7 Ways to Open a New Page in Your Life Nowadays you’re living in the world of constant movement. It seems there’re millions of things and possibilities that can make you happier, but sometimes it’s very difficult to screw your courage up and open a new page in your life. You may feel paralyzed, because you simply don’t know what you want to be. Unfortunately, various fears and diffidence usually make you lose the best opportunities and chances. Consequently, you become despondent and limited, because it’s hard to keep hope alive when your world is falling apart. 现在你生活在不断变化的世界中,这里似乎有无数个使你更加快乐的可能,但是有时候你就是难以鼓起勇气,翻开生活的新篇章。你可能感觉麻痹,因为你偏偏不知道自己想要的是什么。不幸的是,各式各样的恐惧、羞怯让你错失最好的机遇。到头来,你意志消沉,四处碰壁。在你的世界破碎的时候,很难保持希望。 Remember that this world belongs to you and you’re free to enjoy life and express yourself the way you like. The main point is to turn your energies to think more positively and get ready to start a new life. New life can bring you more inspiration to move on and develop in every possible way. I’m sure that people around you will appreciate your efforts and eagerness to change something in your life for better. I hope this article will broaden your outlook and inspire you to make considerable changes. 记住,世界属于你,你可以随心所欲地享受生活,以自己喜欢的方式来表达自己。重要的一点是你把精力投入到积极思考和为开始新生活做准备上去。新生活可以让你更有动力前进,以各种可能的方式发展。我相信你周围的人们会欣赏你对更好的生活的渴望以及为之所做出的努力。我希望这篇文章可以扩展你的视野,激励你做出一些重大改变。 1. Analyze your present life 分析现在的生活 Don’t waste your time dreaming that your life will change for better by itself. If you’re not satisfied with your life and want to move to a new stage, then it’s high time to make the first step in the process of your life improvement. To my mind, deep analysis of your present life is one of the most important things you should start from. It will help you understand the source of the issue and weigh all pros and cons. 不要浪费时间做白日梦,以为生活会自己变得更好。如果你对现在的生活不满意,想要走到人生的新阶段,那么是时候走出提升生活的第一步了。在我看来,你应该从深入分析现在的生活开始,这是最重要的事情之一。它能够帮助你找到问题的根源,权衡所有的利弊。 I don’t know about you, but when I face some problem or an inner conflict, I try to identify the issue and figure out a strategy on how to handle the situation. It usually takes me much time and efforts, but the success of your future actions depends on this first step. 我不知道你是怎么样做的,但是当我面对某个难题或者是内心矛盾的时候,我会试着找到矛盾,想出一个处理这种情况的策略。这通常花费我不少时间和精力,但是你未来行动的成功依赖于这第一步。 2. Listen to your heart 倾听内心的声音 When it comes to your life, you’d better try to find courage to follow your intuition. If you live in tune with your heart, you’ll be able to elicit your potential and do things you adore. Your mind’s function is to keep you safe and fill your life with logical decisions. I’m sure that every person has a great number of passions and desires hidden deeply in their heart. Don’t let your individual nature get lost in fears and prohibitions. Moreover, try to take important life decisions on your own, because the noise of other peoples’ opinions can totally confuse you. Only your heart knows the truth about your passions. It’s extremely difficult to ignore the common sense and listen to your heart. Take up a challenge and you’ll have a chance to do things you love. 在生活中,你最好鼓起勇气追随你的直觉。如果跟随你的心声而生活,你能够更好地发挥潜能,做你真正想做的事。你的理智会给你安全感,让你在生活中做出符合逻辑的决定。我相信每个人都有许多深藏内心的热情和向往。不要让你的本性迷失在恐惧和禁令之中。还有,试着自己做人生的重大决定,因为别人的观点会像噪音一样让你完全迷失自我。只有你自己的心知道你真正的激情所在。忽视常规,听从内心,这一点极其困难。迎接挑战吧,你将有机会从事你真正热爱的事。 3. Don’t fear to start from nothing 不要畏惧从零开始 If you’ve already decided what you want to be and what you would like to change, then you should be ready to make a startup out of nothing. First of all, you need to overcome the fear of uncertainty, then try to focus on your personal achievements and skills, because they’re an inevitable part of your future success. Realize that everyone in this world starts from a place of nothing. A new start in life provides you with a possibility to fill your world with the colors you like. 如果你早已下定决心自己想干什么以及想做出什么样的改变,那么你应该做好心理准备从零开始。首先,你必须克服对于未知的恐惧,然后试着将精力集中到个人的成就和技能上来,因为这是你未来成功不可避免的一部分。要知道世界上的每个人都是从一无所有开始的。新生活的开始让你有可能为你的世界抹上你钟意的色彩。 