
Electric wheelchair repair and maintenance

 昵称20337545 2014-11-11

1, adhere to the mandate of electric wheelchairs superior form, extending the life of the electric wheelchair use, our suggestion is : should do the following.


2.Before the use of electric wheelchairs should reflect on whether the bolts loose, or on schedule to reflect on an electric wheelchair moving parts, changing institutional sensitivity and smooth coating agent for protection, reducing the battery to do useful work, progressive power application rate.


3.The new buy back the electric wheelchair should be enough to re-use electricity, enough to power after best not to use immediately, to be standing around a quarter of an hour then can use .


4, Ordinary electric wheelchair vehicles are equipped with under voltage protection function, when the battery power display a lack of, it should be carried out the battery charging for electric wheelchairs as soon as possible.



5.Our expert advice: electric wheelchair to be on schedule for deep discharge, the use of a month after a second deep discharge


6. An electric wheelchairs do not have a long time when the main switch. Off lost, or unplug the power cord, always switch. Open, although small power consumption, but also the power! Place a cool dry place, and charging schedule, the proposed half Added it once a month or so.


7. The temperature difference between climate changes have a definite impact on the capacity of the battery, so the division of the battery charging time is also due to the appropriate extension.


8.Electric wheelchair primary components: an electric wheelchair batteries, electric wheelchair motor, electric wheelchair restraint device


More electric wheelchair knowledge please pay attention to Guangzhou TOPMEDI co,ltd.



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