color and tone of the entire screen dull and soft, is more elegant and rich artistic photo type.
[Reaction and Discussion]
Generally more unique and elegant character who can appreciate this type of photo style, elegance who studied photography, but also more fond of this type of picture.
But some lack ideas for photography and art, often can not accept a rough texture on the screen, would think it was caused by an amateur or non-professional film shoot, or even that the photographer has cut corners too.
     So when shooting this type of photo, best understand the customer's artistic accomplishment, in order to avoid self-defeating, to no avail.
[Techniques Description]
1. Ultra-high-sensitivity film shooting method
     This is the easiest way to obtain the image coarse particles. Such pictures are interested, you can choose when shooting high sensitivity film, film, such as 800 degrees or 1600 degrees, using 135mm camera to shoot, the effect will be more obvious when magnified.
     Flushing photo, because of its negative photographic emulsion itself is coarse particles high sensitivity, it is natural to get even rougher than the general negative image.
     And small negatives to enlarge larger picture, its phenomenon is even more evident coarse particles (135 film benefits ............).
2. Developing negatives sensitization method
     Namely the use of a sensitizer may be used to shoot the film is about 400 degrees, and the second gear is about intentionally underexposed, the underexposed film developing process by a part of the increase in the development time to compensate.
     Longer time due to the film in the developer, will form a photosensitive particle coarsening phenomenon, which is the commonly used method of developing sensitization.
     Using this method, the need to remember the exact number of files exposure when taking insufficient to compensate for your printing company in accordance with the formula back.
     Due to the current launch of the new film Jieyou fairly detailed image quality, it appears that such sensitization developing methods ineffective; but in the past - this is the most commonly used techniques of photography.
3. High magnification France
     Coarse particles will feature images that use film when high magnification, to achieve the effect of coarse-grained texture.
     General negatives enlarge or zoom magnification of up to more than twice the time, leaving the image to enlarge it certainly due to coarse particles and, when high magnification, the naked eye can clearly see it.
4 can also use poor shot, outline screen printing and other techniques to obtain the same coarse-textured photo
     Regardless of the method, when the exposure is best to shoot a little less than one file, so print out the photos will be richer coarse sense.
【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by The Network】

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