Unfortunately, many people don’t believe in themselves and find themselves unable to build something out of nothing. Consequently, they’re not ready to meet the challenges of life. I believe that you’re strong enough to start something new and succeed in it, because every person is a winner. 可惜很多人不相信自己,觉得自己不能白手起家。他们没有做好迎接生活挑战的准备。我相信你足够坚强,可以开始新的旅程,并且取得成功,因为每个人都是赢家。 4. Challenge yourself 挑战自己 I hope you’ve already understood what’s wrong in your life and you know what you want to do. If you’re not afraid to start from nothing, then it’s high time to move to the next step. After a considerable reflection on your life, you should start challenging yourself. Don’t fear to leave your comfort zone and move in different directions, otherwise you’ll never see any positive change. 我希望你已经了解生活中的问题,知道你想做的是什么。如果你不怕从零开始,那是时候进入下一步了。在对你的生活有了充分的思考之后,你应该开始挑战自我。不要惧怕离开你的舒适区,也不要惧怕尝试新的事物,否则你永远看不到任何积极的改变。 I think that learning a new language is the best way to open a new page in your life. This skill will provide you with more interesting opportunities and the ability to communicate with people from foreign countries. Furthermore, it will help you broaden your horizons and become an all-rounded person. 我认为学习一种新语言是翻开生活新篇章的最好的方法。语言技能能让你有更多有趣的机会,也让你有能力去和来自不同国家的人交流。它还有助于你扩展视野,成为一个全面的人。 5. Focus on your future 关注未来 Wise people usually say that if you want to be happy and enjoy your life, then you should forget about the past and focus more on your future. I do agree with this statement since it’s pointless to sacrifice your personal time thinking about things that hurt you. It’s been proved that obsessive thoughts about past failures exert big negative influence on human emotional state. 明智的人通常说如果你想要快乐,想要享受生活,你该忘记过去,着眼将来。我非常同意这个说法,因为牺牲你的私人时间去纠结于伤害过你的事情是毫无意义的。有关研究证明沉溺于过去的失败会对人的情绪产生巨大的消极作用。 You should do your best to create an action plan that will help you enter a new stage of your life. Every time you have a free minute, try to visualize your success. 你应该尽力定下一个行动计划,这能帮助你进入生活的新阶段。每当你有短暂空闲的时候,试着设想一下你的成功。 6. Fill your life with something new 尝试新事物 It often happens that bad habits and behaviors from the past don’t let you change your lifestyle. In that case, try to change your mindset and replace these habits by something new. Fill your casual life with activities you feel passionate about. One day, they can become a significant part of your life. 很多时候以前的坏习惯和不良行为让你不能改变你的生活方式。这样的话,试着改变你的思维定式,用新习惯来替换。让你的生活充满你热衷的活动。有一天这些活动会成为你生命中重要的一部分。 The more you try the faster you’ll find your vocation and things that really attract you. If parachute jumping is not your pair of shoes, then try to do needlework. A bit later, you can turn your hobbies into a business. 你尝试的越多,越能较快地找到吸引你的职业和兴趣。如果跳伞不是你的爱好,那试试做针线。假以时日,你能将你的兴趣发展为你的职业。 7. Get used to your new lifestyle 习惯新的生活方式 The process of changing your life isn’t as simple as you may think. It requires your innovations to turn into habits. The research tells that if you do new things for three weeks, you’ll easily get used to them. 改变你的生活不是你想的那么简单。这需要你把新事物变成你的习惯。有研究表明如果你坚持三个星期,你就能轻松地习惯这些新事物。 If you decide to master meditation, you should spend about 20 minutes meditating on a regular basis. This repeated action will prove your conscious mind that you’re going to change and develop yourself. I think it won’t be difficult, because good things are easy to get used to. 如果你想成为冥想大师,你要定期花上二十分钟来冥想。这一重复的动作能让你的意识知道你将要改变自己。我认为这不会是个难事,因为要培养好习惯其实是不难的。 Everything is real in this world. If you’re sick and tired of your casual life, you should find something new that will help you achieve your goals. The main thing is to know what you want out of life. Plus you should get rid of the fear to start from nothing and move towards success, because you have all chances to become a happy person. Have you ever tried to change something in your life? Feel free to share your experiences with us. 这个世界一切都是真实的。如果你对你的生活感到厌倦疲惫,你应该找到新事物来帮助你达成目标。重要的是你要知道你想要什么样的生活。还有,你必须摆脱对从零开始和踏上成功之路的恐惧,因为你有大把的机会成为一个快乐的人。生活中你试过做出改变吗?请尽情与我们分享你的经历吧。 |
来自: 傫仂 > 《生活方式工作态度方法》